Cook justifies Apple's advertising on X as a 'town square' for the Internet



  • Reply 41 of 44
    XedXed Posts: 2,690member
    Having lived in many states — including CA and TX — there is no state that is simply left or right, or as the actual radicals like to paint everything, extreme left or extreme right to their displeasure and discomfort. Every place has a mix of beliefs, ideas, and voices, and while they all must be heard, we should not be giving more weight to the most most obnoxious of those voices simply because they are loudest and have the most money.

    Musk has made it very clear that he cares not for free speech, only for personal gain. it has been proven time and time again that he's made a career of telling bald face lies for her personal benefit which is why it's no surprise that the people here praising Musk are also the same people praising Trump and other such career flimflammers. "You can fool some of the people all of the time," as the saying goes. It's a sad reality but it is a reality, and I fear it will only get worse as people who have their assumed entitlements taken from them in favor of equality delve further into their own echo chamber of hate.

    Apple advertising on Twitter (I'll call it 'X' as soon as Musk can figure out how to switch the domain name) is normal and expected, just as Apple advertising in China or any other nation where there is some leader or rule of law in which  you disagree with (hint: every nation has many things you'll disagree with). Once Twitter's relevancy dropped to a certain level Apple will stop advertising. It's that simple.
    edited September 2023 mattinozmuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 42 of 44
    Xed said:
    Musk has made it very clear that he cares not for free speech, only for personal gain. it has been proven time and time again that he's made a career of telling bald face lies for her personal benefit which is why it's no surprise that the people here praising Musk are also the same people praising Trump and other such career flimflammers. "You can fool some of the people all of the time," as the saying goes. It's a sad reality but it is a reality, and I fear it will only get worse as people who have their entitlements taken from ohm in favor of quality delve further into their own echo chamber.
    It sounds as if Musk missed his true calling, he should have been a politician!
  • Reply 43 of 44
    Xed said:
    Musk has made it very clear that he cares not for free speech, only for personal gain. it has been proven time and time again that he's made a career of telling bald face lies for her personal benefit which is why it's no surprise that the people here praising Musk are also the same people praising Trump and other such career flimflammers. "You can fool some of the people all of the time," as the saying goes. It's a sad reality but it is a reality, and I fear it will only get worse as people who have their entitlements taken from ohm in favor of quality delve further into their own echo chamber.
    It sounds as if Musk missed his true calling, he should have been a politician!
    He does have a stated aim to be the dictator of Mars
  • Reply 44 of 44
    mattinoz said:
    Xed said:
    Musk has made it very clear that he cares not for free speech, only for personal gain. it has been proven time and time again that he's made a career of telling bald face lies for her personal benefit which is why it's no surprise that the people here praising Musk are also the same people praising Trump and other such career flimflammers. "You can fool some of the people all of the time," as the saying goes. It's a sad reality but it is a reality, and I fear it will only get worse as people who have their entitlements taken from ohm in favor of quality delve further into their own echo chamber.
    It sounds as if Musk missed his true calling, he should have been a politician!
    He does have a stated aim to be the dictator of Mars
    Citizenship by subscription, and if you make fun of the leader you get it stripped from you and shipped off to planet Zuck.
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