Apple releases Studio Display firmware 17 with camera feature updates

in Current Mac Hardware edited September 2023

Apple has issued a new firmware for the Studio Display, bringing the operating system for the premium screen to version 17 and introducing some new camera elements.

Apple Studio Display
Apple Studio Display

Released to coincide with a similar update bringing macOS Sonoma to the public, version 17 of the Apple Studio Display firmware can now be installed onto the monitor.

As a standalone 5K monitor with an A13 processor, the Studio Display can receive updates in a similar way to iOS, keeping features up to date and the display secure. Such updates can also potentially introduce new features, and further compatibility with Apple's newer product releases.

Release notes for the firmware update say that there is support for zoom, recenter, and manual framing of the camera built into the screen. "Minor stability improvements" are also included.

The new firmware can be installed using a Mac connected to the Studio Display. The update will appear under System Settings on the Mac, under General then Software Update.

The firmware requires the Mac that will install it to be running macOS Sonoma.

Read on AppleInsider



  • Reply 1 of 3
    The two Studio Displays auto updated at end of the Mac Studio update to Sonoma
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Mine didn't, there was another updated for the displays after my first log in.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Anyone wondering if this improves camera quality, it doesn’t. I took the cover off my Studio Display camera just long enough to test it after the firmware update ..and then put it right back on.  Thankfully Continuity Camera is excellent, but it’s sad to have such a poor quality camera in such a great display.  
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