Apple rolls out HomePod software version 17.1.1

in iOS

Apple has released HomePod software version 17.1.1 with a fix for Siri, which could respond slowly or fail to complete requests.

HomePods run a forked version of tvOS so they are normally updated in tandem. On Tuesday, Apple updated the HomePod software on its own.

According to Apple, HomePod Software version 17.1.1 addresses an issue where Siri could respond slowly or fail to complete requests.

Apple will push updates to HomePod automatically, though you can manually install them by opening the HomePod in the Home app on an iOS or iPadOS device.

In September, Apple updated HomePod to Software version 17.0. The update brought improvements to Siri, new features for phone calls, and new audio enhancements when used in conjunction with an Apple TV.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 6
    "addresses an issue where Siri could respond slowly or fail to complete requests."

    So a major update then???
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Read : with a fiix 
  • Reply 3 of 6
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,589member
    I wonder if it will fix the issue where I tell Siri to turn off all lights and it starts asking me which light I want turned off “is that bedroom, lounge, study, playroom, spare room, or everywhere?” and when you answer it just keeps repeating the same damn question ad nauseam until you ignore it long enough or pull the plug.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    lwiolwio Posts: 111member
    Siri on HomePods has been a lot worse than usual. I hope this helps. 
  • Reply 5 of 6
    And the problem with this is that it messes with HomeKit. Now, because all your HomePods will have a “later” version than your AppleTV’s they will be given a higher priority when selecting a home hub. If that’s not ideal for your situation, too bad…
  • Reply 6 of 6
    I wonder if it will fix the HomePod never answering questions anymore… 

    “Siri, what’s the time?”

    ”I found some web results…”

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