"Mr. Jobs means to take Apple back to the land of the handhelds...



  • Reply 81 of 91
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:


    gosh, then apple must be planning something big with <a href="http://www.mammals.org/"; target="_blank">THIS!</a>

    [insert maniacal laughter here...]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    that is why i asked if its registered to apple...because if so then its something, if not then blah
  • Reply 82 of 91
    Why has nobody mentioned that the P800 has a user interface engine called Quartz and Apple doesn't mind!

    I think iPhone is a rebadged P800.

    Which is annoying as MWNY convinced me to buy a T68i
  • Reply 83 of 91
    we're missing the obvious "think different" angle.

    Apple phones won't just have Caller ID,

    they'll add Caller EGO and Caller SuperEGO <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    [ 08-20-2002: Message edited by: curiousuburb ]</p>
  • Reply 84 of 91
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    i tihnk the interface is called "thin quartz" or someting like that.

    [ 08-20-2002: Message edited by: keyboardf12 ]</p>
  • Reply 85 of 91
    jabbajabba Posts: 82member
    This merger involving Cingular could boost GSM networks in the US:

    <a href="http://money.cnn.com/2002/08/20/news/deals/voicestream_cingular/index.htm"; target="_blank">http://money.cnn.com/2002/08/20/news/deals/voicestream_cingular/index.htm</a>;

    On the other hand, Cingular and Sonys' stamenents on Apple's page could just be in exchange for the keynotes' appearance and/or some other marketing deal...eg. Apple has done pages for Quake before to showcase games.

    But why would Apple bring an operator on stage this prominently ? That keynote just makes so much more sense with an iDevice coming out...

    I also wonder how Earthlink could be a part of the whole possible iPhone product (WiFi/Airport...).

    To me, it looks like Apple has been gone quiet on Earthlink lately, maybe to appease AOL and get iChat ??

    But Earthlink could again play a prominent role when an iPhone might come out.

    In general, I think we might underestimate Apple Expo Paris / Seybold and a potential introduction of a second iDevice...not a lot of rumors flying around (in general, not just related to the iDevice) and just 3 weeks away.

    I wonder if any of the more credible rumor or news sources (eWeek, ThinkSecret , MacMinute or CINet) is going to pick this iPhone story up and dig deeper.

    I just can't believe the NYTimes made this story up based on a SJ interview (and Steve's remarks at the last analyst meeting) as well as the quoted analyst Charlie Wolf.

    I may contradict myself here with earlier posts since I wrote putting a phone/smartphone/handheld on the market takes a lot of time. An iPhone obviously can't be just put on the market like the iPod.

    On the other hand, this potential second iDevice needs to be on the market by this autumn/late autumn, otherwise Apple will loose a whole holiday season....the introduction date of the iPod was great last year, I think they might aim to do it again this year.

    Interesting times....

    [ 08-20-2002: Message edited by: jabba ]</p>
  • Reply 86 of 91
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    Damn it, will someone find the Financial Analyst Q&A for Q2 '02, in QuickTime? Steve Jobs said they got out of the PDA business because it would mean getting into the cell phone business--something that "APPLE IS NOT PREPARED TO DO." I'd find the link, but Apple's search engine SUCKS.
  • Reply 87 of 91
    jabbajabba Posts: 82member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jon Rubinstein:

    <strong>Damn it, will someone find the Financial Analyst Q&A for Q2 '02, in QuickTime? Steve Jobs said they got out of the PDA business because it would mean getting into the cell phone business--something that "APPLE IS NOT PREPARED TO DO." .</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Jon, why do you quote stuff from that meeting if you don't have the original ?

    Here it is:

    <a href="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/analyst_meeting_q302/"; target="_blank">http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/analyst_meeting_q302/</a>;

    Go towards the end (Q&A session) and listen for yourself...SJ (once again) bashes *conventional* PDAs and say they will be subsumed by smartphones: 'The PDA will go away...'.

    Nowhere does he say Apple won't do phones.

    Well, I agree Apple won't do crappy B&W mass-market phones (like the low-end Nokias). No, Apple will bring out a completely new type of iDevice and create a paradigm shift.

    I bet with anyone the next iDevice won't be a camera, but a smart device with superb sync, new technology mixed in (GPS, Airport in addition to Bluetooth) and other goodies.
  • Reply 88 of 91
    jabbajabba Posts: 82member
    To express myself better:

    What I meant with 'new technology' is not the technology itself, but rather the use of existing technology in combination with UI and SW...what Apple calls the 'whole widget'.

    Example: Firewire and small HDs (well, maybe not that small) have been around for years, but Apple was the first to create an innovative music player with them with Autosync and thus leverage the technologies as well as their software ( iTunes)...

    Make the analogy to the iPod for such a device:

    iPod=iPhone (don't think of it as a phone, another name would probably be better, think of it as portable iDevice)

    iTunes=iSync, iChat Mobile * (+ OSX Address book, Sherlock, Sherlock mobile, Inkwell ?)

    Firewire=Bluetooth, GPS, Airport (+VoIP ?)

    iPod HD= iDevice HD (for application/picture storage)

    * Don't forget that AOL has done a deal with Docomo in Japan to license AOL IM to mobile phones so they have experience with that.

    I think Apple's iDevice will be a mutant of a P800 and a Danger Inc. device (colour, no B&W screen of course) in terms of functions and price....it's just so much more exciting than an Apple home server as next iDevice.

    1. SJ and Schiller said more iDevices are in the works when the iPod was launched.

    2. If that device is mobile, there is not a long list of things Apple can do:

    - Media player (iPod with video) - I say no

    - Camera - I say no (however, a camera in an iDevice makes perfect sense and can be bought on the shelves from Japanese phonemakers)

    - iPad - conventional PDA with Inkwell, I say no

    3. As with the iPod, Apple will need to get a new device out with huge market potential. A lot more people will need/get such phones than PDAs...phone penetration is incredibly high already (sorry, the US lags a little behind, but it will catch up someday) in Europe and Japan. While the market for conventional phones is saturated, these new phones are just taking off in Europe now (Sony Eric T68i being one of the first of this new breed of phones...) and people tend to upgrade every 12-15 months.
  • Reply 89 of 91
    jabbajabba Posts: 82member

    Wireless Week speculates on SJ/Apple working with WOZ...so it's not just me anymore

    <a href="http://www.wirelessweek.com/index.asp?layout=story&articleId=LN46M5-94G0-00S1-40YS-00000-00&verticalID=360&vertical=Applications"; target="_blank">Wireless week</a>

    Although the article doesn't go into details, WirelessWeek (like CINet) isn't just a rumor site in need of hits.

    I just hope Apple doesn't release a camera at Apple Expo and this iPhone is only the *third* iDevice to appear from Apple later on...

    PS: And Apple Stores are bound to be opened in Europe with first one in Paris according to MacNN. I think these outlets will be important to sell phones to customers...
  • Reply 90 of 91
    engpjpengpjp Posts: 124member

    The iApps and technologies you mention are from OSX. While they would make much sense on a phone/pda unit, I doubt that such a one would be capable of running OSX. OSX Lite is not feasible if you look at the technical aspects, and converting the iApps/technologies to another lightweight OS would take far more than a recompile.

    As for the rumors about Woz, Wheel of Zeus, and "Iceland" (as discussed in another thread on this venerable board), I have discussed it briefly on <a href="http://macbloqs.blogspot.com"; target="_blank">MacbloQs</a> and will not take up space here repeating it.

    The point about voice commands is valid - I use it regularly on several mobile phones - and it doesn't that THAT much extra development to make it useful for command input into a wider pda-like structure.


    [ 08-29-2002: Message edited by: engpjp ]

    [ 08-29-2002: Message edited by: engpjp ]

    [ 08-29-2002: Message edited by: engpjp ]</p>
  • Reply 91 of 91
    jabbajabba Posts: 82member
    Hello engpjp,

    [quote]Originally posted by engpjp:

    The iApps and technologies you mention are from OSX. While they would make much sense on a phone/pda unit, I doubt that such a one would be capable of running OSX.


    Yes, all the iApps would be on the desktop side like iSyncs. Sorry if my earlier posts weren't clear. I just ment these two apps to reside on the iPhone side:

    - Sherlock lite/mobile

    - iTunes lite.

    Sherlock could very well be a XHTML browser solution or a Java application. So can iTunes, some Sony cell phones already have MP3 players and memory sticks...

    As for WOZ (and the possible link to Danger and Apple) this was also discussed on this thread before the 'Iceland' thread was started. I do hope that thread is wrong in predicting the next iDevice is a camera and not a phone. Apple will crash and burn with a stand-alone camera in my view. We will see at Apple Expo Paris or an Apple event n October...time to jumpstart the Christmas sales with an iDevice.
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