Beeper Mini developers say fix is 'coming soon' for iMessage Android app
The development team behind Beeper Mini has promised a fix for its iMessage on Android app, with work underway to try and regain access to Apple's messaging network.

Beeper Mini
Within days of its introduction, the Beeper Mini Android app was seemingly blocked from accessing Apple's iMessage network. In the face of blocked access, the company behind it is now fighting to regain it.
In posts to X first reported by Engadget, Beeper is working on a fix that is "still in the works." The fix itself is apparently "very close, and just a matter of a bit more time and effort."
Beeper says that it has deregistered phone numbers of users from iMessage so they can still receive text messages, albeit as a dreaded green speech bubble to iOS users. However, as the iPhone messages app "remembers" the blue bubble status for between 6 hours and 24 hours before returning to SMS, Beeper warns "it's possible that some messages will not be delivered during this period."
Beeper adds that it will be extending the seven-day trial by one additional week due to the interruption. That reset won't be applied until Beeper releases the fix, the developers state.
On Saturday, an update to Beeper Cloud enabled a connection to iMessage once more, albeit not to all accounts, and not to Beeper mini itself.
If Beeper Mini is fixed to work once more, it may face a similar issue in the not-so-distant future. With Apple keen to keep iMessage to only its own ecosystem of devices, this may result in a security arms race between the trillion-dollar iPhone maker and developers wanting iMessage to work with Android.
Read on AppleInsider
Also Apple haters: Everyone should just use WhatsApp, brought you to by Meta.
"I just feel safer with a blue", "if it's green, I feel like I can't trust you", "I feel like an Android user is a nerd", "It's like you're cheap", "I message people with green but you're annoying"
It can be a sign of financial security. Android is the smartphone equivalent of using the bus. Classy women don't want bus people.
When it's not about money, it can be about geekiness. Android is the choice of the tech bro. 🤓 Dungeons and Dragons isn't for everyone.
The tech bro personality is usually unpleasant. You can tell from online comments which ones are from this type of people, usually rude, obnoxious.
It also represents trusted messaging. If you are going to be sending sensitive messages, you don't want to be sending to a green bubble, especially one trying to pretend they are a blue bubble.
It's an appropriate color choice too as it is the color of envy. Android people are jealous of what they are missing out on so they mimic it like putting gold paint on jewellery, the whole Android ecosystem is built on mimicking iPhone from hardware to software. They will form entire companies at great expense to just be one of the nice blue bubbles. But it's a fraud, they are still green bubbles underneath.
Kudos to Apple for keeping blues safe from the greens.