The front is working well with top + featured stories. The menu with "iPhone 14" is odd... why not copy the structure from Apple and make it iPhone? Do you even get clicks from that bar? And why nothing on iPhone 16? Perhaps some more static but updated articles that can be refreshed. Add a few product keywords to your articles "iPhone" or "iPhone 15"... but don't let keywords explode.
A bit more community building. A box with "your recent posts from last 2 days" and "most active threads" on all pages (including front page) allowing more follow-up = more page views per session from us users. Perhaps even add a flag to our profiles.
It is difficult to avoid politics as Apple is a global company running into legal troubles at all times. It doesn't help that the columnists have a very narrow and local perspective. It seems any government action is hated - but was USB-C that bad, and they really wanted Biden to allow for continued sales of Apple Watch? More government? The lack of global outlook is not doing you any good.
Agree with those asking for a more balanced view than "Apple is ahead on AI" and "even the worst from Cupertino will get 3 stars". Some of the columnists are... well, it isn't even fun anymore. MacWorld is doing a better job on that. Stay enthusiastic. Keep focus on hardware. Other sites can do long articles on FileMaker or Logic Pro. I were surprised to read 20 pages on Postscript here earlier this year - don't need that. And celebrate as a team. You're mostly doing great!
And before anybody asks, we'll take the header notice down from the forms when the new year starts 😉
A bit more community building. A box with "your recent posts from last 2 days" and "most active threads" on all pages (including front page) allowing more follow-up = more page views per session from us users. Perhaps even add a flag to our profiles.
It is difficult to avoid politics as Apple is a global company running into legal troubles at all times. It doesn't help that the columnists have a very narrow and local perspective. It seems any government action is hated - but was USB-C that bad, and they really wanted Biden to allow for continued sales of Apple Watch? More government? The lack of global outlook is not doing you any good.
Agree with those asking for a more balanced view than "Apple is ahead on AI" and "even the worst from Cupertino will get 3 stars". Some of the columnists are... well, it isn't even fun anymore. MacWorld is doing a better job on that. Stay enthusiastic. Keep focus on hardware. Other sites can do long articles on FileMaker or Logic Pro. I were surprised to read 20 pages on Postscript here earlier this year - don't need that. And celebrate as a team. You're mostly doing great!