Masimo has spent $100M in Apple Watch patent infringement fight



  • Reply 41 of 44
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,965member
    Ok, for all the clueless apple fanboys calling Masimo a troll, look here:

    This is the core of Masimo's business and has been for years/decades - medical grade monitoring. 

    Now explain how you came to the conclusion that Masimo is a patent troll, or simply admit that you dont' know what you're talking about.
  • Reply 42 of 44
    AppleZuluAppleZulu Posts: 2,073member
    MplsP said:
    Ok, for all the clueless apple fanboys calling Masimo a troll, look here:

    This is the core of Masimo's business and has been for years/decades - medical grade monitoring. 

    Now explain how you came to the conclusion that Masimo is a patent troll, or simply admit that you dont' know what you're talking about.
    The fact that they actually make something doesn't preclude them from also being a patent troll. The fact that they make a device that has a feature similar to one the Apple Watch has also doesn't mean Apple stole patented technology behind the feature. A jury has already been resoundingly skeptical of that one. Masimo is certainly doing and saying things that look like an attempt to shake down Apple for a payoff to make them go away. Their statement right before the holidays (when it looked like Apple would have to pull the watch from sales for an extended period) that they were waiting by the phone for Apple to call and negotiate a settlement sure sounded like a shakedown.

    Perhaps Masimo is purely opportunistic, or perhaps they see Apple as a real threat. The watch's consumer-grade Pulse Oximiter isn't direct competition for Masimo's much more expensive medical device targeted at hospitals and doctors' offices, but it may still be a threat. The watch stays on the patient day and night, while they go about their normal activities. The watch doesn't purport to be a medical device producing blood oxygen measurements within very tight parameters, but it is a device that can regularly collect days or weeks of reasonably good measurements out in the "real world," which can be far more valuable for making diagnoses than a Cadillac device that can only collect snapshot measurements in the doctors office or trend lines generated while the patient lies in a hospital bed. So maybe Masimo wants to extract a piece of Apple before sales of their devices start to slow, because patients are coming to the doctor with troves of data already collected. The tech in the watch will also continue to improve, as massive amounts of ongoing real-world use data can make iterative performance assessment and improvement possible. So whether Masimo is purely trolling or taking  hail-Mary pass at at a tenuous claim, they may see writing on the wall that doesn't look very good for their future.
  • Reply 43 of 44
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,965member
    AppleZulu said:
    MplsP said:
    Ok, for all the clueless apple fanboys calling Masimo a troll, look here:

    This is the core of Masimo's business and has been for years/decades - medical grade monitoring. 

    Now explain how you came to the conclusion that Masimo is a patent troll, or simply admit that you dont' know what you're talking about.
    The fact that they actually make something doesn't preclude them from also being a patent troll. The fact that they make a device that has a feature similar to one the Apple Watch has also doesn't mean Apple stole patented technology behind the feature. A jury has already been resoundingly skeptical of that one. Masimo is certainly doing and saying things that look like an attempt to shake down Apple for a payoff to make them go away. Their statement right before the holidays (when it looked like Apple would have to pull the watch from sales for an extended period) that they were waiting by the phone for Apple to call and negotiate a settlement sure sounded like a shakedown.

    Perhaps Masimo is purely opportunistic, or perhaps they see Apple as a real threat. The watch's consumer-grade Pulse Oximiter isn't direct competition for Masimo's much more expensive medical device targeted at hospitals and doctors' offices, but it may still be a threat. The watch stays on the patient day and night, while they go about their normal activities. The watch doesn't purport to be a medical device producing blood oxygen measurements within very tight parameters, but it is a device that can regularly collect days or weeks of reasonably good measurements out in the "real world," which can be far more valuable for making diagnoses than a Cadillac device that can only collect snapshot measurements in the doctors office or trend lines generated while the patient lies in a hospital bed. So maybe Masimo wants to extract a piece of Apple before sales of their devices start to slow, because patients are coming to the doctor with troves of data already collected. The tech in the watch will also continue to improve, as massive amounts of ongoing real-world use data can make iterative performance assessment and improvement possible. So whether Masimo is purely trolling or taking  hail-Mary pass at at a tenuous claim, they may see writing on the wall that doesn't look very good for their future.
    So they make a product that uses the patented technology in question yet you still claim they're a patent troll? 

    Wow. I guess the fact that you can post on a forum doesn't mean you can make a coherent argument.
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