Apple Vision Pro is surprisingly durable in first YouTube drop test

in Apple Vision Pro

Despite its use of heavy materials and a large glass front, the Apple Vision Pro is surprisingly durable, the first YouTube drop test video indicates.

A smashed Apple Vision Pro [AppleTrack]
A smashed Apple Vision Pro [AppleTrack]

Owners of the Apple Vision Pro will probably be keen to avoid dropping their fresh $3,500 hardware purchase anytime soon. But, just like other headsets and mobile electronics, they're likely to take a tumble at some point.

YouTube durability tests are usually a bad indicator as to the hardiness of electronics, yet they are popular enough for some channels to spend the money on new devices and to rapidly test them just after launch. This is often observed with iPhone launches, but while some do try to be logical with their approach, many skip the scientific rigor in favor of seeing a smashed screen quicker.

Mercifully, the first "durability test" video for the Apple Vision Pro that has made it to YouTube does so with a fairly methodical approach. One that also offers good news to would-be Apple Vision Pro buyers.

Sam Kohl for AppleTrackposted a video late on Friday's release day, putting the Apple Vision Pro through gravity-led impact testing. The initial drop was from roughly waist height onto a thick rug, as a demonstration that the Light Seal's connection isn't really strong enough to grab the headset assembly with.

Before continuing, he purposefully walked around his house, bumping the headset into various walls, doors, and corners. Kohl spotted small scuffs on the front glass after 20 face-based impacts, as well as some harder hand-held hits to the wall.

Kohl also pointed out that there are no notifications for being too close to a wall in the passthrough view, only when immersed in the environment.

The third drop, from head height or about six feet onto a wooden floor, added a few more scuffs to the front glass but it also broke the right speaker. By the fourth, the right side arm suffered a small crack near the hinge.

The fifth, onto the rug from above head height showed stress on the left side arm, near the speaker. Drop six, from about 7 foot onto the wooden floor, saw the light shield go flying and more damage to the arms.

Increasing the height further to about 8 feet, the front glass continued to survive, albeit with more scuffs.

The eighth drop, the last of the video, saw Kohl drop the Apple Vision Pro from the ceiling of the room, approximately ten feet, onto the wooden floor. At this height, and after repeated dropping directly onto the front of the headset, the glass finally gave way.

While it seemed terminal, it turned out that only the external glass had shattered. Another panel directly below, as well as all of the sensors and cameras, were still perfectly fine and undamaged.

That front glass also pretty much stayed in one piece, rather than shattering into smaller pieces.

After peeling away the damaged front glass as one piece, the Apple Vision Pro continued to function normally, with a fully working external screen and a seemingly unchanged passthrough view.

"This is actually stupidly durable," comments Kohl. "I've never seen a curved piece of glass that holds up this well."

While tempting to emulate, AppleInsider does not recommend replicating the drop tests at home with your own Apple Vision Pro.

AppleCare for Apple Vision Pro costs $499 with a further fee of $299 per incident of damage repair. Repairing a damaged Apple Vision Pro screen without AppleCare will cost up to $2,399.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 18
    Curious what his break-even point in views is for the cost of an Apple Vision Pro. Also eagerly waiting for the ifixit article :)
  • Reply 2 of 18
    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…
    edited February 3 MacPropulseimagesForumPostdanoxwilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 18
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    I go with the 'Let's drop him' suggested by Nunnyobizz.  Literally and metaphorically.  Thankfully, YouTube has the 'don't recommend' option.  What a moron.
  • Reply 4 of 18
    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…

    well, it is Sam Kohl, I lost a lot of respect for him trying to defend Casetify stealing designs,  because he’s trying to angle for more deals with them. That and him being a total @$$ a few weeks ago screaming at Jon about how no legitimate creator uses an iPad 

  • Reply 5 of 18
    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…
    Because there is no difference between an inanimate object and a living creature.
  • Reply 6 of 18
    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…
    Because there is no difference between an inanimate object and a living creature.

    NOPE.  Not THIS particular one.   

  • Reply 7 of 18
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,918member
    Another YouTuber idiot doing stupid shit to get clicks/views. Video's like this are just cringe and not really entertaining to watch at all. They're not even informative either. 
    edited February 3 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 8 of 18
    sirdirsirdir Posts: 190member
    And every Apple news site quotes him and people event comment..
  • Reply 9 of 18
    sirdir said:
    And every Apple news site quotes him and people event comment..

    It’s just like quoting Trump. Everyone knows they are quoting a stupid ignorant idiot, but it’s fun to watch a train wreck in progress.  
  • Reply 10 of 18
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,445moderator
    michelb76 said:
    Curious what his break-even point in views is for the cost of an Apple Vision Pro. Also eagerly waiting for the ifixit article :)
    His whole channel has 127m views. $5 per 1000 views = $635k / 13 years = $48k / year.

    Typical views per video are around 100k.

    If he makes this rate, the single video so far would make $500 and would need closer to 1m views. The following video gives examples of earnings for 1m views and it varies a lot but was roughly around $2k:

    People always call Youtubers dumb but they are making serious amounts of money posting a video or two per week and often it's the dumb videos that get the views because people react to them. MKBHD only made two videos on Vision Pro and has 22m views between them = $50-100k.
    edited February 3 fastasleepwatto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 18
    PemaPema Posts: 116member
    People's utter stupidity never ceases to amaze me. 

    A drop test on an iPhone makes sense. I have dropped mine a few times which is why I got a protective case. Dropping a VisionPro is utterly ridiculous. The set is placed on your head and there is a strap over your skull and in back. You would have to be doing cartwheels to test its durability or stand up Yoga. 

    What a ridiculous proposition.
  • Reply 12 of 18
    macxpress said:
    Another YouTuber idiot doing stupid shit to get clicks/views. Video's like this are just cringe and not really entertaining to watch at all. They're not even informative either. 
    Absolutely agree, but what's even sadder is the huge number of morons who disagree with you. Sigh.
  • Reply 13 of 18
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,563member
    michelb76 said:
    Curious what his break-even point in views is for the cost of an Apple Vision Pro. Also eagerly waiting for the ifixit article :)
    I assume he has Apple Care and takes it back for a repair. I suppose that'd help cut the cost down.
  • Reply 14 of 18
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,918member
    macxpress said:
    Another YouTuber idiot doing stupid shit to get clicks/views. Video's like this are just cringe and not really entertaining to watch at all. They're not even informative either. 
    Absolutely agree, but what's even sadder is the huge number of morons who disagree with you. Sigh.
    Those are the very dipshits that feed YouTubers like them. I don't need a person to drop an Apple Product from 15 stories down to see how durable it is. Apple does its own testing and of course it's gonna be damaged in some fashion when you accidentally drop it or bang it against something. All these videos do is feed the keyboard warriors who hate everything Apple does so they can say how shit and overpriced Apple products are. This is what social media and society in general has come to unfortunately and it's very sad. I can't wait until this era is over and we move on to something else. 
    edited February 4 williamlondonCluntBaby92watto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 18
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,226member
    Maybe get fine shards of glass in the eyes from handling the broken cover with bare hands. Don't pollute your environment like that.
  • Reply 16 of 18
    Great!  Now I know which welding goggles to buy next time for my garage.
  • Reply 17 of 18
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,731member
    This video is what it is, but no reasonable person will throw their VP to the ground from 8 feet in the air.

    The teardowns show us why this thing is $3500.   It’s crazy chock-full-of-tech.  
    edited February 5 watto_cobra
  • Reply 18 of 18
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    So you are gambling that you may break your Vision Pro and that will cost you $800 having that warranty Vs not having Apple Care and spending $2399.  A $500 warranty is bad enough, yet you have to pay another $300 on top of that?  Apple's warranty sucks!

    You're dumb if you are walking about with one of these things in public.  Your already screening GEEK to everyone, easy target for a mugging for a $3500 device that is small.  If I had one of these, it would NEVER be out in public.
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