Rumor: Apple working on iOS 18 redesign, but it won't look like visionOS

in iOS edited May 13

Apple is continuing to work on refreshing the interface of iOS 18, with macOS to come, but they won't look like the new visionOS interface.

No visionOS elements in iOS 18, report claims
No visionOS elements in iOS 18, report claims

Apple's annual operating system updates usually incorporate some tweaks to the interfaces, but bigger changes are on the way. For iOS 18 and a future macOS release, there will be quite a few design alterations.

Writing in Bloomberg's "Power On" newsletter on Sunday, Mark Gurman says Apple is working to bring an updated design to iOS, most likely before the end of the year as part of iOS 18.

At the same time, Apple is also overhauling the interfaces of macOS. However, since work has only really started fairly recently, the changes won't be released until 2025 or 2026.

As for what kind of design changes to expect, Gurman warns that it probably won't involve any of the UI elements incorporated into Apple's newest operating system, visionOS. Using glass textures and 3D buttons, the aesthetic is said to be specifically meant for visionOS alone, since it is meant to work with passthrough video.

Users have to be able to "see" real-world elements through the glass panes, which does apply to the Apple Vision Pro, but not to iOS on an iPhone.

The changes in iOS 18 have been previously described as "ambitious and compelling," with numerous new features on the way. Development of the operating system has already faced a one-week pause, triggered by a need to squash bugs.

Rumor Score: Possible

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 4
    One does not "pause development" to squash bugs...when there is a defect (bug) in code, then that is simply prioritized in the development process. If they aren't developing, then they cannot change code, and if they cannot change code, they cannot "squash a bug."
  • Reply 2 of 4
    It shouldn’t look like vision is since it’s not a windowed OS. 

    amd the vision Home Screen is just a rip of Apple Watch to begin with. 

    The address bar on iOS was blurry/transparent before vision is as well. 
    edited February 25
  • Reply 3 of 4
    AI and the redesign......

    At the end...... Nothing exciting when they get presented.... 

    I bet.. 
  • Reply 4 of 4
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,128member
    Apple like Porsche will iterate, if you want the baby and the bath water thrown out each time look to Google, Samsung, and Meta in the tech world.
    edited February 27
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