Everything went Apple's way at the annual shareholders meeting



  • Reply 21 of 21
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,101member
    Whether trolls are LLMs or real human beings is irrelevant at this point. They drive away better quality forum community members just by their existence.

    AppleInsider senior management really needs to sit down and decide what sort of community they want to nurture.

    Random crazies or poorly designed AI 'bots only make this place look like a psych ward. 

    I only post this because several AppleInsider staffers have gone off topic to discuss community conduct here.

    In the end, sane community members will leave before the nutjobs thoroughly turn this place into some nonsense ghetto. And leaving their posts up just makes the place trashier, like chalk body outlines on the sidewalk in front of your house or burning vehicles in front of the elementary school.

    If that's what this site's operators want, this site is well on the path to getting there.
    edited March 3
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