Senator Warren doesn't have a plan to break up Apple, but still wants to pretty badly

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in iPhone edited April 2024

Senator Elizabeth Warren has posted a call for Apple's "stranglehold monopoly" on the smartphone market to be broken up, despite the iPhone peaking at only half the US population.

A smiling woman with short blonde hair, glasses, and a blue blazer in a blurry audience background.
Senator Warren

Following her siding with Beeper as it broke iMessage security and used Apple's servers without payment, Senator Warren has now attacked the iPhone's existence. Claiming that Apple uses "dirty tricks" in not providing iPhone features to people without iPhones, Senator Warren also explicitly blames the company for ruining relationships.

"That's right, non-iPhone users everywhere are being excluded from group texts, from sports teams chats to birthday chats to vacation plan chats," she says. "And who's to blame here? Apple."

It's time to break up @Apple's smartphone monopoly.

Also, c'mon, let's stop leaving green text people out of the group chats. It's just not right.

-- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren)

Senator Warren has a background in commercial law, and her father was a salesman. So her indignation that "Apple even takes a cut every time you use Tap to Pay," seems disingenuous.

Tap to Pay is an Apple-developed system for iPhone users to be able to make contactless payments. It began in Apple Stores, but has now rolled out to other vendors, such as PayPal.

She doesn't seem that concerned that PayPal and the credit cards take a part of each sale.

Then the Senator's stated belief that Apple is ruining relationships because not everyone can use iMessage is inflating the importance of the iPhone's default messaging service. It's also ignoring that the blame is on the use of old text messaging technology, and that Apple has committed to supporting RCS in order to improve messaging with Android users.

"It's time to break up Apple's monopoly now," she concludes, despite Apple not really having one beyond the fact that people who own iPhones have Apple devices.

Inflammatory rhetoric and no policies

As before her statement does not yet lead to any specific plans. It's just more hot air from a politician that doesn't know enough about technology to regulate it effectively, and yet, still thinks that they do.

The Senator does say that she backs the Department of Justice's case against Apple -- "that's the right thing to do." Separately, she has also criticized Big Tech firms and asked the Biden administration to work to prevent Americans' data ending up in the hands of foreign adversaries.

Yet for all the rhetoric in her social media posts, there is no specific call to action, and no detailed proposals for reasonable solutions. In fact, there's nothing of any substance at all.

Even regarding breaking up Apple's non-existent monopoly, it's not clear how Senator Warren believes Apple and its iPhone could be separated, and it still be good for the consumer. In all likelihood, she thinks this is an attention-grabber, and might help her eventual re-election campaign. The statement has the substance and quality of shredded paper blowing in the wind.

Apple has not commented on her post, nor should they.

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  • Reply 1 of 38
    darelrexdarelrex Posts: 140member
    Apple is pretty unusual among big companies in that it's not divisional; it's structured like a startup. That's a huge part of how it's able to make products that are so well integrated. And more so than most other companies, Apple would be particularly badly damaged by a forced breakup.

    Imagine, for example, if Apple's processor team was made a separate company, and was required to sell chips to, and make chips for, whomever wants to buy: Samsung, Google, Microsoft. Apple's spent maybe a decade and a half investing in building a processor advantage, and just as it's reaching its big fruition, boom, let's force them to give it over to all their competitors.

    Unlike Judge Rogers who mostly ruled for Apple in Epic Games's suit, saying "success is not illegal," I think Warren believes that success is illegal. Or least for one particular company it is.
    edited April 2024
     12Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 38
    KTRktr Posts: 280member
    yes, I agree. Success is not illegal. It’s an accomplishment.
     11Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 38
    ssfe11ssfe11 Posts: 116member
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
     10Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 38
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    edited April 2024
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 38
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    Eliz W deserves to be laughed at. 
     9Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 38
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    Eliz W deserves to be laughed at. 
    There's nothing different about what Warren is saying versus what Margrethe Vestager has said. There is a completely different tone to how AI has written this article versus how it approaches EU political statements. This one is angry and dismissive. The EU ones are typically more restrained. And the EU actually passed a lot of misguided and factually unsupported regulatory actions per Apple whereas the U.S. has not. 

     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 38
    Xedxed Posts: 2,967member
    ssfe11 said:
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
    She's both old* and doesn't understand technology or it affects business or industry. She sees something on the surface she didn't like and created a scenario about how the center was created.

    * I shouldn't have written that. Being old isn't in and of itself a reason that you can't understand newer technologies, but because one has spent so much of their life with a status quo of technology and the speed at which newer technologies have been evolving it's harder to understand for anyone who isn't actively trying to understand them -and-doesn't have the natural aptitude, education in science, and desire. There are plenty of impressive commenters on this forum that are buck the average trend of their age group.
    edited April 2024
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 38
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,671member
    We need more moderate voices in politics.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 38
    Xed said:
    ssfe11 said:
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
    She's both old* and doesn't understand technology or it affects business or industry. She sees something on the surface she didn't like and created a scenario about how the center was created.
    It's important to remember that TECH COMPANIES were lobbying against Apple. It's not just U.S. or EU legislators coming up with this on their own.
     6Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 38
    blastdoor said:
    We need more moderate voices in politics.
    See above. Amy Klobuchar is a moderate. Chuck Grassley is not a moderate. But they both co-sponsored the big tech regulation bill that failed in the U.S.

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 38
    Xedxed Posts: 2,967member
    globby said:
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    Eliz W deserves to be laughed at. 
    Please, let's be respectful of her and use her "spirit name", Fauxahontas. Her whole career started with, uh, "taking" a job from a real Native American, so she knows a thing or two about stealing.

    Also interesting that these lawfare attacks on Apple (in the US) are just before election time ... shakedown, anyone?

    It's really easy to get your facts straight on this subject  before you post. Here's a starting point...
    edited April 2024
     3Likes 0Dislikes 3Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 38
    AppleZuluapplezulu Posts: 2,272member
    ssfe11 said:
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
    Warren is right about a lot of things, banks and other predatory lenders, for instance. 

    She's misguided about Apple, however. A lot of people are misguided about Apple, even among regular commenters here. Even though it's right there for everyone to see, people simply do not understand that Apple functions differently from other tech companies. Its devices are produced as complete units, software and hardware developed together. As @darelrex pointed out above, it's not divisional. After all these years, it's surprising that no other company in this sector has copied that model, but it sets Apple apart, and makes people erroneously believe that it's "stifling competition" in areas where it's not designed to have competition in the first place. Apple operating systems do not compete with other operating systems for placement on third-party hardware. Apple hardware does not compete with other hardware for adoption by third-party operating systems. Because it remains a unique characteristic, people do not "get it," which leads to Sen. Warren's confusion, as well as the confusion of regulars here, who are constant posting things about what Apple should do that will never be things that Apple will do, because Apple doesn't work that way.
     7Likes 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 38
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,516member
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    Eliz W deserves to be laughed at. 
    There's nothing different about what Warren is saying versus what Margrethe Vestager has said. There is a completely different tone to how AI has written this article versus how it approaches EU political statements. This one is angry and dismissive. The EU ones are typically more restrained. And the EU actually passed a lot of misguided and factually unsupported regulatory actions per Apple whereas the U.S. has not. 

    The USA hasn't really done anything yet also in the USA there are more checks and balances to get a fair hearing up front but in the EU that doesn't exist.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 38
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,516member

    Xed said:
    ssfe11 said:
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
    She's both old* and doesn't understand technology or it affects business or industry. She sees something on the surface she didn't like and created a scenario about how the center was created.
    It's important to remember that TECH COMPANIES were lobbying against Apple. It's not just U.S. or EU legislators coming up with this on their own.

    The one percent vs the other one percent. The upper class isn't listening to those lower down on the totem pole. :smile: 
    edited April 2024
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 38
    She's not wrong.

    Apple has gotten too big.  It's not the only company that needs to be broken up, of course, but it's time.
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 16 of 38
    She's not wrong.

    Apple has gotten too big.  It's not the only company that needs to be broken up, of course, but it's time.
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 38
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    The scary part is this. 

    I don't have to use Apple products.   There is very little that keeps me in the Apple fold but encapsulated in that "little" competitive advantage is more respect for my privacy, generally more thoughtful user interface interactions, and forward thinking (sometimes too forward) design. 

    I could buy a Windows or Linux based PC or an Android phone and meet 80 % of my needs if not more.   They say "the extra mile is rarely crowded" and Apple will typically go that extra mile.  

    This is just mostly about pure Politics in that  I'm being fleeced fleeced in so many ways that are relevant to my quality of life yet the Magician in DC tells me my problem is large corporations like Apple.   

    This existed before Elizabeth Warren and will continue long after she's decaying bones in the Earth.    Citizens simply do not have a viable mechanism to advance the issues pertinent to them.  Representative Governments only only representative in that they are human and citizens and so are you.  Brass Tacks ...your needs don't really matter unless you're coming with enough currency to get a seat at the table. 
     4Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 18 of 38
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,469member
    She's not wrong.

    Apple has gotten too big.  It's not the only company that needs to be broken up, of course, but it's time.
    Comments like the above are as disturbing as the words from that senator and the questionable voting habits of the people who put her into power.

    Ah, America.  What hath become of thee?
    Land of the Free?  Perhaps not when a growing majority of citizens seek to take freedom away from any individual or corporate entity which they deem a threat.
    Home of the Brave?  Meaning, those "brave" citizens who FEAR America's home-grown success stories when they become exceedingly successful.

    Anyone who agrees with the senator and Victor Mortimer would be wise to do the following:
    1. Stop using all Apple products and services, to fall in line with your sentiment that Apple is too large and needs to be broken up.
    2. Sell all your AAPL stock, including all mutual funds which have AAPL in them. Never buy any stake in AAPL again.
    3. Stop reading AppleInsider and posting in its forums. 
    4. Start an organization to make your own dent in the universe, showing the world that your ideas are as great as you think they are.

    Perhaps then you will have a position that people can appreciate.
     7Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 38
    Xedxed Posts: 2,967member
    She's not wrong.

    Apple has gotten too big.  It's not the only company that needs to be broken up, of course, but it's time.
    I'll give youth benefit of the doubt. Explain to us how you would break up Apple's smartphone "monopoly", but please first argue successfully how Apple even has a smartphone monopoly.
    edited April 2024
     7Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 38
    jdiamondjdiamond Posts: 133member
    Seems like Android devices are ALSO talking to iPhones over SMS.  iPhone users don't get proprietary Android messaging features like tap back icons, full resolution photos and movies, etc.  For years, the most annoying thing was Android had a proprietary way to handling group message threads that iPhone's could not emulate.  As a result, everything broke apart - you received an initial group text, but if you replied, you were replying to one person, and all kinds of strange things happened from then on, where you'd get a reply from one person out of context, but not see the group replies.  It was crazy.  

    ALL the hardware phone companies were not incentivized to collaborate on a unified rich messaging platform. Only software companies like WhatsApp tried to do that.  Which Apple freely allows on their platform.

     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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