Apple Vision Pro shipments reportedly cut as US demand for headset wanes



  • Reply 21 of 22
    For one it's a 1st generation device, that does feel more like a Vision Developer Kit than anything else.
    Also - and this bit worried me from the start - their is no real 'killer'-App for the device. Not even from Apple. Also the general lack of content especiallly from the Apple side itself, feels like they have either given up on it already or they are waiting for the first 'Consumer' version of that thing.  But so far ... they should have developed an App displaying tumbleweeds in VR ... that would be oh so fitting.
    Last but not least the fact, that we again have a locked down device that only plays another iPhoneOS variation doesn't help at all. That thing would be perfect as a 'Facetop' if it only ran MacOS.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Used selling prices on eBay are lower than I would have expected for a new Apple release. Some are going for as much as a 35% discount over something bought new two months ago. 
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