Pennsylvania has two battling bills that could make tracking with AirTags unlawful

in iPhone

Pennsylvania state representatives have pushed forward a second piece of legislation that would penalize the unauthorized use of Bluetooth trackers, like AirTag, to track someone.

The new Apple AirTag
Apple AirTag

There's no shortage of instances where someone discovered they were being tracked without their knowledge via AirTag. While the $29 coin-sized trackers have proven useful when retrieving lost luggage, it's also proven too tempting for those with nefarious intentions.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill that would add using a tracking device to secretly follow someone to the state's existing stalking laws. The new law would classify this behavior as a third-degree misdemeanor, which could result in up to 90 days of imprisonment.

The legislation will now make its way to the state senate for further consideration.

This isn't the first time Pennsylvania has introduced such legislation either. As AP News points out, there's currently a separate bill pending that would make the crime a second-degree misdemeanor.

It's not clear which bill will get the go-ahead, if any.

Pennsylvania isn't the only state with this on their minds. In May 2022, Ohio introduced legislation that would prohibit using a tracking device on another person's property without their consent.

In the event that your iPhone tells you that an AirTag is following you, AppleInsider has a helpful guide to help you determine what the best course of action is.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 6
    I'll I will say is that if my suitcase wants to sue me for tracking it, then it better have a darn good lawyer.   My house, my rules!
  • Reply 2 of 6
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 656member
    Of course stalkers, wife beaters and other nefarious characters will obey. This is like expecting criminals not to use guns. 
  • Reply 3 of 6
    maltzmaltz Posts: 488member
    "Pennsylvania has two battling bills that could make tracking with AirTags unlawful"

    No, it has bills that make *stalking* with AirTags unlawful.  South Korea has laws that make tracking with AirTags illegal.  (Which is why they're disabled there.)

    Don't be click-baity.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member
    I was going to note that tracking isn't stalking. Not allowing AirTags to track is simply saying that AirTags will not be allowed in Pennsylvania.

    To the point of the potential law, there is a potential gray area where some people may end up innocently forgetting  an AirTag somewhere which someone else will deem to mean they're being stalked which could become a problem in some fringe cases, especially where harsher sentencing occurs because of said law. That said, overall it's a good direction.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member
    jimh2 said:
    Of course stalkers, wife beaters and other nefarious characters will obey. This is like expecting criminals not to use guns. 
    So what's your point? If a law can be potentially broken by someone that there should be no law? No laws that make speeding illegal because people will go over the speed limit? No laws about how commercial airliners should operate because someone will end up violating that law? No laws about human trafficking because it will still happen?
  • Reply 6 of 6
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    So, does this legislation actually single out tracking devices that use Bluetooth, or does it outlaw the use of tracking devices generally to track someone without their consent?
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