Apple's 'Crush' iPad Pro ad sparks intense backlash from creatives

in iPad

The minute-long Apple ad showing art equipment and materials being crushed down into the new iPad Pro is being called heartbreaking, wanton, and creepy.

A surprised yellow animated character with big eyes peeking out from a narrow gap between gray metal surfaces.
Frame from Apple's "Crush" ad

Apple first aired its "Crush" ad during the "Let Loose" event that saw the launch of the new iPad Air and iPad Pro models. It shows paints, guitars, toys, sculptures, and more, all being crushed down by an enormous weight, which then rises up again to reveal the iPad Pro.

Since that debut during the event, Apple's Tim Cook tweeted a link to it -- and started a backlash. At time of writing, there are over 2,500 comments to his tweet and while many are about iPad details, most are expressing abhorrence at the ad.

Meet the new iPad Pro: the thinnest product we've ever created, the most advanced display we've ever produced, with the incredible power of the M4 chip. Just imagine all the things it'll be used to create.

-- Tim Cook (@tim_cook)

"It is a heartbreaking, uncomfortable, and egotistic advertisement," responded Twitter user Hiroki Akiyama. "When I see this result, I'm ashamed to buy Apple products since nineteen years."

"This destruction is extremely distasteful," wrote another user. Others say the ad "lacks any respect for creative equipment and mocks the creators."

"Genuinely apple's creepiest ad since the Mother Earth DEl debacle," continue the comments. "Oh my, that's a scary advertisement."

It's likely that at least some of the ad was created with CGI. This is proven by moments like the toy's face somehow specifically being face-out and caught by the camera with the precision that it was. Hydraulic presses are crazily expensive, and there would be a wide field of debris and stains on the press if it were real, as well.

It doesn't appear that the high likelihood that the video is CGI alters the reactions. "Even if this Movie is CG," writes one commentator, "it pains me to see this kind of Creative-destroying representation."

Tim Cook also posted the video on Chinese social media site Weibo, where at time of writing it's had around 250 comments -- and hardly any criticism. "This advertising idea is so amazing," says one user (in translation.)

Apple has also posted the complete ad on YouTube. However, as with all videos on the official Apple channel, comments are turned off.

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  • Reply 1 of 96
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,891moderator
    It’s a conceptual message, not an attack on anyone’s creative process or disrespect for legacy creative tools or equipment.  The obvious implication is that the iPad Pro incorporates all that historic goodness.  I guess we’ll be seeing plenty of revenge “Will It Blend?” YouTube videos featuring the new iPad Pro.  Or maybe people could just lighten up.  
  • Reply 2 of 96
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,404member
    Silly reactions like that only make me think creatives are a bunch of crybaby wimps.  Chin up and be a man!  It's an ad made for shock value.  If anything, it worked by waking sleeping people up and capturing their attention.  Capturing attention is the aim of any great ad.  It clearly succeeded.  But had it been something more soothing to fondle the delicate sensibilities of those ever complaining creatives, it probably would have only worked to put them all to sleep.  And people would have then complained that Apple isn't exciting enough.  In the end, the moral is clear.  PEOPLE NEED TO ZIP THE LIP AND STOP COMPLAINING!  That alone would make this world a vastly better place.
  • Reply 3 of 96
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    What was missing was at the end - all the crushed elements should have been represented on the final shot of the iPad screen, upbeat and animated... thought this the second I saw the ad. I would have made the ad much more about evolution, not scorched earth...
  • Reply 4 of 96
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member
    I agree, the reactions are a bit over-the-top.

    At the same time, it's a horrible, bordering on disconcerting and unpleasant, iPad promotional ad IMHO.  I believe Apple will be pulling it from their official ad campaign in short order. It doesn't help make the product appealing or engaging.
    edited May 8 jas99maltzAlex1Nsflagelfred1
  • Reply 5 of 96
    jesusfreakjesusfreak Posts: 75member
    Silliness.   The ultimate consumers being irate over the ultimate consumer company displaying the ultimate end of consumerism.  LOL.  People get offended over the most stupid things these days.
  • Reply 6 of 96
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,711member
    Totally fake, but it's visceral, for sure.   If a 1966 Lincoln was in there, I'd be a bit unhappy.

    This press does not likely exist, but that doesn't mean that it isn't poor taste.

    My guess is they'll add a disclaimer about not harming actual items.  Or just pull it and say nothing.
  • Reply 7 of 96
    I find the fact that some people seem to be so triggered by this to be much more of a reflection of something going on inside them than on Apple. I honestly kind of fear for our future if people have become so highly sensitized that they can’t even watch something like this without getting their feelings hurt.  Lighten up, people! 

    It’s a creative ad showing a bunch of inanimate objects being crushed down into an “impossibly thin” iPad! It immediately reminded me of some of the hydraulic press videos on social media and I found it to be playful, creative, and fun. 
  • Reply 8 of 96
    beowulfschmidtbeowulfschmidt Posts: 2,292member
    The only part that came across as at all "creepy" to me was the eyes bulging out of the yellow head, and that was still pretty funny.

    Not sure why someone would be upset at it.
  • Reply 9 of 96
    being a child of the 80s I guess I didn’t see anything wrong with this ad.  It to me the apple was just trying to compress all of the potential creativity options in an iPad. But the new generations contain a whole bunch of snowflakes who can’t take anything.
  • Reply 10 of 96
    jdw said:
    Silly reactions like that only make me think creatives are a bunch of crybaby wimps.  Chin up and be a man!  It's an ad made for shock value.  If anything, it worked by waking sleeping people up and capturing their attention.  Capturing attention is the aim of any great ad.  It clearly succeeded.  But had it been something more soothing to fondle the delicate sensibilities of those ever complaining creatives, it probably would have only worked to put them all to sleep.  And people would have then complained that Apple isn't exciting enough.  In the end, the moral is clear.  PEOPLE NEED TO ZIP THE LIP AND STOP COMPLAINING!  That alone would make this world a vastly better place.
    The cognitive disconnect that it takes to write a post complaining about people complaining is astounding. 
  • Reply 11 of 96
    teejay2012teejay2012 Posts: 401member
    I don't remember a backlash against Macs and LaserWriters as desktop publishing replaced conventional publishing. The ad was creative but I doubt the new iPad will displace creatives.

  • Reply 12 of 96
    I find the fact that some people seem to be so triggered by this to be much more of a reflection of something going on inside them than on Apple. I honestly kind of fear for our future if people have become so highly sensitized that they can’t even watch something like this without getting their feelings hurt.  Lighten up, people! 

    It’s a creative ad showing a bunch of inanimate objects being crushed down into an “impossibly thin” iPad! It immediately reminded me of some of the hydraulic press videos on social media and I found it to be playful, creative, and fun. 
    Agreed 💯 about our future.  Folks can’t take a joke or be honest without being offended.  I miss good lighthearted comedies on TV instead of all this BS reality TV crap. I see all this because the new generations really needs help.  
  • Reply 13 of 96
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,941member
    "No real emojis were harmed on the filming of this ad"

    No doubt it was the innocent emoji that really pushed things over the edge. 

    Real storm in a teacup material. It's not a great ad but it's not horrifying in any way either. 

    I don't see anything to complain about but there will always be some people out there with fingers drawn and ready to wave, and on X, even moreso. 
    edited May 8 jas99tdknoxtimpetus6ryph3nunbeliever2radarthekat
  • Reply 14 of 96
    PenziPenzi Posts: 9member
    I thoroughly enjoyed it. Got the idea immediately and the pathos was nice. Well done Apple!
  • Reply 15 of 96
    omasouomasou Posts: 610member
    I thought the video was great and showed all the uses that are "crammed" into the device.

    While watching the video, creepy is not a word that entered my mind.
    edited May 8 thtjas99tdknoxlolliver6ryph3nwatto_cobraunbeliever2radarthekatjeffharris
  • Reply 16 of 96
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,456member
    Appetite for Destruction
  • Reply 17 of 96
    NYC362NYC362 Posts: 94member
    These people have to be kidding. 

    Are they so insecure that even a CGI animation triggers them to this sort of stupidity?   Okay... yes, I know the

  • Reply 18 of 96
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,125member
    I get the concept, but for a lot of people there’s something inherently disconcerting about seeing a bunch of nice things destroyed, and most ads (including Apple’s) try to make people feel good. If Tesla made an ad with Elon Musk smashing a garage full of immaculate classic cars with a sledgehammer, some people would be uncomfortable watching it, even if the concept makes sense, and even if you can guess that CGI was probably involved. And of course some people aren’t bothered (and think everyone should be like them) but with advertising, you generally want to appeal to the largest possible audience. 
  • Reply 19 of 96
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member
    NYC362 said:
    These people have to be kidding. 

    Are they so insecure that even a CGI animation triggers them to this sort of stupidity?   Okay... yes, I know the

    Insecurity? In fairness, I've seen many an ad or video promotion from some Apple competitor triggering fans here.  
  • Reply 20 of 96
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,472member
    I actually thought it was a weird way to present the iPad Pro. 

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