Best 100 albums, iOS 18 Music features, and more iPad Pro on the AppleInsider Podcast

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How and why Apple Music chose its Best 100 albums, plus what's coming to the Music app in iOS 18, and getting into the details of the nano texture iPad Pro, in this week's AppleInsider podcast.

Album cover artwork for 'The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill' on a computer screen featuring a carved portrait of Lauryn Hill with text above.
Apple Music's Best 100 albums documentary on a MacBook Pro

Just as certain as it is that Apple Music's Best 100 albums list would always be controversial, is the fact that it's going to introduce you to some great new music. But as people debate the list and wonder why Apple Music made the choices it did, they are missing the fact that Apple has told us everything -- in detail.

Host Wes Hilliard has been enjoying the more than ten hours of video about the choices, and he's here to tell you what he's learned, and to enthuse about how only Apple would go to these lengths.

As well as looking at the past of music, though, this week it's time to look to the future of Music -- and specifically the new features we've learned are planned for iOS 18. Plus now that users of the new iPad Pro and iPad Air have had time to try out their new hardware, there's the promise, and possibly the wishful thinking, of what iPadOS 18 will bring us next.

BONUS: Subscribe via Patreon or Apple Podcasts to hear AppleInsider+, the extended edition which this time looks at the promise and the problems of digital media, and how at least it means we can stop buying the same albums on new formats.

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  • Reply 1 of 3
    I'm not sure if this is so absurd that it can't be believed and APPLE will come out in a month laughing, saying it was all just a joke. If this is not a joke by APPLE, those putting this list together are not really into music and just through this 'list' together.

    Jobs would have never let this see the light of day.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 3
    NotSoMuchnotsomuch Posts: 39member
    That is really dumb to say the least, haven't gone much thoughts in the this project. -A lot of the listings a forgettable pop music. 

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  • Reply 3 of 3
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,679member
    While there are a lot -- and I mean a LOT -- of great albums on the list, it is almost exclusively focused on rock, doesn't allow for the possibility of more than one great album per artist, and pretty much ignores anything before the late 1960s (which, to be fair, was "ancient history" to the people who tend to listen to Apple Music, or me for that matter!).

    I'd have been fine with this list if it had been titled "Best 100 albums of the last 60 years" or "Apple Music's greatest albums," but to make it out to be a definitive list when it clearly isn't just invites people with wider-ranging tastes than the "experts" consulted to point out its shortcomings.

    No list of "greatest" anything is ever going to get unanimous agreement, but this is like a rocket shooting for the moon and instead landing on the nearest beach.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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