Your next iPhone could be the iPad mini - iPhone 15 vs iPad mini showdown



  • Reply 21 of 28
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 907member
    This might be the Most Bizarro Showdown that I've ever read. As someone who has owned a few generations of the Mini in addition to my iPhone--currently a Mini 6 and 15 Pro--it seems nonsensical to me to compare two dissimilar products in this way. 

    First, let's get the wifi only Mini out of the way. If you're a person who has no need to call, text or get online unless you have an open wifi signal available, then you'd have no reason to even consider an iPhone in the first place, so there's no need for a comparison between these devices. Just go buy a Mini. 

    So that leaves us with a comparison between the Mini w/cellular and iPhone 15, with a difference of $100 in favor of the Mini if you spec up both devices to 256GM of storage. Obviously, you get the bigger screen with the iPad Mini. But what you lose if you were seriously considering the Mini as your "mobile device" is very significant: 

    1) The Mini is not in any way pocketable except maybe in large, winter parka-sized pockets. And it's going to take up a helluva lot more room than an iPhone in any bag. 

    2) The Mini weighs 75% more than an iPhone--that's not nothing! 

    3) The Mini, even with cellular, cannot make or receive voice calls.

    4) The Mini requires two hands to use it -- it's too big for one-handed operation. 

    5) Not only does the Mini's screen lack the resolution of the iPhone's, it also has only HALF the brightness: 500 nits vs. 1000 nits (plus peak brightness of 2000 nits for the iPhone) That's a huge difference when using these devices outdoors, where mobile devices are often used! 

    6) The Mini has a crappier camera system. 

    In short: the iPad Mini sucks in crucial ways that matter a lot for a mobile device that's meant to be carried on your person. But I didn't intend this as a take down of the Mini: I love my Mini 6 and the two generations I've owned that preceded it. The larger screen size is great for media consumption and the 6th gen is easily powerful enough to handle average business tasks--just toss it in a bag and it can serve as your "quick weekend away" laptop, especially with a small keyboard. 
    edited May 26 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 22 of 28
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,214member
    Great. Let’s give Apple ideas to underline that iPadOS is still almost the same as iOS.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    longfanglongfang Posts: 484member
    There’s also the whatsapp doesn’t run on iPadOS thing. 
  • Reply 24 of 28
    fred1fred1 Posts: 1,121member
    nubus said:
    Will mini survive? It dates back to 2021 and is the last model without USB C. It won't be possible to sell it in the EU within 7 months. Apple and all resellers must clear stocks well in advance. Not the first time that Apple has to temporarily withdraw a product from EU - it happened with iSight due to the level of harmful chemicals but for mini to be removed... USB C is not a major change. If there is no new mini by August then it is dead. Probably already is.
    I’m not sure what model you’re referring to, but the Mini 6 has USB-C. 
    edited May 27 watto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 28
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Yes iPad Mini with Apple Watch cellular would work for me. Having a phone on my wrist when I’m out would be great… and bring out the iPad mini if I want a screen, sharing the watch’s data??

    none of which is currently possible. 

    (Even my current iPhone + watch combo would be better if the watch did the cellular work, instead of the phone). 
    edited May 27 watto_cobra
  • Reply 26 of 28
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 825member
    The iPad mini does not work with CarPlay. So that’s it, then. 
  • Reply 27 of 28
    "You make a fraction as many phone calls as you used to"

    NO.  I make as many calls as I always have.  I use my phone as a phone all the time.

    I hate video calls, and I text from my computer, not my phone.  Onscreen keyboards are fine for a few word response, but if I'm actually trying to communicate with text I need a real full size keyboard.

    And I like a big phone, but the iPad mini is too big even for me.  I'm not carrying that on my belt.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 907member
    fred1 said:
    nubus said:
    Will mini survive? It dates back to 2021 and is the last model without USB C. It won't be possible to sell it in the EU within 7 months. Apple and all resellers must clear stocks well in advance. Not the first time that Apple has to temporarily withdraw a product from EU - it happened with iSight due to the level of harmful chemicals but for mini to be removed... USB C is not a major change. If there is no new mini by August then it is dead. Probably already is.
    I’m not sure what model you’re referring to, but the Mini 6 has USB-C. 
    Hilarious, right? He spends a whole paragraph spinning this ridiculous "the Mini is already dead" scenario because he doesn't even know that the Mini 6 debuted with USC-C three YEARS ago. 
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