Embarrassing Qualcomm ad claims 'I'm a Mac' actor is switching to Windows ARM over notific...



  • Reply 21 of 26
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,644member
    There’s nothing to be gained by trying to resurrect the Mac vs PC “war” because it was never a war to begin with. By the time Steve Jobs returned to Apple the number of PCs already in the hands of individuals and businesses could never be equaled by Apple, not by a long shot. 

    Showcasing the Mac’s benefits over PCs/Microsoft probably bumped up Mac sales higher in the single digit range but that wasn’t what Apple’s resurgence was based on. It’s really the things that Apple did outside of the Mac product line that sent Apple soaring to unprecedented new levels. Better Macs certainly contributed, but as @Marvin and others point out, Apple has so many other things working for it, including a strong and loyal customer base, unparalleled integration across hardware, software, and services, and the ability to innovate in areas that customers deeply value. 

    The Mac is less of a threat to Windows PCs than is the iPad. Many diehard Windows loyalists have no problem buying iPads and iPhones. A mid range iPad is a better match for some people over a lower end craptastic generic Windows machine. 

    Nothing that Microsoft or Qualcomm or the legion of cloners do at the chip level and even at the personal computer level is going to weaken Apple’s standing with their customers. The majority of real people don’t buy computers based on internal specs, they buy the computers that suit their needs at the price they are willing to spend. 

    Finally, since Windows 10 the overall functionality and reliability of Windows PCs is totally dependent on who builds the machines. Windows operating system is no longer the weakest link. This doesn’t mean Windows is as good as macOS, but it doesn’t suck. Not sucking is a win for some Windows machines. 

    Having owned and developed on Windows systems at all levels, I know there are plenty of skeletons hiding in its closets, none worse than the Registry, but somehow it is able to function quite well most of the time. I’ll always have Windows machines in my computer geek inventory, along with Macs and many other Apple products. I don’t have to choose one over the other because I like both and have no issues moving between them. 
  • Reply 22 of 26
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,253member
    Those AMD specs are interesting. Exciting even.  Only reason to buy a snapdragon powered laptop would be battery life.  The key bit: “ no emulation required”.

    that said, the example laptops would have to be permanently tethered to a power cord with those GPUs.

    any why compare its most powerful chip with a base MBP M3, or a tablet M4 (no doubt very underclocked) on TOPs when it will be competing with laptop and desktop M4s? Oh, silly question.

  • Reply 23 of 26
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member
    So let me get this straight, Qualcomm is betting that someone is going to switch processors, operating systems, ecosystems, all because they can’t figure out how to turn off the notifications in macOS? 

    Is that person going to switch to windows phone? Oops, sorry. Never mind. How about that windows watch? Oops, wait, again - Sorry.  Surface Go 3 tablet? Oops sorry - darn it. 
  • Reply 24 of 26
    sunman42sunman42 Posts: 285member
    *Strikes a melodramatic pose, with back of hand to forehead* "Justin Long, you're dead to me now."

    I believe the coffee cup refers to a prop Hodgman used in several of the ads.
  • Reply 25 of 26
    michelb76michelb76 Posts: 677member
    Don't worry, if he doesn't like the pc, he can buy a new mac from the ads on his startmenu.
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