Jon Stewart reveals the moment things went bad with Apple



  • Reply 21 of 24
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    regurgitatedcoprolite said:

    J.S., by avoiding use of his given name, is the one  being anti-semitic. 

    I have no idea what point you think you're making but using a stage name rather than an unwieldy given name has been a showbiz standard for over a century, and probably centuries before that. 

    You're making it sound like Stewart uses his stage name to obscure his Jewish heritage, which is an…interesting…accusation, and one that clarifies that you have NEVER watched any Jon Stewart. 

    He's not exactly "secretive" about his culture, and references it all the time

    So…excuse us if we feel your drawing attention to it to be rather…peculiar. 
  • Reply 22 of 24
    ddawson100ddawson100 Posts: 531member
    sflagel said:
    As a rule of thumb: stay away from any product that is subsidised by another service or product, like ad-funded TV, ad-funded Facebook, etc. If the product is not good enough that people will pay for it directly, then it should not exist.
    Like ad-sponsored websites?
  • Reply 23 of 24
    Michae1Michae1 Posts: 26member
    It’s sad to see what’s become of Stewart. He left at the top of his game, but has come back and is chasing the spotlight so hard he’s making himself look ridiculous. Take the L and move on.  
  • Reply 24 of 24
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Michae1 said:
    It’s sad to see what’s become of Stewart. He left at the top of his game, but has come back and is chasing the spotlight so hard he’s making himself look ridiculous. Take the L and move on.  
    He's still in his element on The Daily Show, he makes the other presenters look like interns.

    The show peaked at around 3.5m viewers and dropped below 0.5m during the Trevor Noah period. Viewers dropped around 80%.

    His Monday episodes are the most watched and 2.5x higher than the 2023 average. Some viewers who stopped watching after he left probably don't know he's back hosting the show once a week.

    If he had brought the same format to Apple TV (and Apple didn't constrain the show's topics), it would have been a big boost for the service to have over 1m regular viewers.

    Some kind of regular political/celebrity talk show would still be a huge benefit to Apple TV. A few comedians have started doing podcast shows like Conan O' Brien:

    If they could get something like that but a bit better production values and scripting, maybe record an audience reaction to a screening instead of live to get a genuine laugh track and air that, it would probably draw regular viewers. 1 episode per week, $1-5m per show budget.
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