Is... S.A.R.S. Overblown ?



  • Reply 41 of 43
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    S.A.R.S is a serious disease than [can cause] death when left untreated or when treated too late in its development. When caught in its initial stages the VAST majority of people who get it, survive. What's overblown (as always) is the media's portrayal of it.

    Remember: we live in a world where ratings points (aka media paychecks) are more important than accurate and context-driven reporting.

  • Reply 42 of 43
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Thankyou Towel

    for injecting a fair and umbiased appraisal.

    I'm not so much denying S.A.R.S. Of course it needs emmediate attention, but somehow the press like to beat up a story & twist it so much that government's have to be seen to be doing something..even if its based on panic & conjecture...

    In the meantime, the truly horrendous & avoidable deaths that are being caused by such politically unfashionable diseases such as AIDS, Malaria, & as you meantioned Measles..just don't seem to rouse the media to press governments to spend anything like what they are now spending on S.A.R.S...

    and if I may restate my suspicions..the concern for S.A.R.S..might have more to do with economic clout than anything else...

    And the reverse is true of Malaria, Measles & A.I.D.S where a large portion of the victims are BLACK AFRICANS..with little or no economic clout..thus they get second rated media it goes
  • Reply 43 of 43
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Remember: we live in a world where ratings points (aka media paychecks) are more important than accurate and context-driven reporting.


    Ditto !
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