Glued iPhone batteries may be a thing of the past, if this new tech works out



  • Reply 21 of 21
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,005member
    MplsP said:
    tundraboy said:
    Here are your choices with respect to smartphone design:  Compact, Powerful, User Serviceable - Choose 2.  
    Or apply some engineering and get all 3
    The original comment made me think of the Devil’s Triangle in software engineering:

    flexible, performant, cheap - pick 2. 
    Engineering is about managing trade-offs and choosing solutions for both their pros and cons.  As much as we would like, we can’t have it all. When you have 3 different characteristics that are connected but have an almost inverse relationship, something has to give.
    In hardware there is no issue to achieving all three. The limitation is in the instruction: pick two

    It can be done. Of course, then the problem becomes the definition of the three options. 
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