Apple Vision Pro review: six month stasis



  • Reply 21 of 27
    Developer here. We don’t support and won’t support AVP to teach apple a lesson: it’s insane to bully developers for years and then expect them to support a new shiny platform. Apple’s position was always “we don’t need you, but tolerate that you parasite on our iPhone.” 

    Hey Apple, how’s your life without third-party software?
  • Reply 22 of 27
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,005member
    Caveat: this review is coming from a site that thinks the iPad is supposed to be a laptop replacement. 
    That is an incredibly wrong blanket statement.
    It's generally correct. The most common criticism of the iPad within AppleInsider articles is the software and the criticisms are always centered around comparing either iPadOS functionality to macOS functionality or the iPad selection of apps to Mac apps. Nobody does that with the iPhone. Just the iPad. The most recent M4 iPad review was titled something along the lines of 'Hardware of the Future with Software of the Past'. The points made to support that title were all oriented around negatively comparing OS/apps on iPad to Mac. Yes, the author did make a number of comments about not wanting the iPad to run macOS or not thinking it should be just like a Mac laptop...but in the end the article still boiled down to saying iPad lacks certain functionalities or apps that can be found on Apple laptops. 

    Reading comprehension issues??? If you have paid attention, limitation of iPad OS features is a strong criticism directed ONLY at iPad PRO models. Not at iPad Air or entry level iPads. So a blanket statement like one that you made is absolutely wrong.
    Last time I checked, Apple laptops released in the same year are running the same OS and have generally the same app selection regardless of whether there's a 'Pro' label or not. Same thing is true of iPad and iPhone. 
    Are the Pro iphones and non-pro iphones have the exact same feature-set in the software as well? iPhone 15 pros will be getting AI features, but the iPhone 15 non-pros will not be getting the AI features due to hardware variations, isn't it?
    Don’t move goalposts. 

    The context was past and present iPads. 

    I don’t really have a dog in that fight, but you questioned his reading comprehension when it looks like yours is worse. 

    Stick to the subject. Not some future possibility. 
  • Reply 23 of 27
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,651member
    avon b7 said:
    "More on that when it surfaces."  :)

    Great review of the state of play so far. I haven't finished reading it as I've got to go out now.

    First generation of a new category. Still work in progress and, hopefully, many wrinkles to be ironed out.

    Early adopters know what they are in for and are instrumental in assuring the right changes are made for it to move closer to mainstream.

    There is no better way to evaluate the changes that are needed than by having the device available in real world scenarios. 
    Absolutely. I’ve always believed in the notion that the best products are those that are shipping. Even if the first iteration isn’t perfect it puts a stake in the ground that conveys a much greater level of commitment than any size stack of research papers or any number of prototypes. 

    I truly believe this is why Tim Cook insisted on getting the Vision Pro out the door against the advice of some of his engineers. 

    Until it ships it’s not real. Anyone who was sprucing up their garage to accommodate a brand new Apple Car would probably understand this reality. 
  • Reply 24 of 27
    Microsoft would need to allow the bedrock version of Minecraft to work on AVP. Also work on the interface. Why would they do that when they will not allow the bedrock version on the Mac despite many threads and thousands of complaints about that? There are videos of bedrock version working well on ASi Macs before Microsoft disallowed it. 

    AVP should not be killed off. I’m sure it meets Apple’s sales goals. This version was never meant to be mainstream. This is to get a product out there, get developers thinking, get some people to buy it and get feedback. Apple needed to get AVP out to get out of it’s bubble for real people. 
  • Reply 25 of 27
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,952member
    I’m going to have to side with those that are critical of the VP and Apple’s handling of it. It’s really cool tech, but it seems to be going nowhere fast. I don’t see it taking off like the iPhone or the Mac did. There isn’t enough content or enough uses for it. It also may be a great immersive experience, but for a third of the price you can get a couple of big high def monitors and do everything you want. Maybe someday it will reach its potential, but not in the near, or even medium term.

    I would not be surprised if this ends up a repeat of the Mac/Windows history. Mac was superior, but Windows was cheaper and you could do more with it. When the VP was released I said call me in five years when it was more mature. I’ll hold to the five year timeline, but would not be at all surprised if the dominant VR/AR system at that point is not Apple’s. They are dropping the ball for all the reasons you outlined above. 
    edited September 1 gatorguy
  • Reply 26 of 27
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,440member
    DAalseth said:
    I’m going to have to side with those that are critical of the VP and Apple’s handling of it. It’s really cool tech, but it seems to be going nowhere fast. I don’t see it taking off like the iPhone or the Mac did. There isn’t enough content or enough uses for it. It also may be a great immersive experience, but for a third of the price you can get a couple of big high def monitors and do everything you want. Maybe someday it will reach its potential, but not in the near, or even medium term.

    I would not be surprised if this ends up a repeat of the Mac/Windows history. Mac was superior, but Windows was cheaper and you could do more with it. When the VP was released I said call me in five years when it was more mature. I’ll hold to the five year timeline, but would not be at all surprised if the dominant VR/AR system at that point is not Apple’s. They are dropping the ball for all the reasons you outlined above. 
    Omg…. This pike and twist to justify a narrative is getting ridiculous. 

    initial launch has happened
    os version 2 is in beta
    so no stasis on software side
    similar products in apples range have 18-24 month cycles so really where is hardware stasis.
    even the most pessimistic estimates are over 150k units per quarter. 

    Shame there no break down of sales numbers. Because I doubt of the established products that reach the same price level there is one selling an order of magnitude more units to make it some standout measure of success. 

    Mac studio. No one questions it’s worth in the line up starts only a couple of hundred dollar below the Vision Pro from all reports and guesses didn’t sell more than a million units in the same time period.  Fully loaded iPadPros can get up there yet the iPadPro range moved 4+ million again fairly easy to assume under a million unit above the VP price point. Not going to touch on the Mac Pro for all we know visionPro will probably move more units per week than an updated M4 Mac Pro when it happens.

    No one calls these products failures and they don’t pull foot traffic into Apple stores the way the visionPro is.

    It is just a poor narrative that reflects poorly on the expertise of its authors. 
  • Reply 27 of 27
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member
    Caveat: this review is coming from a site that thinks the iPad is supposed to be a laptop replacement. 
    Get back to me when xcode is a tablet app.
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