How new Apple Music subscribers can get three months for free

in Apple Music

New users can now try out Apple Music for three months for free, instead of the normal one month trial. Here's how to get the super-sized music streaming introductory offer.

Red music note icon on a screen displaying various music playlists and album covers, such as Creative Focus and Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.
Apple Music

Apple offers people who haven't tried Apple Music before a free month's trial run. In the past, this was a much lengthier three-month period, but that reduced down to one month in February 2022.

One month is the norm, but there have been opportunities to benefit from a longer free trial period. Typically this has been in the form of an offer included as part of a hardware purchase.

But now, new users can now redeem a three-month free trial of Apple Music once again. After the free period elapses, subscribers will be charged the usual $11 rate, unless they cancel or modify their subscription.

How to sign up for Apple Music's three-months-free trial

  • On the iPhone, iPad, or Mac, open the Music app. The offer should appear straight away on-screen.

  • If the offer doesn't appear immediately, navigate to Home within the app.

Offer limitations

The offer is running until September 23, 2024, making it a window of availability lasting just over a month.

It is also available only to new subscribers who haven't used Apple Music before. Previous subscribers cannot take advantage of the offer, nor can current users.

This also prevents anyone who previously had access via a Family plan subscription to Apple Music from taking up the offer. Likewise, anyone who subscribed or was involved with an Apple One plan.

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