Apple's Magic Mouse charging port design has never been a big deal



  • Reply 41 of 45
    MS1ms1 Posts: 1member
    *GASP* maybe they want you to realize that it's a "mouse" with its tail up? 🤔
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  • Reply 42 of 45
    AppleZuluapplezulu Posts: 2,272member
    MplsP said:
    The Apple Apologist in full effect. If that was ANY other company that did that, you'd be talking about how bad of a design it was and who in the world would put the charging port on the bottom of a mouse so that you can't use it while it's charging.

    Doesn't matter how often or not it needs charging, still an awful way to do that!!
    This x1000

    Is there ANY functional reason to have the port on the bottom? No. Is there ANY advantage? No. 

    Bottom line: there is no reason and no advantage but very clear disadvantages. Hallmarks of bad design. The best argument I've seen people come up with is 'well, it's not that bad and it doesn't disrupt your workflow that much.' Seriously, such (attempted) arguments call into question the intelligence and ability to reason of the people making them.
    As I've said elsewhere in this thread, yes, there actually is a functional reason for it. Putting the charging port on the front end of the mouse so that it can be used while charging will result in some people leaving it plugged in all the time. Of those people, some will end up damaging the port through constant, repetitive motion applying leverage and torque to the charging port. Faced with this reality, Apple could choose to overengineer the charging port so that there would be fewer failures related to misusing the device as a wired mouse, or they could put the port on the bottom, thus preventing damage from misuse. 

    The second option also allows them to avoid spending money defending against lawsuits from people who would insist that by placing the port on the front, Apple knew that people would misuse the mouse as a wired device, and damage would result. Don't bother replying to say that there are no lawsuits against other manufacturers who put the port on the front. This is Apple we're talking about. People sued them for preventing system crashes on old iPhones with old batteries. 

    So yeah. It's a wireless mouse that should be used wirelessly. The advantage of putting the charing port on the bottom is to keep people from damaging their wireless mouse by being too lazy to unplug it and use it wirelessly. This way the mouse doesn't have to cost more because Apple doesn't have to spend extra money preparing for people to misuse the device.
    edited October 2024
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  • Reply 43 of 45

    Apple's Magic Mouse charging port design has never been a big deal

    Really?  It's ridiculous, like most Apple mice, which is why I've replaced each one with a multi-button mouse since I got my first Mac in 1993.  I have a Logitech MX Master 3 at home and at work and guess what?  I can charge it and use it AT THE SAME TIME! 

    You, William, might not think this is a big deal - but it just makes sense.  I'm totally on board with most of Apple's design decisions, but they continue to prioritise form over function when it comes to mice, which is mystifying.
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  • Reply 44 of 45
    when people become hyperbolically outraged over the smallest things
    Like the location of the power button on the new Mac mini, perhaps?  :-)
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  • Reply 45 of 45
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    I'm always amused by the number of people for whom this mouse is a hill worthy of dying on, yet see no issues with the charging hassles around battery electric vehicles.
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