Trump claims Tim Cook has committed Apple to massive US investment

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in General Discussion edited January 20

Incoming President Trump says he has met with Apple CEO Tim Cook, who reportedly committed the company to a greatly increased investment in the US.

Two men in suits sit at a table, speaking, with one looking serious and the other making a pursed-lip expression.
Tim Cook (left) with Donald Trump in a meeting during the latter's first presidential term

Ahead of the inauguration ceremony, Trump held a victory rally in which he talked of business leaders promising to invest in the US. According to Fox Business, he named SoftBank, DAMAC, and Apple.

"I spoke with Tim Cook of Apple," said Trump. "He said they're going to make a massive investment in the United States because of our big election win."

Apple has consistently invested in US manufacturing as well as creating job opportunities in the country.

"We know that Apple could only have been created in the United States," Cook has said before. "We love this country. We're patriots. This is our country. [We want] to create as many jobs in the US as we can."

The majority of iPhone, Mac, and other devices are manufactured overseas, particularly in China. But during the Biden Administration, the Chips Act saw Apple processor supplier TSMC being subsidised to build plants in the US.

Trump did not specify how big the new commitment is said to be, nor in what ways Apple may invest. Apple has not commented.

The news follows Cook's handling of Apple's relationship with Trump during his first presidency. It also comes after Cook personally committed $1 million to the inauguration ceremony.

Read on AppleInsider

Harrytroharry wildwreighven


  • Reply 1 of 57
    Goes without saying that you have to take the claims of a compulsive liar and imbecile with a significant pinch of salt, though.

    I imagine Cook said something vague like 'We have always been committed to investing within the US' and trump just heard 'Sir, I love you! I'd do anything for you! I promise we'll commit a squillion bazillion dollars to spending, because you're so awesome.'
    NickoTTJanNLavon b7Cesar Battistini MazierogatorguyGraeme000RonnyDaddydanoxlondorGrannySmith99
     19Likes 7Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 57
    "I spoke with Tim Apple of Cook," said Trump. 
    edited January 20
    tacobelleoStationGreyCesar Battistini Mazieroapple4thewinHarrytrolondorlordjohnwhorfincpsroAlex1Nwatto_cobra
     11Likes 2Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 57
    NickoTT said:
    "I spoke with Tim Apple of Cook," said Trump. 
    You beat me to it! 
    NickoTTCesar Battistini Mazierolondorlordjohnwhorfinwatto_cobra9secondkox2
     4Likes 2Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 57
    GOP needs some cover for the renewal and/or expansion of the $2 trillion tax cut from 2017. Business leaders claimed they would use the cuts for investments in infrastructure and employees but it mostly just went into the profit column or towards stock buybacks.
     7Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 57
    Because famously, Apple has never invested in the United States? He's lying. He has no idea what's going on. Please do not report his empty hearsay as "Apple News."
    StationGreyCesar Battistini MazieroGraeme000londorlordjohnwhorfinkiltedgreencoolfactormattinozgrandact73killroy
     11Likes 4Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 6 of 57
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,790member
    Apple assembled the 2019 Mac Pro in the USA, didn’t it?  The $6000 Mac Pro.   This was to avoid tariffs on Apple back then. 

    And also gave him one.

    It was a bribe then.  I wonder what bribe Trump will ask for this time.  

    Allegedly. Whatever.  

    It wasn’t even a new factory but they probably told Trump that.  

    Those who don’t learn history are doomed to fabricate it.  
    edited January 20
    Cesar Battistini MazieroGraeme000londorlordjohnwhorfinkillroywatto_cobrawreighven9secondkox2sconosciutoChidoro
     7Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 57
    DAalsethdaalseth Posts: 3,141member
    Cheeto Mussolini could say the sky is blue and I’d check before I left the house. How do you know the idiot in chief is lying? His lips are moving. 
    Cesar Battistini MazieroStationGreyGraeme000londorlordjohnwhorfincoolfactorgrandact73davenwatto_cobrawreighven
     8Likes 4Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 57
    Why are people on the left so angry? Americans have a lot of freedom and they take it for granted. 

    Trump will do a great government for the world. 
     6Likes 16Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 57
    AppleZuluapplezulu Posts: 2,273member
    "I spoke with Tim Cook of Apple," said Trump. "He said they're going to make a massive investment in the United States because of our big election win."

    The key to working Trump’s large and predictable ego is letting him believe that. Whatever it is that Cook actually said, the resulting comment coming from Trump’s mouth means that he will treat Apple favorably. Mission accomplished. 
     8Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 57
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,103member
    Why are people on the left so angry? Americans have a lot of freedom and they take it for granted. 

    Trump will do a great government for the world. 
    It's not about the left (or the right) for the rest of the world. It is about Trump and what he represents as a disruptive, reckless, tactless, limited political entity.

    Most people in and outside the US are probably in damage mitigation mode for the next couple of years and hoping things aren't as bad as they could be. 

    His first term was bumpy as hell and Covid was, in hindsight, perhaps a blessing in disguise in some cases.
    Graeme000macxpresslondorcoolfactorharry wildwatto_cobra9secondkox2AulaniXedradarthekat
     7Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 57
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member
    Why are people on the left so angry? 
    I'm a lifelong Republican, a dyed-in-the-wool Reaganite back in the day and a door-to-door campaigner for Richard Nixon at my tender age of 13 as a Young Republican. 
    Mr. Trump is not representative of my beliefs, nor hardly a shining example of the best America has to offer. We should have done so much better than this, and could have if my chosen party had the cajones.

    One branch of our government will not be doing it's sworn duty in the short-term, but perhaps by this time next year Congress will have found where they left their backbone. We have three branches for good reason. 
    edited January 20
     13Likes 3Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 12 of 57
    avon b7 said:
    Why are people on the left so angry? Americans have a lot of freedom and they take it for granted. 

    Trump will do a great government for the world. 
    It's not about the left (or the right) for the rest of the world. It is about Trump and what he represents as a disruptive, reckless, tactless, limited political entity.

    Most people in and outside the US are probably in damage mitigation mode for the next couple of years and hoping things aren't as bad as they could be. 

    His first term was bumpy as hell and Covid was, in hindsight, perhaps a blessing in disguise in some cases.
    The guy is Brazilian. He has no stake in what we will have to deal with in the US.
     2Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 57
    Tim Cook has put Apple first by playing to Trumps need for attention.  As an Apple customer and stock holder I hope it helps the company.
    ssfe11jas99londorJFC_PAharry wilddavenwatto_cobra9secondkox2
     6Likes 2Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 57
    DAalsethdaalseth Posts: 3,141member
    Why are people on the left so angry? Americans have a lot of freedom and they take it for granted. 

    Trump will do a great government for the world. 
    No he won’t, that much is certain. Whether one agrees with Trump’s policies and goals, one thing is clear from his first term: Trump is massively incompetent. He failed at everything he tried to do and made a complete botch of things. We still haven’t cleaned up the mess he left from his first term. 
    Graeme000jas99danoxlondorJFC_PAkiltedgreencoolfactorharry wildprairiewalkerwatto_cobra
     11Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 57
    ssfe11ssfe11 Posts: 116member
    People seem to forget that the Founding Fathers hated their King and that the Constitution was meticulously crafted so that no one person could ever take control because they knew soon enough someone would try. I’m not at all saying Trump is that someone but people do seem nervous about this. For those who think this take comfort in knowing that our Constitution is ironclad and IF EVER NEEDED in the future the checks and balances will prove once again how great and strong our democracy and Constitution is. 
    edited January 20
     6Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 57
    NBC made Trump look like a genius on his TV show.  That hooked a bunch of dummies into believing that he was .  Add to that the religious nutcases, who believe Trump was anointed by god to be President; add the uber rich, who really know what's going on - money, and folks who will not vote for a black candidate or a woman, and you have a slim majority, not a landslide, a very slim majority.  It's just a matter of time before Trump's lies are exposed, like when the price of eggs doesn't go down or when the tariffs are passed on to the American consumer, or when there is still fighting in Ukraine.  As for Tim Cook, there should be some things that a person would not do even if it meant a bunch of money.  We as a nation have fallen from that level of dignity.
    londordewmelordjohnwhorfincoolfactorcpsroharry wildwreighven9secondkox2radarthekatwatto_cobra
     7Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 57
    Photo shows Cook in distress...
    dewmekiltedgreen13485harry wildprairiewalker9secondkox2watto_cobra
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  • Reply 18 of 57
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,522member
    Why are people on the left so angry? Americans have a lot of freedom and they take it for granted. 

    Trump will do a great government for the world. 
    Americans are not interested in becoming Italy or Greece complete basket-cases…. Unless you can bring back Augustus Caesar, or Alexander, Trump ain’t them, his level is Orban, Erdoğan or Putin.
    edited January 20
    nubuslordjohnwhorfinharry wildprairiewalkerwreighven9secondkox2Aulaniradarthekatwatto_cobra
     6Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 57
    nubusnubus Posts: 686member
    Apple will need to find U.S. companies doing cameras, displays, or batteries to add new U.S. investments. Taking jobs from Broadcom and Qualcomm is a zero-sum game with nothing added to the U.S. Where should Apple invest?
     3Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 57
    JFC_PAjfc_pa Posts: 955member
    He claims a lot of things. Mostly lies. 

    Time will tell. 

    But “big election win”? lol smallest popular vote margin since Nixon. 49.8 vs 48.3. 
    edited January 20
    lordjohnwhorfin13485DAalsethlondorharry wilddavenprairiewalkerwreighven9secondkox2Aulani
     9Likes 3Dislikes 0Informatives
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