Why Walmart still won't accept Apple Pay

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in General Discussion edited January 24

Despite widespread adoption, Walmart has doubled down and gone on record saying it will not accept NFC-based payments like Apple Pay -- in the U.S., at least.

Smartphone displaying a shopping app interface with scan and go features, including scanning items, bagging as you go, and paying with your phone, against a blurred blue-yellow background.
Walmart would much rather you use Walmart Pay

Walmart has more than 4,500 stores in the United States, and exactly zero of them accept Apple Pay. Or Google Pay. Or even tap-to-pay with your credit or debit card.

This is because the big box retailer has decided to eschew NFC-based payments altogether. And it looks like it's going to stay that way, too.

A Walmart representative reached out to MacRumors and provided them with the following statement.

We do not accept NFC and instead have implemented convenient solutions, such as Walmart Pay, that provide our customers easy, touchless payments on any smartphone. We have also invested in innovative technologies that go beyond payments, such as Scan & Go, which allow Sam's Club and Walmart+ members to bypass the checkout altogether, providing a truly touchless shopping experience.

The company has spent more than a decade working on its own self-purportedly convenient ways to pay. This includes Walmart Pay, which allows customers to scan a QR code to pay with a card saved to their Walmart account. Walmart Pay has been available since 2016.

Of course, this means a customer would need to have a Walmart account, save a credit or debit card to their account, and then have the Walmart app on their phone. It's hardly as set-it-and-forget-it as Apple Pay.

Walmart+ subscribers can utilize another feature, Scan & Go to scan barcodes of products while shopping. Then, they can skip the checkout line entirely.

So, Walmart seems dedicated to avoiding NFC payments for as long as possible in favor of pushing consumers to use its in-house solutions. At least in the U.S., that is. As MacRumors points out, Canadian Walmart stores have accepted Apple Pay since 2020.

Apple Pay launched on October 20, 2014, making the service just over a decade old. A recent study showed that customers love the ease of use, security, and privacy it provides.

Most major retailers now accept Apple Pay, as well as other forms of NFC-based payment. Even some notable holdouts like Midwest grocery retailer Kroger and home improvement chain The Home Depot have begun accepting Apple Pay in recent years.

Read on AppleInsider



  • Reply 1 of 27
    I’m sure this comes down to cost and the value of analytics. Like a payment walled garden, I guess. Their weight in the game may have earned them no penalty transaction rate for chip and swipe transactions versus contactless. But no one is forcing me to buy from Walmart and I can’t recall the last time I was even in their store. 
    iOS_Guy80Applejacswatto_cobraBart Ydewme
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 27
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,775member
    (As the article says) we've been using Apple Pay to purchase Walmart goods for five years... here in Canada. And I don't think it's limited to in-store purchases... I believe both their online website and their app for iOS (maybe even for Android) also both accept Apple Pay.

    Since 90% of Walmart's products appear to be made in China, I presume China is putting pressure on Walmart to track their users so the Chinese Communist Party can purchase Walmart's user data. ;-)
     3Likes 7Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 27
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,152member
    (As the article says) we've been using Apple Pay to purchase Walmart goods for five years... here in Canada. And I don't think it's limited to in-store purchases... I believe both their online website and their app for iOS (maybe even for Android) also both accept Apple Pay.

    Since 90% of Walmart's products appear to be made in China, I presume China is putting pressure on Walmart to track their users so the Chinese Communist Party can purchase Walmart's user data. ;-)
    That's because Chip and Pin and tap are pretty ubiquitous here in Canada. It's pretty difficult to get the processor to shut tap off (although you can set a limit).

    Tap activated is all that's needed - ApplePay just works.

    Walmart's main concern may be that they aren't covered if it's a stolen card which was tapped - no security (thanks banks) but the store will often still be liable.
     2Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 27
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 685member
    It all comes down to saving money by processing credit card transactions in house. If I am not mistaken they have their own bank though it is not a traditional one. I believe they are the only customer which gives them a way to avoid the banks skim, but they still get hit with a swipe fee and 20 or so other charges for each swiped. It is amazing to look at the breakdown on my wife's business credit card processing statement. Nobody rides for free on the credit card networks. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 5 of 27
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,445member
    Other than finicky gas pump stations I haven't had an issue with Walmart Pay and I don't think they can replicate Scan & Go as effectively with other non contact payment methods disclosure my wife works for Walmart Corporate so there's an incentive for us to use their technology. 
     2Likes 4Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 27
    maltzmaltz Posts: 518member
    mknelson said:
    That's because Chip and Pin and tap are pretty ubiquitous here in Canada. It's pretty difficult to get the processor to shut tap off (although you can set a limit).

    Tap activated is all that's needed - ApplePay just works.

    Walmart's main concern may be that they aren't covered if it's a stolen card which was tapped - no security (thanks banks) but the store will often still be liable.
    Outside of gas pumps, NFC is very widely available here in the states, too.  I'd say probably 85%+ of places I go to accept it.  (Gas pumps are probably around 10-20%, and only the newest pumps.  Hardly any have been retro-fitted.)  Walmart definitely stands out these days that they don't accept NFC at all.

    It's not a liability thing, though.  Vendors aren't (and never were) on the hook for credit card fraud.  At some point, they were required to move to chip to maintain that coverage, but as long as they don't require a magstripe swipe (except as a fallback) then they're covered.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 7 of 27
    Everyone I shop at Walmart I always tap 1 star out of 5 after checkout and the same on the online survey link from the mail receipt. Always mentioning no Apple Pay
    p-dogAnilu_777watto_cobragrandact73williamlondonForumPostjas99Bart Ymarklark
     8Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 27
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,963member
    Yet another reason why I will never step foot into any Walmart. I'll gladly take my business elsewhere...such as Target. Much better shopping experience and clientele anyways. 
    p-dogwatto_cobragrandact73jas99Bart Y
     4Likes 1Dislike 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 27
    jimh2 said:
    It all comes down to saving money by processing credit card transactions in house. If I am not mistaken they have their own bank though it is not a traditional one. I believe they are the only customer which gives them a way to avoid the banks skim, but they still get hit with a swipe fee and 20 or so other charges for each swiped. It is amazing to look at the breakdown on my wife's business credit card processing statement. Nobody rides for free on the credit card networks. 
    What it comes down to is being able to track customers’ purchases which they can’t do without a points card or their own payment system. This is why I insist on using Apple Pay everywhere I go. 
    watto_cobrawilliamlondonBart Ydewme
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 27
    Important to know how many times we need to take a shit and use a roll of TP. Wise words!

    (As the article says) we've been using Apple Pay to purchase Walmart goods for five years... here in Canada. And I don't think it's limited to in-store purchases... I believe both their online website and their app for iOS (maybe even for Android) also both accept Apple Pay.

    Since 90% of Walmart's products appear to be made in China, I presume China is putting pressure on Walmart to track their users so the Chinese Communist Party can purchase Walmart's user data. ;-)

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 27
    macxpress said:
    Yet another reason why I will never step foot into any Walmart. I'll gladly take my business elsewhere...such as Target. Much better shopping experience and clientele anyways. 
    I too prefer Target, but lately they've been cutting SKU's left and right and I almost always end up not finding everything I used to be able to buy there.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 12 of 27
    As a French costumer (France, EU), this is a strange choice Walmart has made.
    Here, there is no shop that doesn't accept Apple Pay. Even when you shop on local street food market the Apple Pay solution is not a question we ask, it just work. As a mater of fact, the Apple Pay stickers are not even displayed anymore in many store as there is no way it don't work (and so with Google Pay BTW).
    Most of my friend (and me) doesn't even get out with a wallet anymore, our ID is in our phone/Apple Watch with transportation card, driving permit and Apple Pay compatible paiement card (and all French banks, with no exception are compatible with it).
    Wish you Wallmart change their policies to simplify customers life !
    watto_cobrawilliamlondonjas99Bart Y
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 27
    ManuFR said:
    As a French costumer (France, EU), this is a strange choice Walmart has made.
    Here, there is no shop that doesn't accept Apple Pay. Even when you shop on local street food market the Apple Pay solution is not a question we ask, it just work. As a mater of fact, the Apple Pay stickers are not even displayed anymore in many store as there is no way it don't work (and so with Google Pay BTW).
    Most of my friend (and me) doesn't even get out with a wallet anymore, our ID is in our phone/Apple Watch with transportation card, driving permit and Apple Pay compatible paiement card (and all French banks, with no exception are compatible with it).
    Wish you Wallmart change their policies to simplify customers life !
    In Germany, there are many small businesses that are cash only which means you cannot use Apple Pay there.
     1Like 1Dislike 1Informative
  • Reply 14 of 27
    Fred257fred257 Posts: 269member
    Kroger until recently did the same thing. They will succumb 
    watto_cobraBart Y
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 27
    I generally dislike Walmart to begin with but refusing to accept Apple Pay is a deal breaker for me. I rarely ever carry a wallet or cash, so I always just default to a store that accepts contactless payments. Walmart just isn't even an option because I couldn't pay even if I went in.
    Bart Y
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 27
    kennmsrkennmsr Posts: 101member
    I get around Walmart not accepting my ApplePay by using my American Express which has the highest merchant fee, or if I have the time and know exactly what I need I place the order online for in store pickup and the online has ApplePay as a payment option. Screw Walmart!!
    hmlongcojas99Bart Y
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  • Reply 17 of 27
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,327member
    Since New York State won’t let you use Apple Wallet for your ID, I still need to carry my physical wallet around, so not having Apple Pay at any particular store or chain is no big deal for me. That said, just about everywhere I go accepts Apple Pay now. 
    Bart Y
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 27
    Walmart and I have an agreement. They don’t offer ApplePay, and I never go to Walmart. Works for us. 
    muthuk_vanalingammacxpressdiz_geekMplsPjas99Bart Y
     6Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 27
    Walmarts in Canada accept ApplePay.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 27
    Walmart accepts ApplePay in Canada so it’s kinda ridiculous for them not to do it in the USA. 
    Bart Ydewme
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
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