the mentality of eating another human aside, how many of you think that a BBQ'd bicep would taste delicious?
i do, i mean its pure meat, its alot of it
it is sick to think that its human (which is why i wouldn't do it of course) but well come on it would probably taste good
Given a choice though, I'd probably go for a nice piece of ass meat. Anybody seen CoD around?
Originally posted by murbot
Man, I thought you started silly topics in General Discussion. Now we're onto eating human meat.
haha just a discussion that came up 2day...thought i'd see what people think
*i am by no way condoning the eating of humans
other animals yes though
Originally posted by Luca Rescigno
I wouldn't eat it... health reasons. Cannibalism leads to CJD, the human equivalent of Mad Cow Disease. However, it's much more likely if you eat the brain or spinal cord rather than just meat. I'd only eat human meat if I was going to starve to death otherwise... and even then I think it would be really hard to do.
you get that even when cooked?
it would be hard because of the mentality of "its a human so its different" and i agree, but TRY and put taht aside and look at it as just a hunk of meet
It's not likely that you'll get it from eating an animal that was infected with it, although it is possible. People in England who ate cows infected with Mad Cow Disease usually didn't develop any problems, but some did. It's much more likely when there's cannibalism involved. That's how it spread through the cattle populations in England. That's also how it spread through a tribe in New Guinea - they ritualistically ate their dead, and members of the tribe started getting the disease.
EDIT: If it were just a hunk of meat someone put on my plate, and I had no idea, I guess I might eat it without knowing... but it would probably taste very weird as soon as I tried it, and I wouldn't want any more. Probably quite stringy and tough. And if I knew it was from a person... then I already said, I'd only eat it if my other option was to starve to death.
The circumstances under which I might eat human meat would have to be extremely dire. Now that that's out of the way, human meat probably has a distinct flavour (guessing here :eek: ) like any other animal's meat, which can't be helpful if you're trying not to think about it being human.
guess i'll have to think twice before coming a cannibal
I wonder if they have answered this question. I bet that they won't answer it.
Originally posted by spotcatbug
I don't know where I read this, but, apparently, human flesh does not taste good at all.
somebody has to do this
uh, huh, "read"... been shoppin' for food at the morgue, eh?
Originally posted by Stoo
If you stick to prime cuts, rather than nervous system/brain material, you'd probably be OK.
how would you "butcher" a human to avoid the nervous system?
anyhow, people eating is not good.
Originally posted by spotcatbug
I don't know where I read this, but, apparently, human flesh does not taste good at all.
i think skin would taste horrible, but muscle would taste good i bet (it may taste bad if u know ur eating a human)
Originally posted by ast3r3x
i think skin would taste horrible, but muscle would taste good i bet (it may taste bad if u know ur eating a human)
OK that's thread has lasting enough time. I am not interested to know if the skin taste better than the muscle, the liver, the brain or whatever.
This thread is closed.