iTunes Music Store: $3,385,200,000 Yr. Profit



  • Reply 21 of 21
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member
    The overriding question is how much market share can iTMS (or competing services) take away from traditional distribution channels? It is not unreasonable to assume that these kind of (legal) services could potentially capture around 10-20% of the market without too much difficulty (it is cheaper, the selection/inventory is potentially broader, it is more convenient) and assuming both Mac and Windows users have access to the service. This equates to a revenue pool of around $2 billion in the US alone (based on RIAA 2001 data of circa $13.2 billion). If Apple get the Windows service out quickly and hopefully have the legals tied up with the record companies, they are potentially sitting on a goldmine.
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