Prognog or Eggnog? ATAT's "visions"

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
ATAT's latest prognostication seems a little bit like a controlled leak from Apple to damage control hype about G5's...

[quote] So here's what the crystal revealed: as we suspected, the PowerPC G5 won't be making an appearance (not for another six months, anyway), and instead, we'll get faster Power Mac G4s starting at 933 MHz and punching well past the gigahertz barrier. The long-awaited flat-panel iMac is a definite go, though the specs are fuzzy-- although we do see the nearly-as-long-awaited "iPhoto" consumer image-editing app coming along for the ride, and it looks to be sort of like Mac OS X's "Image Capture" application on steroids and dipped in a pretty iCandy coating. Speaking of Mac OS X, there was a definite vibe that January 7th would constitute the official switchover; as of that date, upon first boot, owners of all new Macs will be greeted with the pleasing contours of Aqua. As for an iBook revision to keep things on par with the new iMac, the crystal says no, but hints at an update in Tokyo. All in all, vague but satisfying.


Is ATAT still getting those S.J. emails periodically? I love the Twin Peaks-like visions (all we need are a few backwards talking dwarfs)... but are ATAT always going to be on the ball? Could it be misdirection for actually releasing G5's? Mind you, I remember hearing that a case change wasn't expected unitl MWNY 02 for the Powermac anyway... and if Quicksilver is staying as is, maybe the G5 wont be around until the summer...

ps. I thought Phil had said OS X was green for go (main sys boot) this spring... Will these new iMacs have enough horsepower to move the GUI around if they boot in X?

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: pathogen ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 43
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    I would say that sounds absolutely on the button. ATAT is usually pretty accurate on these things.
  • Reply 2 of 43
    I wouldn't bet against them.
  • Reply 3 of 43
    I get groovy visions all the time, although none of them are based on our reality. However, I'm in Tune with ATaT, and take their word as gospel. Someone's feeding them good dope (metaphorically, of course), which explains their excellent track record.

    So no G5 for a while. Bummer.
  • Reply 4 of 43
    The PM towers WILL be G4's topping out at 1.2 ghz.

    So shall it be!
  • Reply 5 of 43
    I think ATAT has been pretty rock solid on these things, and is a whole lot more realistic that other things floated here.. I'd be delighted with all the stuff they've mentioned..
  • Reply 6 of 43
    "I'd be delighted with all the stuff they've mentioned.. "

  • Reply 6 of 43
    I do believe we have just received the larger part of Mr. Jobs' keynote script. AtAT is very reliable.

    I wonder if the "revolutionary" device really is the new iMac, as AtAT thinks.

    1GHz+ Power Macs and LCD iMacs are nice, but combined they don't seem enough to justify Apple's gutsy attitude: "We're moving back the keynote, extending it, and trust us, it'll be worth it."

    Is there something else? Or is Apple setting itself up for another colossal letdown?
  • Reply 8 of 43
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    The iMacs should be able to push aroud X.2 ( should be faster), running near G3 1ghz, also maybe the new iMacs will impelment something from Raycer to help with Quartz.
  • Reply 9 of 43
    [quote]Originally posted by iconmaster:

    <strong> I wonder if the "revolutionary" device really is the new iMac, as AtAT thinks.

    1GHz+ Power Macs and LCD iMacs are nice, but combined they don't seem enough to justify Apple's gutsy attitude: "We're moving back the keynote, extending it, and trust us, it'll be worth it." </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apple doesn't have that attitude.

    As for the "revolutionary" device, I'd agree that it is the iMac. Why? AtAT said that the specs in the new machine are hazy. Therefore, there is extra (even by Apple standards) security on it.

    At least they don't mention the new G4s being called G5s. That'd be a catastrope.
  • Reply 10 of 43
    Actually, AtAt's predictions for MWNY sucked cheese. But then, so did most everyone's.

    These predictions are in line with the current conservative consensus (hmmm...a lot of alliteration there). Much as I'd like to believe our own applenut, I think the star of SF will be the new iMac and, while the PM line gets a little beefier, it will continue with G4s for now.
  • Reply 11 of 43
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>Actually, AtAt's predictions for MWNY sucked cheese.</strong><hr></blockquote>Is "sucked cheese" a euphemism for "accurate?"

    They were the only ones who predicted the exact Mhz of the PowerMacs, and they also predicted no iMac II.
  • Reply 12 of 43
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Well whatever happens, I can say this. If all that happens at this extended early keynote is 1.2 GHZ G4's and new iMacs I am going to be pissed.

    1.2GHZ? That is a ****ing joke. That will still be a 1GHZ speed gap. No better....not at all. I know the PPC is a superior architecture but Apple needs to get rid of the speed gap right freakin now. Or at least one hell of a lot closer. They better at least meet the Athalon in terms of speed. 933MHZ....WTF ever!!!!

    I still say G5. If they release G4's they better damn well be faster than all hell. I have a lot of respect for ATAT but this prediction better not be true or I am going to start throwing things. I say that as someone who is going to buy a desktop. But I won't buy a 1.2 GHZ G4 at the top way.

    Guess my wife is getting an ibook after tokyo after all. I'll wait until Apple actually matches their superior looks and feel with superior hardware performance.


    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 43
    Yeah, I'd probably break something close to me at the time I heard what came out if those do.

    G5 at MWSF 2002. I know.
  • Reply 14 of 43
    [quote]Originally posted by pathogen:

    <strong>ATAT's latest prognostication seems a little bit like a controlled leak from Apple to damage control hype about G5's...

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: pathogen ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What? You trying to kill me or something? No G5?

    feh I say, I say 'feh'

    This is truly sad news ... yet it a least confirms that it was a security issue why the expo was moved up, this new boffo product being the cause ... and sadly, likely nothing to do with G5's ...

    ... well we don't know yet, but I'm going from a 60% likely down to 30% ...

    Let's just hope we don't have to wait for 10.2 before we get G5's, cause that's not happening until "summer" now, Summer meaning - what - Sept 21st?

    Did I say 'feh'?
  • Reply 15 of 43
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    geez... you huys get really worked up over stuff like this, huh?
  • Reply 16 of 43
    Every upcoming Macworld, it's the same thing.... lots of people posting "If the new Powermacs aren't twice as fast as the last ones, I'm gonna KILL somebody."

    Apple has NEVER doubled the speed of the Powermac in one single swoop, at least not in so long that I can't remember it. We absolutely are not going to see a 1.6ghz G4, and I'll be really surprised if we see something called a G5. And if we DO see something called a G5, it will be quickly revealed that these are next-gen G4s re-named for marketing purposes.

    If you guys (some of you) can't be pleased about a souped-up next-gen G4 with DDR ram, speeds like 933 up through 1.2ghz, then prepare to be disappointed.

    Just because you WANT something to happen, doesn't mean it will. There were people on forums who thought Ginger was going to be a device for time travel or levitation or cold fusion. Right before Ginger was revealed, there were people saying "If this is just a freakin' scooter I'm gonna KILL somebody!"
  • Reply 17 of 43
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    So the typical post-keyonte doldrums have already set in for some. Aren't we used to this by now? well, in any case, ATAT's "dreams" are quite reasonable, and those who put too much faith in wild fantasies are the only ones who will feel "betrayed."

    iPictures could be the extra something. Whatever the new iMac is, it won't just be an LCD and new form. There will be one more thing about it -- perhaps it's this little app. ATAT's description of iPics is right on the money too. So now we just have to wait for those who wanted PS Elements (all $100 of it) in a free Apple wrapping. Then again, there may be some aspect of the new imacs that ties into the iPod and possible future devices (and existing third party ones to a more limited extent).

    I wouldn't be surprised if they started talking about new perks (dare I call them features?) coming for future OS X releases.
  • Reply 18 of 43
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>So the typical post-keyonte doldrums have already set in for some. Aren't we used to this by now? well, in any case, ATAT's "dreams" are quite reasonable, and those who put too much faith in wild fantasies are the only ones who will feel "betrayed."



    I'd love for Apple to introduce a G5 come MWSF. But in the end, it doesn't really matter that much to me, as I'm not in the market for a new computer. So what if we don't get a G5 in three weeks? Is Apple going to go out of business? Is Apple's marketshare going to drop to 1%?


    The G5s will be here, when they are done. Apple doesn't want to repeat the fiasco of the original G4s.
  • Reply 19 of 43
    Every upcoming Macworld, it's the same thing.... lots of people posting "If the new Powermacs aren't twice as fast as the last ones, I'm gonna KILL somebody." Yet here we still are, 2001 almost over, Steve Jobs said "We'll close the MHz gap in 2001" yet as things stand, without a G5, even if all goes well, we're going to - at best - be half the MHz of Intel: not exactly a big improvement over the less-than-half we're at now. Sorry if some of us find it difficult not to expect more.

    Apple has NEVER doubled the speed of the Powermac in one single swoop, at least not in so long that I can't remember it. Yet if we do math, and we take Mr. Jobs at his word ... doubling the speed in one fell swoop is pretty much what he'd have to do just to keep that promise: because if Moto merely moves ahead at even a normal pace - we'll be "half-way-there, forever", which BTW, should probably become Moto's new slogan.

    And every MacWorld it's the same; people waiting for the big announcement that finally, we're on our way again ... and every time the "told-you-so's" enjoy a smile a their expense ...

    ... forgetting that given the current situation -"half-way-there, forever" is nothing to smile about.
  • Reply 20 of 43
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Way to ruin the party, ATAT! Buzzkill! I suppose we should really blame Steve for bringing salami, as usual. He's just so practical. Doesn't really think different like the in-crowd in these forums.
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