Al Quada spokesperson can´t read maps.



  • Reply 21 of 37
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by New

    Norway and Iran... Run by members of the clergy ... \

    I see, you'd rather these governments be run by atheists or preferably marxists....
  • Reply 22 of 37
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    I see, you'd rather these governments be run by atheists or preferably marxists....

    I'd like a less religiously biased man to run my country. I think you should to...
  • Reply 23 of 37

    Originally posted by aquafire

    I see, you'd rather these governments be run by atheists or preferably marxists....

    I do. Keep religion the HELL away from my government. Look at the Religious Police in Iran. Look at George W.

    Terrifying, I tell ya.
  • Reply 24 of 37
    the generalthe general Posts: 649member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Ohh, I'm really shaking right now

    I have to wonder what wrong we have done to be placed in line with the big boys. Have we started any wars? Or maybe he just want to get rid of the norwegian soccer team once and for all.

    Damn Norwegians! always getting into trouble!

  • Reply 25 of 37
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by New

    I'd like a less religiously biased man to run my country. I think you should to...

    It could propably work with a woman to...
  • Reply 26 of 37
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member


    Look at the Religious Police in Iran. Look at George W.

    Ok... what parallel am I supposed to be seeing?

    Or is this supposed to be self-evident, one of those supercool things you say at a protest to make new friends...?


    Terrifying, I tell ya.

    Terrifying that an intelligent poster just said it, yeah.

    Someone can't be religious without being a terrorist? Fantastic logic.
  • Reply 27 of 37
    Dem's not terrorists, merely fwucked up. Religion and governance should be kept apart because if you want to find moral justification for extremism, ask the right mullah / priest and accuse those who object of heresy.

    The Iranian government isn't terrorist, as hateful as it is.

    Apart from that, I'm not going to try and attempt humour ever again.

    I'm joking, of course.
  • Reply 28 of 37
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    Well.. If you are on the Al Qaeda hate-liste, you should be proud. Seems like we are doing something right, for a change. Th worst thing about the left-winged side in Norway, is that they want to run&hide while other nations fight for them, because "if we participate in a war, sooner or later we will be a target of terrorism", or "we should not kick Mullah Krekar, that nice terrorist leader out of out country..".

    Its probably easy to target the Norwegian oil industry in the middle-east, or the big fleet of tankers. Guess Al Qaeda have picked out a target already.

    More info found here:
  • Reply 29 of 37
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    Originally posted by Immanuel Goldstein

    Or perhaps the Al-Qa'eda spokesman only reads old maps:

    (newer maps being tools of the devil and all that

    Even more the reason he should have said Denmark. There is no Norway on that map.
  • Reply 30 of 37
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by blabla

    Well.. If you are on the Al Qaeda hate-liste, you should be proud. Seems like we are doing something right, for a change. Th worst thing about the left-winged side in Norway, is that they want to run&hide while other nations fight for them, because "if we participate in a war, sooner or later we will be a target of terrorism", or "we should not kick Mullah Krekar, that nice terrorist leader out of out country..".

    Its probably easy to target the Norwegian oil industry in the middle-east, or the big fleet of tankers. Guess Al Qaeda have picked out a target already.

    More info found here:

    The Krekar link is a joke. Norwegian handeling of the matter is even worse.

    What do you mean with "fight for them", what fight are you referring to?
  • Reply 31 of 37
    blablablabla Posts: 185member

    Originally posted by New

    The Krekar link is a joke. Norwegian handeling of the matter is even worse.

    What do you mean with "fight for them", what fight are you referring to?

    Fight for them = The US lead actions in the middle-east.

    Its a war between the western and the islamic countries. Norway, being the 3 biggest oil seller in the world, having successfully converted their oil production into wealth most inhabitants and not limited to a small elite, is just an oposite example of what you find in the middle-east. Even worse, the norwegians arent even muslims, and they got a christian priest prime minister..

    On the other hand, giving asylum to several known terorist, among those Mullah Krekar, (killer and airplane hijacker) Andrawes and another airplane-hijakcer Denmark kicked out a while back.

    The left side seems to be more concerned about that single Iraqian going back to Iraq to fight against Saddam. But they dont seem to have a problem having Mullah Krekar walking free in the streets, getting congratulations from fellow muslims.

    Denmark is no better, having given asylum to this Al-Zawahri (the man giving this threat) and at least 2 airplane hijackers, Nizar al-Khazraji,- general from Iraq responsible for killing 5000 people by using gas. The list goes on..

    ( In norwegian)

    "Dr Zawahri is believed to have lived in Denmark and Switzerland in the early 1990s, sometimes travelling on a false passport.

    Giles Foden says Dr Zawahri's freewheeling role across western Europe during the early 1990s raises questions about the security and asylum policies of a number of European nations and about their refusal to act on information provided by the Egyptian Government. "

    Both Denmark and Norway needs to get rid of their "political correctness" and start getting some quality security agencies. Right now, it seems like at least Norwegian politicans wants as many "refugees" as possible, just to give the prime minister something to bragg about for the big boys in UN. National security will never be first priority for the "political correct" people. Im sure you arent worried about Mullah Krekar family collecting some 300 000 Nkr (about $40 000) annual social welfare, or the fact that at least one flight-hijacker is living in a nice luxury home in the wealthiest part of Norway.

    Thats the way Norway threats their "refugees". Too much money to spend on trash, IMO.

    BTW, I now read the news that Krekar got 2 phone numbers to Al-Qaida members, when he was arrested. And he is still a small fish? The group he is leading, was one of the first targets USA knocked out during the Iraq war.
  • Reply 32 of 37
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    What about Holland though? I mean if you think about it, no culture is more free-wheeling and liberalized than Holland. What with all the red light and snort-o districts.

  • Reply 33 of 37

    Originally posted by Anders the White


    Originally posted by Immanuel Goldstein

    Or perhaps the Al-Qa'eda spokesman only reads old maps:

    (newer maps being tools of the devil and all that

    Even more the reason he should have said Denmark. There is no Norway on that map.

    Sure there is one, and its the larger yelowish part too, had Al Zawahri been less suspicious of Shaytan's newer maps he'd be declaring war to Greenland.
  • Reply 34 of 37

    Originally posted by Moogs

    What about Holland though? I mean if you think about it, no culture is more free-wheeling and liberalized than Holland. What with all the red light and snort-o districts.

    That is actually useful tool against Al Qa'eda and the likes, makes them angry.

    But then you have some seeders of fear who suggest avoiding any approach which provoques or otherwise hurts the terrorists' feelings, for that, they say, is bound to increase their attacks; logically they should advocate the dismantling of anything reminsecent of free-wheeling.

    I propose free-wheeling be actively promoted, both domestically and globally, in parallel with a resolved policy of crushing terrorist organisations with the means necessary (including force).
  • Reply 35 of 37
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by blabla

    Fight for them = The US lead actions in the middle-east.

    Funny, I never realized that the US invaded Iraq because of their love for norway...


    Its a war between the western and the islamic countries.

    What war is this then?


    Norway, being the 3 biggest oil seller in the world, having successfully converted their oil production into wealth most inhabitants and not limited to a small elite, is just an oposite example of what you find in the middle-east. Even worse, the norwegians arent even muslims, and they got a christian priest prime minister..

    So bin Laden is angry with norway for these reasons?


    On the other hand, giving asylum to several known terorist, among those Mullah Krekar, (killer and airplane hijacker) Andrawes and another airplane-hijakcer Denmark kicked out a while back.

    Krekar is free because there is no good evidence. He also has an offcial UN status as a refugee. Andrawes was, or still is, in jail. Other than these two, I bet you can't even name one.


    Both Denmark and Norway needs to get rid of their "political correctness" and start getting some quality security agencies. Right now, it seems like at least Norwegian politicans wants as many "refugees" as possible, just to give the prime minister something to bragg about for the big boys in UN. National security will never be first priority for the "political correct" people. Im sure you arent worried about Mullah Krekar family collecting some 300 000 Nkr (about $40 000) annual social welfare, or the fact that at least one flight-hijacker is living in a nice luxury home in the wealthiest part of Norway.

    Thats the way Norway threats their "refugees". Too much money to spend on trash, IMO.[/B][/QUOTE]

    So we are suddenly talking immigration policies now? Blame the immigrants for everything, right?
  • Reply 36 of 37
    blablablabla Posts: 185member

    Originally posted by New

    Funny, I never realized that the US invaded Iraq because of their love for norway...

    Oh that funny... where did I say that? Sooner or later you will grow up, getting less "correct" and start realizing some poeple just hate the western culture in general. It doesnt help to use the left-wing tactics from the pre-1940 days. Im sure you know what I mean.


    Krekar is free because there is no good evidence. He also has an offcial UN status as a refugee. Andrawes was, or still is, in jail. Other than these two, I bet you can't even name one.

    No, you are correct..

    The names are Mansour and Farhad Muhammadi Injeh. One of them are now living in a nice luxury home in Baerum. The worst thing, is that he now got a job in the national broadcast corporation, - probably because "cutting off ears in a Danish refugee camp and hijacking airlanes" is an enriching experience he could use in his job. Having stuff like that in your CV is probably a positive thing.

    Krekar is costing Norway $40 000 annually in social welfare alone + he gets a free lawyer. He got more rights and less obligations than the average Norwegian, but Im sure you disagree.

    A video tape of Krekar walking in Iraq training those terrorists, are not a good enough evidence, right.

    Norway/Denmark is hosting known terrorists, even giving them nice homes and loads of social welfare. The reason: too stupid politicans and too many politically correct people.


    So we are suddenly talking immigration policies now? Blame the immigrants for everything, right?

    I said "refugees", but people like you probably categorize Krekar as a refugee. Does he deserve those $40K? The funny thing about Norway, is that some "correct people" find it OK if a "refugee" is visiting his home country 2-3 months each year.
  • Reply 37 of 37
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by blabla

    Oh that funny... where did I say that? Sooner or later you will grow up, getting less "correct" and start realizing some poeple just hate the western culture in general. It doesnt help to use the left-wing tactics from the pre-1940 days. Im sure you know what I mean.

    want to remind me who fought the germans hardest during the occupation? ahh! the left-wingers, thats right...


    A video tape of Krekar walking in Iraq training those terrorists, are not a good enough evidence, right.

    Norway/Denmark is hosting known terrorists, even giving them nice homes and loads of social welfare. The reason: too stupid politicans and too many politically correct people.

    Last time I checked there was no law against fighting a rebel battle in your home-country whilst you are a refugee. If he has done any terrorism, fine, get out the evidence and send him to jail.


    I said "refugees", but people like you probably categorize Krekar as a refugee.

    Not me, the UN.


    Does he deserve those $40K? The funny thing about Norway, is that some "correct people" find it OK if a "refugee" is visiting his home country 2-3 months each year.

    well, because of the war, we're stuck with him now...
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