Where do I get my faith and what drives me

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I open this to share with you who care to know just where exactly I get my faith. I also want to invite any and all of you to share if you wish where you get your faith or drive. You are welcome to share your experience.

I will say for disclosure that the matter I am opening here is one that is not universal to all and I respect that. I am not trying to evangelize but rather to share for any who may be interested what it is that well articulates my life and how it has come to be that I view life and how I live within my outlook and provision.

This thread is to open and share perspective and understanding. I respect the idea of open and shared perspective from all.

The Audio Link below does amazing justice to where I find myself within life. How I live and why I live as I do. Why I love what I love and why I communicate as I do.

It is a beautiful message. The larger picture of the message taken as a whole is what molds or shapes me. It is my rendering. I know not all of you can relate to me here and not all of you care to and I respect that.

If you would like to have a really good understanding of why I am who I am take a listen to this beautiful message.

It is not short but it is beautiful.

Again please share your experience here you are more than welcome.

In Love and peace,

Fellowship Audio Link


  • Reply 1 of 22
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Your link is a massive 17 megagytes..I'm only on a piddly 56k modem..It will take hours to load....

    any short cuts...?\
  • Reply 2 of 22
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by aquafire


    Your link is a massive 17 megagytes..I'm only on a piddly 56k modem..It will take hours to load....

    any short cuts...?\

    It would be worth the loading even at your bandwidth. DL it overnight. There is a part of the message that directly relates to you from what I can discern. I believe it is a beautiful message you would appriciate aquafire.

    With Love and peace,

  • Reply 3 of 22
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    It would be worth the loading even at your bandwidth. DL it overnight. There is a part of the message that directly relates to you from what I can discern. I believe it is a beautiful message you would appriciate aquafire.

    With Love and peace,


    Thanx for the thought, trouble is my el-cheapo internet times out in less time than it would take to download.

    Sometimes my internet speed drops dramatically, for no reason at all. it is hypothetically meant ot run at 56k V90..but reality is that it averages only 40k...

    Ps regarding music...you might want to hear " Streams" a gospel compilation..brought out by " Word records "

    cd No 080688591229...check Amazon.com

    I challenge anyone to hear it and not be moved to tears by its haunting beauty...

    I'll edit this post later if I can find a cover image.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    Thanx for the thought, trouble is my el-cheapo internet times out in less time than it would take to download.

    Sometimes my internet speed drops dramatically, for no reason at all. it is hypothetically meant ot run at 56k V90..but reality is that it averages only 40k...

    Ps regarding music...you might want to hear " Streams" a gospel compilation..brought out by " Word records "

    cd No 080688591229...check Amazon.com

    I challenge anyone to hear it and not be moved to tears by its haunting beauty...

    I'll edit this post later if I can find a cover image.


    God Bless aquafire.

    Find a connection to the internet at a public place or a friends and listen to my link. It may give you some added understanding that will forever shape your life.

    In Peace and love,

  • Reply 5 of 22
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook


    God Bless aquafire.

    Find a connection to the internet at a public place or a friends and listen to my link. It may give you some added understanding that will forever shape your life.

    In Peace and love,


    Most impressed Wow, that was quicker than greased lightning...

    Thanx for the kind blessings & I hope you get to hear the album..I actually am playing it right now as I am typing...

    Ps....Will try to access your link elsewhere soon.

    In the meantime...May God watch over you and your beautiful family..( I remember the snaps )
  • Reply 6 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Damn, and here I thought it was going to be about where "you" get your faith from, which is easy enough to answer: fear and loss.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Damn, and here I thought it was going to be about where "you" get your faith from, which is easy enough to answer: fear and loss.

    No, nothing about fear and loss with my faith. My faith is built upon the promises kept by God in the Bible. It is really amazing "Supernatural" and beautiful.

  • Reply 8 of 22
    mlnjrmlnjr Posts: 230member

    (paraphrasing here) "But FCIB that's a huge download and my bandwidth sucks."

    "You should do whatever you can to find a way to download it because there's a message in it just for YOU."

    Haven't people gone bankrupt this way, continuing to financially support their church even though their own financial standing isn't all that great to begin with? It's sad when good people get manipulated like that.

    I downloaded and listened to the whole .mp3, and I've got one question: Are the people in that congregation thinking for themselves or are they hanging on that doddering old man's every word, waiting for him to tell them what to think?
  • Reply 9 of 22
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    They don't call them "a flock" for nothing. I listened for about 4 or 5 minutes to at least get an idea of what the recording was about. Naturally, I checked into this thread because I thought maybe Fellowship had some words and ideas of his own to share, but alas it's not to be (so far).

    It must be very convenient for some of the people in the congregation to always have the excuse of "the devil made me weak" in explaining their shortcomings. Much easier to blame than accept full responsibility. I guess too that those people with AIDS probably have the disease because they allowed the devil to poison their bloodstream. Maybe we should re-introduce blood-letting... you know, really get back to "the basics".

    Sorry. That was bad. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on the thread in the hopes that Fellowship might formulate some ideas he wants to share with us. Much more interesting than anything that British chap had to say, even if I [am not likely to] agree with much of it.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Sorry, I warned you... into my box it goes.

    Noooo!!!!1 This isn't General Discussion... my box doesn't work in this damn forum!!!!

  • Reply 11 of 22
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Listen to yourself. You believe in a guy in the sky. You're part of a cult. No, not the Mac cult.

    Religions are nice but kind of a waste of time. Why don't you work for the Red Cross if you are serious about helping other people (usually the theme of religions) instead of just talking about it in a church service?
  • Reply 12 of 22
    xenuxenu Posts: 204member
    Matsu is correct about where faith comes from - fear and loss.

    Fear that once you die, that's it. You will never experience another thing while the universe grows old and dies - trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years of nothing. Humanity will die out, and you will be dust.

    The sun will destroy the earth, and the dust will blow out with the storm,

    and you will know none of it.

    Loss also comes into it - who doesn't want a loved one to be in a better place after death, especially if that death was difficult?

    Some people simply have too much fear to accept that there is nothing wrong with oblivion. It's just the way it is.

    They have too much fear to accept that the universe wasn't made for them.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    [/i]Matsu is correct about where faith comes from - fear and loss.

    And hope....Faith is not based on pessimism. But on eternal life & growth.


    [/i]Some people simply have too much fear to accept that there is nothing wrong with oblivion. It's just the way it is.

    Kiekergaard ( Existentialist theologian ) described this as the " dark night of the soul "...ie Existential Angst..and comes from an obssession with materialistic definition ( finite ) of the universe.


    [/i]They have too much fear to accept that the universe wasn't made for them.

    Love this one...! If it wasn't made for " Us " ...( life ) then for what was it made...?

    On the contrary, Astro-physicists are showing that the " Universe " not only apppears to have order woven into its very fabric..but it also appears to be profoundly " User Friendly "

    An example of this is in how Entropy effects order.

    Despite the most fundamental principal of " Entropy " ( the process by which energy is lost or becomes unavailabe to a closed system ) the universe actually seems to be evolving more complexity & order..not less as it ages. A really strange process that defies logic.

    As per faith, personally, I like the idea that at the end your material life you get what you craved for in a spritual sense..( sorry no porches etc ).


    If you believe in eternal life..you get a shot at it.

    If you want oblivion ( buddhism )..Ok thats your call.

    If you want materialism...you come back as a baby's Diaper....
  • Reply 14 of 22
    xenuxenu Posts: 204member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    And hope....Faith is not based on pessimism. But on eternal life & growth.

    Hope based on fear - hope that this is not all there is to existence.

    It is, and there is nothing to fear from that.


    Love this one...! If it wasn't made for " Us " ...( life ) then for what was it made...?

    Wasn't made for anything.

    It is pure arrogance, born of fear and ignorance, to believe otherwise.


    On the contrary, Astro-physicists are showing that the " Universe " not only apppears to have order woven into its very fabric..but it also appears to be profoundly " User Friendly "

    You seem to be channeling fellowship.


    If you believe in eternal life..you get a shot at it.

    No you don't. One does not follow from the other.

    I could argue that you have to believe in the "right" god.

    Don't get it wrong.


    If you want oblivion ( buddhism )..Ok thats your call.

    Not my call at all, just the way it is.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    Thanks for the link! I tell ya, I used to be as Ayn Rand Objectivist as they come, but I noticed something - whenever I tried to control things in my life (being that I can be a bit of a control freak) and account for every little detail and factor, that's when things never failed to completely fall apart and blow up in my face. Always felt out of sync with the world. Always the guy that tries to find the best parking spot only to end up with the shittiest one and then when I get to near the entrance, a perfect parking spot in the front opens up.

    Ever since I chilled out, started doing weekly breakfasts with a friend who is a pastor, did a little reading of The Book and a little writing to The Big Kahuna in my journal and once in awhile, even go to a church (though I still can't help but gawk at the cute babes there) a lot of cool things are happening in my life.

    Old emotional scars and wounds are not only healed, but new strength added to my life. I'm in sync with the world, things I've always wanted and unsuccessfully chased are now falling into my lap from out of nowhere, and YES! I am getting these amazing parking spots.

    Crazy but true. Not saying it's for everyone, but man, it just blows my mind how these things work out. Sometimes I still wonder. It's only been about a couple of months, but I can't help but see at least one minor miracle in my life on a daily basis, and quite often, some pretty big ones.

    In one case, I wanted to buy a rare and vintage guitar pedal for a good deal off someone and the person flaked out on me! I had all the emails and was ready to take it to small claims court and nail his rear end into the wall when a friend gently suggested I give the kid a break and let him off the hook. So I did and less than a week later, a friend emailed me with an ad for the exact pedal for HALF THE PRICE(!!!) And it's in dead mint condition with original box, manual and still in the plastic wrapping! I called the guy up and closed the deal immediately. I still can't believe it!

    One of the tenets of Objectivism is "A is A" and going with what works. Well, I have to say, God works.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Kestral

    Thanks for the link! I tell ya, I used to be as Ayn Rand Objectivist as they come, but I noticed something - whenever I tried to control things in my life (being that I can be a bit of a control freak) and account for every little detail and factor, that's when things never failed to completely fall apart and blow up in my face. Always felt out of sync with the world. Always the guy that tries to find the best parking spot only to end up with the shittiest one and then when I get to near the entrance, a perfect parking spot in the front opens up.

    Ever since I chilled out, started doing weekly breakfasts with a friend who is a pastor, did a little reading of The Book and a little writing to The Big Kahuna in my journal and once in awhile, even go to a church (though I still can't help but gawk at the cute babes there) a lot of cool things are happening in my life.

    Old emotional scars and wounds are not only healed, but new strength added to my life. I'm in sync with the world, things I've always wanted and unsuccessfully chased are now falling into my lap from out of nowhere, and YES! I am getting these amazing parking spots.

    Crazy but true. Not saying it's for everyone, but man, it just blows my mind how these things work out. Sometimes I still wonder. It's only been about a couple of months, but I can't help but see at least one minor miracle in my life on a daily basis, and quite often, some pretty big ones.

    In one case, I wanted to buy a rare and vintage guitar pedal for a good deal off someone and the person flaked out on me! I had all the emails and was ready to take it to small claims court and nail his rear end into the wall when a friend gently suggested I give the kid a break and let him off the hook. So I did and less than a week later, a friend emailed me with an ad for the exact pedal for HALF THE PRICE(!!!) And it's in dead mint condition with original box, manual and still in the plastic wrapping! I called the guy up and closed the deal immediately. I still can't believe it!

    One of the tenets of Objectivism is "A is A" and going with what works. Well, I have to say, God works.

    Good for you. Seriously. I really mean it...just as long as you realize that what works for you may not work for everyone.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    Thanks BR for the kind words. I'm not saying it's for everyone. In fact, I don't see myself ever doing that evangelical thing, totally cheeses me out. I'm only reporting my own personal observations. As you said, it may not be for everyone. But I figured that Fellowship was going to get his ass nailed to the wall by the forumites here as my experience here has shown me that the AI crowd is an aethiest and objectivist bunch and I wasn't going to stand by and watch it, just in case someone was on the fence.

    I grew up Roman Catholic all my life and you know what? Cool shit never happened to me. In fact, uncool shit happening to me was a fact of life. I blamed God. F--k that beyatch!! was my attitude towards it all.

    Somewhere along the line recently, it's all finally clicked. In fact, I still don't know how this all started, it just did. "If you build it, they will come" and all that BS. But it wasn't the fact that I changed my attitude to Kissing Ass To The Big Guy that things started to happen. It was more an acknowledgement that there is a force at work that is way bigger than me, and there's no way I can control all the factors I think I can. At this point I'm just going with the flow more than anything else, but I find that acknowledging and thanking that force once in awhile seems to keeps things rolling.

    Speaking of which people here would have no qualms about beleiving in "The Force" from Star Wars or the teachings of the Jedi. I mean come on! It's a techno wet dream of some rich nerd. Is it really that much more ridiculous to call that force God and believe like Yoda says that it's all around us and holds the universe together? I think not. Even Luke had to believe in something before he could make that X-Wing fighter come out of the muck.
  • Reply 18 of 22
    xenuxenu Posts: 204member
    Have you tried yoga and deep breathing exercises?

    "Speaking of which people here would have no qualms about beleiving in "The Force" from Star Wars or the teachings of the Jedi. I mean come on! It's a techno wet dream of some rich nerd. Is it really that much more ridiculous to call that force God and believe like Yoda says that it's all around us and holds the universe together? I think not. Even Luke had to believe in something before he could make that X-Wing fighter come out of the muck."

    There was evidence for "the force". It obviously existed in the Star Wars universe. Doubters could be proven wrong with empirical evidence.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    Yoga and deep breathing... sitting still, doing the usual exchange of CO2 and O2, but focusing on it and in doing so, expecting that somehow, it'll lead to enlightenment? Man, I'm as willing to take a leap of faith as much as the next person, but that's just too far of a stretch for me!

    Ok, this is about as much "testifying" as I can do, no more of this, off to read about the G5 rumors (please oh please let them be true!)
  • Reply 20 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    It's amazing that people from both sides read my comment as a negative, as an attack on faith, when to me it was anything but, though I do realize how it could be seen as such.

    Sadly for you, I'm not giving theology lessons today, or correcting the psycho-philosophical miscues of Ann Rand.

    It's too bad so many people don't know how to read the Bible, it's got lotsa good stuff in it. Fear and loss are entirly consistent with faith even as the Bible describes it, if you look in the right places.
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