Empty or Full : Which is it ?
Your asked to sit at a table where a glass has some water poured into it.
Your then given one of two choices to describe what you see in the relation to the glass & the water.
Is it half Empty
Is it half Full
According to which answer you give..you are then described as having an Optimistic outlook on life as opposed to a Pessimistic outlook..
So which answer would you give ?
Are you the type who sees things as half empty ?
or the type that sees things as half full..?
Your then given one of two choices to describe what you see in the relation to the glass & the water.
Is it half Empty
Is it half Full
According to which answer you give..you are then described as having an Optimistic outlook on life as opposed to a Pessimistic outlook..
So which answer would you give ?
Are you the type who sees things as half empty ?
or the type that sees things as half full..?
Originally posted by murbot
You DON'T have to start 5 threads a day like your buddy FCiB, you know.
Maybe I should post 10 threads a day to balance things out. All of them could be:
Hmm, I don't find this interesting.
I don't like it.
Nope doesn't interest me at all.
Oooh, or how about this:
I just would like to share with you (for the billionth time) how accepting the unknown gives me strength. I'm not evangelizing I'm just saying that if you believe what I believe you will be more happy. Find the unknown! He could be hiding under your pillow! You'll never experience the joy I feel embracing the unknown every day!
Remember, I'm not evangelizing I'm just saying do what I say and you'll be happy.
Those work?
Originally posted by hmurchison
Depends on what's in the glass.
Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar
it had better not leave a f*cking ring. use a coaster, are you an idiot?
That would never happen if it was always completely empty, stupid optimistic people [runs off to change signature...]
This glass looks pretty full.
Originally posted by murbot
You DON'T have to start 5 threads a day like your buddy FCiB, you know.
America..The land of Free expression... Ha !
" Don't have a Cow man "
Originally posted by aquafire
Is it half Empty
Is it half Full
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Originally posted by trumptman
I forget who around here had that tagline but I always like it because it was a different way of thinking.
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Given that your an " optimist " by your own millionare post..
( which by the way coincidently refers to millionaires as seeing the glass as half full.)
Then I reckon that you'd make one of those old fashioned benovolent millioniare types that used to do America proud...
What ever happened to them ?\