3 Things You Want Added to Each Product Line



  • Reply 21 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by Bigc:

    <strong>Doesn't look like any of that would happen.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're a genius!

    I wasn't aware that this thread had to be rooted in reality. I suppose that since it's a thread at a RUMORS site that a little fanciful thinking was in order.

    Now bend over while I get a pair of pliers to pluck that butt-plug outta your ass!
  • Reply 22 of 44
    14 inch iBook

    1. G4

    2. Remove the CD to make room for a battery to support the G4

    3. Add a handle to help you carry the extra weight of the fans and battery.

    12 inch iBook

    1. Faster G3 (1GHz or more)

    2. 256MB memory standard

    3. drop the weight to near 3 lbs.

    iMac CRT

    1. Faster G3

    2. Lower the price

    3. promote it more

    I don't know why some people want to kill this product. It is a perfectly adequate computer if you want to do non graphics intensive tasks. Working with text, File Make Pro, email and such things do not require a high end machine with hot graphics and a fast CPU. It serves a different market segment. For Apple's benefit, it is totally paid for and can be manufactured very cheaply.

    iMac LCD

    1. Faster CPU

    2. Faster bus

    3. Bundle the iMic
  • Reply 23 of 44
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    1. Modified G4 or next generation processor that fully supports DDR

    2. Ports on the front

    3. Faster processors and bus speed... 1.5-1.6 GHz processors and a 200 MHz bus


    1. Fix long-time problems like Airport range, paint chips, and heat

    2. DDR

    3. Faster processors + bus


    1. Higher resolution on 14"

    2. Easily replaceable hard drive or bigger standard hard drive

    3. Spanning

    iMac G4:

    1. FASTER PROCESSOR + BUS! Please! We've been at 800 MHz for a year, and 100 MHz bus for three. At the very least, 800 and 1000 MHz, both on a 133 MHz bus. Preferably 867 and 1000.

    2. 17" screen standard. No 19" model... that would be crazy.

    3. Much lower prices - $999 for a low end 17" CD-ROM version. The iMac should have the same price points as the eMac but a cheaper optical drive at each one, to make up for the extra cost of a 17" display.


    1. Same as above. Needs to be faster.

    2. Tilt/Swivel stand standard, no price increase.

    3. Low end CD-ROM 800 MHz $799 version.

    CRT iMac:

    1. Kill it

    2. Or do the following improvements:

    a. Trinitron tube

    b. iBook motherboard for cheap and easy manufacturing

    c. 800 MHz PowerPC 750fx across the board

    d. 16 MB Radeon

    e. CD-ROM, CD-RW, or Combo drive options

    f. 30 or 40 GB hard drive

    g. Prices starting at $499 for the CD-ROM version, up to $699 for the combo.

    [ 11-11-2002: Message edited by: Luca Rescigno ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 44
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member
    Sidebar: is it feasible for the air vent holes on the front of the MDD G4 to double as possible access points for USB/Firewire ports on the frontside of the case?

    The connector could be hidden - it would look a lot better than some of the Wintel attempts at moving the ports to the front.
  • Reply 25 of 44
    Okay, except for TKN no one seemed to answer this question. What do you want to see across ALL product lines. So, I'll throw in my two cents about what they all should have, in no particular order. Ok, some should, and some that would just be cool.

    USB 2.0



    Digital Audio In/Out (at least Out)

    G4 or better


    Higher Res (at least the iBook)

    Video spanning (or at least use just the external display at a higher res)

    Bigger hard drives


    Bring back the Cube, but put it in the consumer space where it belongs instead of the pro space. Allow minimal expansion/upgrading (video card, hard disk). The upgrade people will figure out how to improve the proc on their own. The iMac is plenty of computer for some people, but not everyone wants an all in one system.
  • Reply 26 of 44
    nevynnevyn Posts: 360member

    AM/FM tuner


    Boom box/car stereos designed for it to snap into


    4x GPULs now now now.

    iBook + PowerBook.

    4x6 inkwell built in (Wacom's graphire2's smallest tablet).


    New version -&gt; the SpacePort. Set it up as the ultimate home/small office switch/hub/router etc. (4x ports for starters).


    the XBlade. As many ppc's as you can slam into a rack mounted server without catching the building on fire.
  • Reply 27 of 44
    strobestrobe Posts: 369member

    Two firewire ports (I mean WTF man)

    handle which doubles as lift

    better trackpad (some trackpads have features like scroll)
  • Reply 28 of 44
    strobestrobe Posts: 369member
    What would really be cool is if you could fold the screen back like a chequebook and use a stylus.
  • Reply 29 of 44
    Across the line:

    As others have said, faster USB and FireWire

    Faster AGP buses.

    More options on optical drives.

    Larger capacity hard drives optional.

    Hardware RAID in the pro line.

    Faster ATA buses.

    eMac specifically:

    Headless version with choice of AGP graphics(VGA, DVI, or ADC) and optical drives. Start out in the educational market but expand to others if the demand warrants it. The eMac doesn't have the iMac's reputation to ruin if the headless route ends up crashing and burning.

    Laptops specifically:

    More functional keyboards that offer larger keys. The TiBook and 14.1" iBook offer the horizontal space, but it's not being used.
  • Reply 30 of 44
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    All lines, All models:

    1.) Lower Prices

    2.) Lower Prices

    3.) Lower Prices
  • Reply 31 of 44
    Across the board:

    1. More user upgradable Hardware

    2. Digital Audio in and out ( Optical preferred )

    3. LINUX versions of iApps

    4. Trade-in value at the Apple store :eek: <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 32 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by McCrab:

    <strong>Sidebar: is it feasible for the air vent holes on the front of the MDD G4 to double as possible access points for USB/Firewire ports on the frontside of the case?

    The connector could be hidden - it would look a lot better than some of the Wintel attempts at moving the ports to the front.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not really, since if you block the vent holes with USB/FW ports, then they wont be very good vents. Maybe you meant to ask if it's possible to put ports on the front of the Towers, easily? To that I'm not sure...but it may involve quite a bit of extra wiring or mobo circuitry.
  • Reply 33 of 44

    1. Monitor Spanning

    2. G4

    3. Firewire DVD burner option


    1. 12.1" size with same power

    2. Better AirPort Reception

    3. At least one USB and FireWire port on each side


    1. Quieter Operation

    2. That's all.

    3. As soon as it gets quieter, I'm placing my order. I don't care what IBM's doing.


    1. Bigger hard drive

    2. More expandability

    3. Okay, I want a PowerMac.


    1. Audio input (standard line/mic in), aiff recording fine.

    2. Color screen and Quicktime Movie Playback

    3. SDK


    1. Don't care

    2. But cheaper would mean more sales for Apple.

    3. Popcorn bag holder on side.

  • Reply 34 of 44
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    A number of peole in this thread and others are discussing what they think Apple will do with their display line. Planar just released a 17" LCD for $559 with VGA and DVI connectors and speakers, and $519 with VGA and no speakers. Given the fact that Apples monitors do not have speakers, only have an ADC connector, and Apples investment in Samsung a few years ago, Apple should be able to come out with a 17" for around$599 or less.

    They also have a 19" LCD retailing for $869 with DVI and VGA connectors, speakers and 2 port USB, so if Apple is looking to release a 19" LCD then their target price should be $999.

    Samsungs 24" LCD is selling for $2999, again with speakers, DVI and VGA connectors and a 3 year warrenty, so Apple should be able to get their 23" monitor down in price to match or beat this model.

    If Apple decides to hold on to the 15" studio display, then they need to reduce the price down to $399-499 to stay competative.

    All of these "sugested" prices are based on models that are availabe now from other companies of comperable size, adding in a premium for Apple "Style". Apple has recently been VERY slow to move in making their display priceing somewhat competative (the 15" is still at $599, yet you can get a Sony 15" with DVI and VGA connectors for $499, and an 18" Sony with DVI adn VGA for $999 while Apples 17" is still at $999). They need to either be more agressive in pricing in this area, as well as others, or stop waisting resources and money and just drop the products.
  • Reply 35 of 44
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    The 15" Studio Display was discontinued a few weeks ago. The rest of the lineup remains unchanged.
  • Reply 36 of 44
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    [quote]Originally posted by Luca Rescigno:

    <strong>The 15" Studio Display was discontinued a few weeks ago. The rest of the lineup remains unchanged.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    My point remains the same, Apple's display prices are 10 or more monts out of date. With rebates on display purchases (not display and computer as Apple has had running for the past year) you can get a 17" LCD as low as $499. No its not as high end a display as the ones Apple makes, but it isnt worth an extra $500 either. Also remember that most of the LCD displays on the market have an A-D converter added so that they can be hooked up to a VGA card or a DVI. Apple's only have an ADC connector, which does not require the extra circutry of the A-D converter, nore does it have a DVI connector, this tells me that they cost less to produce. I may be wrong, but the Studio display is also lacking speakers, which also saves in production cost. Here in lies one of Apples "tragic" flaws, they are slow to react to market forces both in price reductions and in timing of their upgrade cycles. Yes some of this can be blamed on suppliers, but not all of it. I dont think the Apple should try to compete with the lowest cost producers, but they should at least be competative in price with the high end in the PC market, such as Sony who sells their high end 17" LCD display for $699, $300 less than Apples current price whcih matches Sony's 18.1" LCD.
  • Reply 37 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by MrBillData:

    <strong>Across the board:

    1. More user upgradable Hardware

    2. Digital Audio in and out ( Optical preferred )

    3. LINUX versions of iApps

    4. Trade-in value at the Apple store :eek: <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Optical preferred?? Optical is definitely much flimsier than coax, and both are carrying a digital signal. Neither will introduce any loss, and keeping it all electric (or whatever word you choose to use), and coax is probably cheaper and easier.
  • Reply 38 of 44
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by strobe:


    Two firewire ports (I mean WTF man)


    Are two firewire ports really needed? Most firewire things have two ports so you can plug other things into them.
  • Reply 39 of 44
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:

    <strong>Are two firewire ports really needed? Most firewire things have two ports so you can plug other things into them.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You need two ports if you're capturing DV footage straight to a FireWire HD. Given that Apple pushes the PowerBook as a portable editing machine, I can see the extra port would make sense.
  • Reply 40 of 44
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:


    You need two ports if you're capturing DV footage straight to a FireWire HD. Given that Apple pushes the PowerBook as a portable editing machine, I can see the extra port would make sense.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    are you sure?

    I really don't think that is the case... I remember originally it was but I know people have been capturing to firewire hard drives with DV cameras on the powerbook
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