Broken FireWire HD
Summary is that my brothers firewire drive all of the sudden started giving the error that no readable partitions were available on it. It also when i first give it power gives a different reading noise then it used sounds like (keep in mind sounds like from my lack of knowledge of hd's) it is trying to find something but can't. I think that because it gives the same pattern of sounds like 3 times in a row and then quits.
So what are my options, is there any way to format it without deleting the stuff (i guess not zeroing all data) and then trying to unerase stuff?
any help, i tried norton but it doesn't recognize it, disk utility does though
So what are my options, is there any way to format it without deleting the stuff (i guess not zeroing all data) and then trying to unerase stuff?
any help, i tried norton but it doesn't recognize it, disk utility does though
While rebooting hold down command-s.
at the prompt do a 'df'.
You should see something like
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capac Mounted
/dev/disk2s6 16496312 14262752 2068600 87% /
devfs 203 203 0 100% /dev
fdesc 2 2 0 100% /dev
now do a 'fsck -y /dev/rdisk2s6'
Remember to replace the disk2s6 with whatever you have as a root disk.
This might help dix the problem.
If you do have drive errors.
Put the drive in another machine and copy the data.
i'll try that (or some measure of it) and see what i get
thanks by the way
Originally posted by ast3r3x
Summary is that my brothers firewire drive all of the sudden started giving the error that no readable partitions were available on it.
This wouldn't by any chance be a QPS Que!M3 Firewire drive, would it? Nasty pieces of work, those...
- S