What brings meaning to your life ?



  • Reply 41 of 54
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by EDS66

    Hey, PowerDoc, where are you from?

    Just curious.

    I came from Neris, it's written under my displayed name.

    Otherwise you can get some clue with my signatures. It's not a big secret where i came from anyway.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    Was she banned?!?

    Was she a she?!?


    Unless I have completely fallen off my perch ( that is always possible ) She was a she, given her writing style tended more often than not to show those sorts of "inclusive emotional " markers..Including her unwillingness to engage in foul language, blog-fisticuffs..leaving threads with big eyed gloomies....

    Never ever once saw her use a or even a .mainly because they have masculine looking attributes.....

    As for me I tend to post \ and the occasional

    Yep she's been banned but really don't know why.'

    I read her last forays and they were nothing out of the ordinary. Certainly no attacks on anyone....

    I hope she comes back or the ban is lifted ...

    But the mods are pretty quiet on this one...\
  • Reply 43 of 54
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Panther, the G5 and Elastic Fantastic will also add meaning to my life, because I will be able to run life's most daunting questions through the Adonized beast with 64-bit precision! Soon we will revel at our own magnificence as we give birth to.... A. I.

    A singular consciousness that spawned an enti.... uh... ya art is great.
  • Reply 44 of 54
    fangornfangorn Posts: 323member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    Unless I have completely fallen off my perch ( that is always possible ) She was a she, given her writing style tended more often than not to show those sorts of "inclusive emotional " markers..Including her unwillingness to engage in foul language, blog-fisticuffs..leaving threads with big eyed gloomies....

    Never ever once saw her use a or even a .mainly because they have masculine looking attributes.....

    As for me I tend to post \ and the occasional

    Yep she's been banned but really don't know why.'

    I read her last forays and they were nothing out of the ordinary. Certainly no attacks on anyone....

    I hope she comes back or the ban is lifted ...

    But the mods are pretty quiet on this one...\

    Well, first of all, ena is a HE. (I am a she.)

    Second of all, yes, ena has been banned, along with the whole state of Alaska. I am making the post only by virtue of a dial up aol account I keep around for emergencies.

    The ever shifting story goes like this: (1) the Mods put a ban on us because ena and Fangorn had the same ip address so they ASSUMED we were the same person. We are not. We just happen to be behind the same firewall. ena and I share the same "facilities"; he is how I found out about AppleOutsider. (2) Next, I was told that Mods think ena was a formerly banned login; however, in the same breath I am also told that banned logins are allowed to return under new names if they "behave." Therefore, the issue of whether or not ena was aksoldotna in a former life is moot. That leaves only (3) that somehow ena "misbehaved" but heaven help me if I can find any posts that violated guidelines. Furthermore, I have never seen a moderator call him down for a post.

    We have been trying to get a straight story from the Mods and Administrators, but they are ignoring our messages. I can?t get back on using my usual connection as long as the IP ban is in effect and the aol costs me money every time I log on.

    Needless to say I am quite, hmm, upset and it?s only by ena?s urging that I have not used this post to vent. Unless things change, this will be my last.

    Oh well, we are both getting a good deal more work done. And he has found another forum to post on, one more in keeping with his preferred level of discussion.

    "? this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!"
  • Reply 45 of 54
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Fangorn

    Well, first of all, ena is a HE. (I am a she.)

    Second of all, yes, ena has been banned, along with the whole state of Alaska. I am making the post only by virtue of a dial up aol account I keep around for emergencies.

    The ever shifting story goes like this: (1) the Mods put a ban on us because ena and Fangorn had the same ip address so they ASSUMED we were the same person. We are not. We just happen to be behind the same firewall. ena and I share the same "facilities"; he is how I found out about AppleOutsider. (2) Next, I was told that Mods think ena was a formerly banned login; however, in the same breath I am also told that banned logins are allowed to return under new names if they "behave." Therefore, the issue of whether or not ena was aksoldotna in a former life is moot. That leaves only (3) that somehow ena "misbehaved" but heaven help me if I can find any posts that violated guidelines. Furthermore, I have never seen a moderator call him down for a post.

    We have been trying to get a straight story from the Mods and Administrators, but they are ignoring our messages. I can?t get back on using my usual connection as long as the IP ban is in effect and the aol costs me money every time I log on.

    Needless to say I am quite, hmm, upset and it?s only by ena?s urging that I have not used this post to vent. Unless things change, this will be my last.

    Oh well, we are both getting a good deal more work done. And he has found another forum to post on, one more in keeping with his preferred level of discussion.

    "? this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!"

    Sheeesh....I coulda sworn Ena was a Jewish Goil''

    Thats proof enough for me, that I will never get into Cyber Sex..All those possible fancy dreams of mine ( beautiful curvaceous women ) turning out to be otherwise endowed.

    Maybe you won't get to read this post Fanghorn, but it was nice knowing you ( briefly ). good luck & cheers to you and everyone in Alaska...
  • Reply 46 of 54
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    Sheeesh....I coulda sworn Ena was a Jewish Goil''

    No. You're thinking of Scott...erm..wait...that's not it..
  • Reply 47 of 54
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by DiscoCow

    No. You're thinking of Scott...erm..wait...that's not it..

    Haha. We almost had a page of people wondering the same thing....but for the record..(Yes I know my washout on Ena the gendabenda ) Scott is 100% texas Longhorn Beef.

    No Kosher smallgoods as far as I can tell.

    But as for testing this hypothesis...?

    lets just say I'm leaving the thread......... .....
  • Reply 48 of 54
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    Sex and Jello!!! Preferably lime with whipped cream.

    Any one want to join my sex and jello cult???
  • Reply 49 of 54
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by LiquidR

    Preferably lime with whipped cream.

    [homer simpson voice]

    MMMMMMM lime sex with whipped cream.

    [/homer simpson voice]
  • Reply 50 of 54
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by Fangorn

    Well, first of all, ena is a HE. (I am a she.)

    Second of all, yes, ena has been banned, along with the whole state of Alaska. I am making the post only by virtue of a dial up aol account I keep around for emergencies.

    The ever shifting story goes like this: (1) the Mods put a ban on us because ena and Fangorn had the same ip address so they ASSUMED we were the same person. We are not. We just happen to be behind the same firewall. ena and I share the same "facilities"; he is how I found out about AppleOutsider. (2) Next, I was told that Mods think ena was a formerly banned login; however, in the same breath I am also told that banned logins are allowed to return under new names if they "behave." Therefore, the issue of whether or not ena was aksoldotna in a former life is moot. That leaves only (3) that somehow ena "misbehaved" but heaven help me if I can find any posts that violated guidelines. Furthermore, I have never seen a moderator call him down for a post.

    We have been trying to get a straight story from the Mods and Administrators, but they are ignoring our messages. I can?t get back on using my usual connection as long as the IP ban is in effect and the aol costs me money every time I log on.

    Needless to say I am quite, hmm, upset and it?s only by ena?s urging that I have not used this post to vent. Unless things change, this will be my last.

    Oh well, we are both getting a good deal more work done. And he has found another forum to post on, one more in keeping with his preferred level of discussion.

    "? this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!"

    AHAA!!! aksoldotna!!

    that explains everything . . . including ena's poor political thinking . . .

    oh well . . .
  • Reply 51 of 54
    personal attacks will not be tolerated.

  • Reply 52 of 54
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    personal attacks will not be tolerated.


    Whoa! What the .....!11

    Black-hole . In our midst...

    Is this an example of Mods taking someone's thread completely off the air..or is Apple-nut & Hass the one and the same Person...cool..

    Further proof the world IS mysterious8)
  • Reply 53 of 54

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    personal attacks will not be tolerated.


    Oh you Godawful sap, Applenut.
  • Reply 54 of 54
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    personal attacks will not be tolerated.


    Well, it DOES beat deletion of the post.
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