Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 581 of 1072
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
  • Reply 582 of 1072

    Originally posted by coolmac

    Did you see this?

    This pic was debunked.

    Can one imagine the Altivec speed on a 1GHZ BUS!??

    How fast theoretically would a dual 2gig G5 on a 1 Ghz bus encode a six minute song into a 128bit AAC file? Programmer, anyone?

    Holy Cow!
  • Reply 583 of 1072
    redericrederic Posts: 124member
    Woohoo thanks to the G5 leak I've now made it over 100 posts.

    Not bad in 18 months!!
  • Reply 584 of 1072
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    If true, I hope the DP 2giggers are real expensive and the SP are real cheap so that I can get a DP delivered before xmas (ie, so that no one wants to order the DP)
  • Reply 585 of 1072
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    Read the whole thread.
  • Reply 586 of 1072
    argh.... please leave willy-dilly and his lousy fake mockups out of this thread...


    so, will there be any other kind of live-coverage from the keynote? chat/newsfeed/anything?
  • Reply 587 of 1072
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    I came home last night just in time to catch it live on the Apple Store. Directed there by the BRussell'sfirst post on this thread. I stayed up til 4:00 AM refreshing this thread and others.

    Great eye there BR! This could easily been missed, but now it will be forever part of Apple lore. Again, kudus to BRussell!

    This changes everything. That the top end will deliver Intel crushing power and undeniable superiority for an "off the shelf" solution.

    Over in the arse battlefront they are in denial:


    Originally posted by Fat Cat:

    That's still around 10-30% behind Intel. These machines will still be priced into the stratosphere compared to PC's and run a fraction of the world's software. Combine this with piss-poor compilers for OS X, general OS X overhead and you've got yourself a loser.

    Nothing to see here folks except another series of Apple paperweights.

    Best advice is to load up on AAPL today as it is still in the teens. A window of opportunity to let AAPL buy your next system for you. I've been accumulating Apple stock for just over two years now in anticipation of this. Of course I was anticipating a Motorola G5 in '02 when I started. My how things have changed, overnight you might say.

    Aphelion ...
  • Reply 588 of 1072
    rara Posts: 623member
    15 pages... and I read every single post. Damn.
  • Reply 589 of 1072
    First post: 23:41 EDT

    Current Time: 11:28 EDT

    15 pages in under 12 hours, that has got to be a new record

    Part of me wishes I had the money for a new computer, because if my PB G4 500 didn't look slow before, it's going to now. Another part of me is saying "yes, but just imagine what will be on the market by the time you do have the money/need for a new computer."

    What a wonderful thing to wake up to
  • Reply 590 of 1072
    If Apple were to announce anything this big on monday, wouldn't they stream the keynote on the web...?

    food for thought
  • Reply 591 of 1072
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member

    Originally posted by Outsider

    Steve is pissed.

    that is hilarious. Did you make that, Outsider? Kudos to whomever did. That's great. I love it!
  • Reply 592 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    it will be a dealyed stream monday afternoon.

    prob. saves lots of money and gets the diehards to go to the apple store.
  • Reply 593 of 1072
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member

    Originally posted by Power Apple

    If Apple were to announce anything this big on monday, wouldn't they stream the keynote on the web...?

    They will - only not life:
  • Reply 593 of 1072
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member

    Originally posted by Power Apple

    If Apple were to announce anything this big on monday, wouldn't they stream the keynote on the web...?

    food for thought

    they are webcasting it monday afternoon...this could easily be the new way apple does these in person at the show and a sat. feed to apple stores to get people at the stores for the big event...then reshow it later that day for geeks like me that have no apple store yet still want to see the show...

  • Reply 595 of 1072

    Originally posted by thegelding

    they are webcasting it monday afternoon...this could easily be the new way apple does these in person at the show and a sat. feed to apple stores to get people at the stores for the big event...then reshow it later that day for geeks like me that have no apple store yet still want to see the show...


    ok, makes sense
  • Reply 596 of 1072
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I don't think they WWDC's have ever been streamed live - they post them for viewing later on. They did last year, anyway, so that's nothing new.
  • Reply 597 of 1072
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    iTMS unveiling was also posted later in the day. Nothing new for Apple. may stream live, they did it for iTMS unveiling.
  • Reply 598 of 1072
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Stream it live, you bastards, I'm not taking off work and driving to Plano!
  • Reply 599 of 1072
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    It may have already been posted but it looks like even CNN is on on the action now:

    Of course they have the same stupid analysts predicting that this is just a temporary thing before moving to Intel because the IBM processor is "so far behind" Intel in terms of speed. Somebody shoot the bugger and put him out of his misery.
  • Reply 600 of 1072
    mrsparklemrsparkle Posts: 120member
    What speeds are other 64bit Processors running at now?
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