Finally an interesting G5 story



  • Reply 421 of 440
    you people will never learn.

    just because a "source at apple says..."

    doesnt make it so.

    im inclined to believe that this so-called "leak" doesnt know jack!

    all of this processor information that has been flowing in the last few months is very disturbing to me.

    but you people eat it up like candy and think every rumour is fact,and then you run with it and create new rumours.

    i firmly believe even with all the problems at motorola they will still come out on top in the processor wars with IBM.

    remember the design of the chip (alleged) was finished.

    the problems arose in the manufacturing of it.

    the performance of the g5 was unequaled (alleged).

    why wouldnt apple just pickup the pieces and run with it?

    what about all this AMD BROUH HA HA?

    these boards are very frustrating because of the "so-called" experts and whinners.

    im bullish on apple.

    i think the g5 WILL come out.

    I think it will be from motorola,and i have said so repeatedly.

    im a believer,perhaps you all should be too.
  • Reply 422 of 440
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    I think you have no idea what you're talking about.

    The high-end embedded G5 existed briefly on Motorola's roadmap (presumably in the "proposed" phase like the 7457-RM is now), then disappeared.

    THERE IS NO FREAKIN' G5! The Gx naming scheme just flew out the window. Look! There it goes! I'm inclinded to call the 7457-RM next generation, but it's very different to other G5 processors. The PowerPC 970 is even more different, yet it's next generation.

    We have what looks to be a REAL processor from IBM, with proven lineage. What's Motorola got ATM? Nada.

    Motorola and IBM arn't the kind of paranoid company Apple is. They arn't hiding anything. IBM has a fast, cool, desktop processor sampling soon. Motorola has a proposed high-end embedded processor, which could result in yet another Motorola-induced headache for Apple.

    Once burned, twice shy.

  • Reply 423 of 440
    "i think the g5 WILL come out.

    I think it will be from motorola,and i have said so repeatedly.

    im a believer,perhaps you all should be too."

    I don't think so.

    A canadian Moto' rep' said that a desktop/computer G5 wasn't even on their radar.

    When Joe Rubenstein said the G4 has 'alot of life left in it' (groans from the Apple faithful...) that kinda backed up the G5 'cancelled' stories...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 424 of 440
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    [quote]Originally posted by geekmeat:

    <strong>you people will never learn.

    just because a "source at apple says..."

    doesnt make it so.

    im inclined to believe that this so-called "leak" doesnt know jack!

    all of this processor information that has been flowing in the last few months is very disturbing to me.

    but you people eat it up like candy and think every rumour is fact,and then you run with it and create new rumours.

    i firmly believe even with all the problems at motorola they will still come out on top in the processor wars with IBM.

    remember the design of the chip (alleged) was finished.

    the problems arose in the manufacturing of it.

    the performance of the g5 was unequaled (alleged).

    why wouldnt apple just pickup the pieces and run with it?

    what about all this AMD BROUH HA HA?

    these boards are very frustrating because of the "so-called" experts and whinners.

    im bullish on apple.

    i think the g5 WILL come out.

    I think it will be from motorola,and i have said so repeatedly.

    im a believer,perhaps you all should be too.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    All leaks might be (and probably are) completely false, and this includes the ones that you choose to believe just as much as it includes the ones others choose to believe.

    The one incontrovertible fact is that IBM has announced a PowerPC processor with AltiVec that IBM says will ship 2H '03 at speeds up to 1.8 GHz w/ [email protected] GHz level performance in a relatively low-power, low-complexity package.

    We also have about 50 years of IBM history which tells us that, by and large, when it comes to product announcements IBM is about the most conservative company in the computer business. Apple currently uses, and has in the past used, many IBM made and designed PowerPC chips (601, 603, 604, G3).

    So why oh why do people still object to the idea?! Is there some vestige of IBM-hate left over from way back in the mid-80's? IBM ceased to be the "enemy" a long time ago, and now they build some of the best processors in the world which happen to be exactly what Apple needs.

    I mean DUH!

    [ 01-01-2003: Message edited by: Programmer ]</p>
  • Reply 425 of 440
    nevynnevyn Posts: 360member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:


    We also have about 50 years of IBM history which tells us that, by and large, when it comes to product announcements IBM is about the most conservative company in the computer business. Apple currently uses, and has in the past used, many IBM made and designed PowerPC chips (601, 603, 604, G3).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    IBM also has an Antitrust Injunction in force against it _mandating_ that they _never_ go the 'vaporware' route. There's a limited amount of time that they can pre-announce a product before they have to come up with the product, all features announced present or start paying fines. That is - IBM has a much stricter set of 'false advertising' rules because they were caught hyping pure fluff one time too many in the 80's.

    Since then, they have a history of 'sandbagging'. That is, they announce 80% of what they feel they can deliver. That way, little gotchas don't cream them when they aren't able to live up to what they expected.

    This doesn't ensure us a better chip - it just seems a safe bet that the 970 _will_ be here on the schedule announced.

    'General availability 2h03 @ 1.8GHz'
  • Reply 426 of 440
    "So why oh why do people still object to the idea?! Is there some vestige of IBM-hate left over from way back in the mid-80's? IBM ceased to be the "enemy" a long time ago, and now they build some of the best processors in the world which happen to be exactly what Apple needs."

    You won't get any argument from me!

    I think IBM is the way to go on performance. The 970 looks to be a stunner retorte to the last few years of x86 nyah nyahing. 970s in dual and quad and octo combos.

    If you look in terms of Apple's current segments. They could sell cheaper Tower in single processor versions, duals at the prices they have now and quads in a new workstation superpro market and octo for Pixar uber pro.

    From a vulnerable position, IF Apple play to the 'dual and upper' processor strategy strengths, in 'power'Macs Apple can make a stunning comeback.

    This extends to X-serve. IF they get the above dual and onwards strategy into X-serves? The 970 could give stunning performance to Enterprise/business/Pixar style customers.

    Later half 2003 gives Apple the chance to completely level and change the playfield re: performance.

    As well as offer cheaper single CPU 'power'Macs.

    It's all down to Apple. If all they do is offer single cpu 970s at their usual premiums then I think Apple won't have learned anything.

    "I mean DUH!"

    Well, yeah...

    Lemon Bon Bon
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