G5's limited upgrade potential?!?



  • Reply 61 of 61

    Originally posted by Programmer

    Okay, speculation then. The 970 is of the ideal physical size, is made on 300mm wafers, and they are reportedly getting good yields of high speeds (hence the 2 GHz version). This all points to good pricing.

    I was just curious - if I missed something, I'd be very glad to hear. A friend and I have been kicking around an idea for a project for a while, and we had spoken to a motherboard vendor regarding PMC-Sierra's dual-core 1GHz MIPS implementation, but if the 970 is available and cheap, who needs MIPS?

    Processor pricing can be very fickle though. We'll see what happens - I have a feeling IBM is very interested in working with off-the-shelf motherboard vendors for 970-based Linux systems, which could drive down pricing.
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