Will Quark 6 be buggy?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Having not upgraded Quark beyond 4.01 (and occasionally still resorting back to 3.32), I'm considering the move to 6.0.

But my business (and suppliers) certainly don't need the headaches with compatability and bugs. Quark has never been that great in this respect (hence why I'm still at v.4).

I don't know if V.5 was buggy (any experiences?) but I'm hoping v.6 won't be.

I use Classic Environment at work primarily because of Quark. With Quark finally getting on board with OSX, I may finally be able to do the same.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I don't know. Goodness knows they've had enough time to thoroughly test it.

    I imagine it might be like any first-generation of something new. And since it is their first OS X version, who knows? Maybe a few, but maybe they'll address them quickly?

    But don't worry...QuarkXPress 7 is just around the corner in 2009!

  • Reply 2 of 25
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    Knowing Quarks track record on bugs in x.0-releases, I've come to not expect anything. I just hope the enormous delay is the result of Quark taking time to squash bugs and making their first OS X application run as smoothly as possible, but I have no confidence in their programmers.

    Expect alot of bugs until the opposite is proven
  • Reply 3 of 25
    francisg3francisg3 Posts: 168member
    Quark 4 was so buggy, the ad agency I worked at had to DOWNgrade 60 machines to Quark 3. Quark 5 is a big, huge, vile, stinking, piece of !@#$. Every 6 minutes, it causes a system-wide freeze, waits 3 seconds, then causes another one. Any patches? Of course not.

    Now, this was on Quark's own sweet timeline. (what, 5 years between versions). This upgrade comes with a gun to their head, and their livlihoods on the edge of a huge precipice.

    It's going to blow.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    sopphodesopphode Posts: 135member
    Don't be surprised if they used the five years it was in development to figure out just how to crash OS X.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    The first bug appears to be in shipping it out. While I've lived with Quark 5's personality disorders, it plays so poorly with my OS X environment that I've been patiently waiting for 6.0.

    When it became available, I immediately called and ordered it...a story in itself. I had to call three times, as in mid call, they were suddenly unable to hear me. Also, it appears that sales and customer support are now in India along with the programmers, and the call center have been sucked out of Colorado.

    It's been a couple of weeks now, and still no software. Previously, when I purchased stuff from Quark, it showed up in a couple of days. I'm really beginning to wonder whether they really are still a company, or evolving into the sort of people who scam things on eBay.

    I assume it will come....someday. Frankly, it appears that Quark needs to either go out of business or be sold to Apple, because such awful customer service can't survive in a market economy.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member
    In direct response to the topics question... Does a bear s**t in the woods? It's Quark. When have they NOT released a buggy app?

  • Reply 7 of 25
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member

    Originally posted by dviant

    In direct response to the topics question... Does a bear s**t in the woods? It's Quark. When have they NOT released a buggy app?


    In addition to the traditionally buggy Quark x.0 release, you've got to factor in the Bad Carbon Port-ness factor. It could not be terribly buggy (possibly only moderately buggy), and still not such fun to use on OS X.

    Doesn't make sense not to wait until Quark patches it up after the inevitable bug reports.... and at some point before the end of the year, to compare to InDesign 3.
  • Reply 8 of 25

    Originally posted by Sopphode

    Don't be surprised if they used the five years it was in development to figure out just how to crash OS X.


    Actually, I recall InDesign 2.x being a tad buggier than Quark 6. It's been a joy, as far as Quark goes, using it for the past week.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    Actually, I recall InDesign 2.x being a tad buggier than Quark 6. It's been a joy, as far as Quark goes, using it for the past week.

    I think you might be thinking of 1.x. From 1.0-1.5, InDesign was a train wreck, 2.0 is pleasantly maturing, and 3.0 will truly be the 'Quark-Killer' 1.x was (unwisely) touted as being.

    For all the shit that Adobe does wrong...they usually end up doing a few thing right, and this will be one of them.


    phew...just needed to get that out. sorry.
  • Reply 10 of 25
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Um, did I miss a memo? Has ID3's feature set been announced?
  • Reply 11 of 25
    I remember 1.x of ID, and it was a train wreck. Totally unusable for me. But InDesign 2.... it still has been buggy enough for me to notice. hell, even now, I often have to attempt to launch ID 2 two or three times, as it unexpectedly quits the first two attempts.

    So far, Quark 6 has had no issues. It's visually as ugly as usual, but it's still Quark. It's like an abusive home... you hate it, but you love it because it is home.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Um, did I miss a memo? Has ID3's feature set been announced?

    No, pure optimism and hope on my part. Sorry if I sounded like I knew something that I don't.


    Originally posted by LoCash

    I remember 1.x of ID, and it was a train wreck. Totally unusable for me. But InDesign 2.... it still has been buggy enough for me to notice. hell, even now, I often have to attempt to launch ID 2 two or three times, as it unexpectedly quits the first two attempts.

    Yup, but I find ID2 as usable (and crash-worthy) as I did Quark in OS9, and I really don't want to upgrade Quark. My future (maybe???) MIL is a book editor and die-hard Quark user. I've (gently) been easing her into ID, but, like you say, there are issues.

    My firm belief is that now Quark is on OSX, Adobe has 'big' reason to make ID3 a force to reckon with, and I fully expect them to do so.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, InDesign 1 and 1.5 really shouldn't be counted, as they were obviously meant as little pranks from Adobe to us.

    But 2.0? Really nice, and 3.0 will be that much more of a step up.

    I love it.
  • Reply 14 of 25
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Yeah, InDesign 1 and 1.5 really shouldn't be counted, as they were obviously meant as little pranks from Adobe to us.

    Ahh. Kind of like Dimensions?
  • Reply 15 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Now, now...for what it was and what it did, I found Dimensions QUITE cool and useful! Doing package design or wrapping a logo around a sphere or bottle shape couldn't have been easier than with Dimensions! No learning curve whatsoever AND I got to stay in a vector environment!

    Yeah, it wasn't a full-tilt, photorealistic 3D ray tracer...but it was never meant to be, so that was okay.

    I'm just sad that it's languished in a complete state of limbo and neglect for nearly five years!

    BUT...it looks to be coming back, rolled into Illustrator 11, according to some screenshots I saw on a website a while back.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'm just sad that it's languished in a complete state of limbo and neglect for nearly five years!

    That's the little 'prank' I was talking about.

    I loved dimensions. Still have the box on the shelf waiting to 'upgrade'. Cool if it'll be rolled into Illustrator 11. I'm starting to really like 10. Wouldv'e never touched it if Freehand 10 wasn't such a fiasco (although MX is much better).
  • Reply 17 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Here are the Illustrator 11 screenshots I talked about above.

    I guess they're legit?

  • Reply 18 of 25
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
  • Reply 19 of 25
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    Has still not a single person received QX 6 yet?
  • Reply 20 of 25
    jasdonlejasdonle Posts: 3member
    I have recieved Quark 6.

    But I have not used Quark 6.

    Quark 6 gives me an Unknown Error [-9589] whenever I attempt to open any doc that wasn't created natively in Quark 6. We have hundreds upon hundreds of archived Quark 4/5 files and templates that we cannot open with Quark 6, a program that we just spent almost a thousand dollars for (and which does not come with a printed manual--have to add that, heh).

    I have reinstalled. I have troubleshot. I have read the Quark 6 known issues. I have again troubleshot. I have called tech support. I have FTPed Quark Tech Support a Quark 5 file that they were able to open with no problem whatsoever. I was told the problem is local, and that I should reinstall my system software. I'm not reinstalling my system software for Quark. Not again.

    So, for me at least, yes, Quark 6 is buggy. I've only been able to find one other person who's having the same problem I am, so I wouldn't go so far as to say that Quark 6 is buggy across the board, but it's certainly happening, and to more than just me. Our discussion is located here.

    Here's the kicker, though... Go to Quark.com and try finding the Quark forums. You won't be able to. According to Quark they're down for "maintenance". What company in their right mind takes down their forums during their largest launch ever? A nervous one maybe? Makes ya wonder.

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