Will Quark 6 be buggy?



  • Reply 21 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Jeez-louise, that's horrible! Man. What a useless, arrogant and irrelevant company. Strictly where they are on momentum and coming up with one program that became "industry standard" simply because everything else at the time sucked a bit more.

    Sorry to sound tacky, but that company (Quark) shot its wad a good 5 or so years ago. I don't care what they do, where they go, etc.
  • Reply 22 of 25
    Even though I am currently using 5, I will upgrade to 6, without question. But, I am not going to delete 5 for any reason, until 6 becomes more embedded in printing. Think about it, most of the new cool stuff won't be able to be utilized in a native Quark 5 file (cause I am SURE that prepress and output houses will not jump right on this one..) unless it is all smashed down into .pdf format. I dunno about the rest of you, but so far using .pdf for printing can create some very unexpected results- no matter how it is created. Using the same file at two service providers yeild different results. Even the same vendor has different results from one printing to the next..with the same file. So my question is, why go full 6 and not have a back up copy of 5? If you cannot save the whizz-bang stuff from 6 into a 5 file for output and forces you to use .pdf (remember the unexpected results?) Then I say keep 5 incase you have troubles. I do realize fully that this means you have to keep using classic for it -but what's the alternative? Plead with the stars to have all prepress providers and output houses to start using 6 with few or no hitches? I say hurray for 6 (but don't forget to keep 5 around, just in case, ok?)

  • Reply 23 of 25

    Pretty much... I completely agree. IMO anyone who upgrades to Quark 6 is a fool...

    Quark felt old in 1996, and it still feels old now. Not even Carbon can help it.

  • Reply 24 of 25
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    I'm astonished that Quark customers put up with Quark's customer support policy, as detailed from MacFixit:


    With the purchase of a QuarkXpress 6.0 (a US$ 900 product), you will receive one free technical support call. After your initial call, there are a few options for support.

    For e-mail only support, the single-incident plan is priced at US$ 15 and lets you correspond with a Quark technician to resolve a single technical support problem. Under this plan,correspondence continues until the problem is successfully resolved; it is not limited to a single submission and response.

    A one-year plan priced at US$ 129 gives you unlimited technical support through e-mail for 1 year from the date the plan is purchased.

    For telephone support, the prices are significantly higher. The single-incident plan is US$ 39 and similarly lets you talk to a Quark technician to resolve a single technical support problem. Under this plan, telephone calls continue until the problem is successfully resolved; it is not limited to a single telephone call.

    There is a 90-day, unlimited call phone plan for US$ 95, and a 1-year plan priced at US$ 229.


    This is about equivalent to Adobe's support for their consumer (*not* professional) products. Unbelievable.

    Any other feedback on QX6...? Does the can't-open-any-QX4/5 files bug seem to be common? Are people having trouble opening a number of QX4 files?
  • Reply 25 of 25
    jasdonlejasdonle Posts: 3member
    I can't say if the QXP 6 being unable to open QXP 4/5 docs bug is widespread or not. So far I've only found one other report of this happening, so I'm sure there are many more people out there that are NOT having this problem...

    That thread is located at Macfixit.com here. If anyone else is having this problem please post it there, or here. Or here then there. Better yet, post here, there and everywhere.

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