Are you a Beatles or Elvis person?



  • Reply 21 of 33
    alex londonalex london Posts: 613member
    Rock and Roll music,Roll over Beethoven,Kansas City/Hey, Hey , Hey,Twist and Shout,I'm Down, Oh Darling.

    But the point is The Beatles moved on from their love of rock and roll to innovate in all directions. For those that complain that most of the above are cover versions, so was Mystery Train.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Strange thing about the Elvis mystique that is often played down, is that he, ( along with Brando & James Dean ) were all conciously "packaged" to appeal to the underground " gay " market of the early 50's USA.

    Their sex appeal was meant to be universal in the broadest sense..

    " bad boys " with mother appeal...
  • Reply 23 of 33
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    Beatles without a doubt.

    first 45 i remember was "I feel fine".

    *scractches head trying to recall the b-side*

    Sgt Pepper was a paradigm shifting album by almost any standard (top 100 most influential lists from Rolling Stone to individual reviews then and decades later). Playful, psychedelic, intricately layered, a production masterpiece, rich with rewards upon repeat listening.

    Lennon and McCartney are songwriting demigods (Harrison perhaps a lesser acolyte, Starr merely a parishioner). While I wouldn't trust my unaccompanied rendition for perfection of pitch or lyric transcription, I could easily hum or sing parts of dozens of tunes by Paul and/or John.

    News of Elvis's Death_ only really impacted one person I knew, and he was a weird kid anyway... had plaster Elvis lamps and Elvis clocks in his house. He spent much of that day in denial, perhaps he still is.

    News of Lennon's Murder shook up every single person I met that day, and many people, myself included, spent some of that day in tears.

    maybe it's just me, and of course it would depend on which period of each we discuss,

    but Elvis always seemed to be about the marketing, and he was enough of a showman for the music to benefit

    the Beatles always seemed to be about the music, and they had enough showmanship for the marketing to benefit

    Elvis makes various plotless "(Singing) Celebrity Vehicle" films, some set in Hawaii or found in the Seven Seas

    Beatles make Yellow Submarine. animated adventures of mythical vehicle more likely found in the Sea of Holes.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by curiousuburb

    ...News of Elvis's Death_ only really impacted one person I knew...

    But, that's because he never really died

    It's interesting how there are the Elvis never died groupies, and then there rae the "Paul is Dead" groupies. Two musicians, with rumor surrounding their death

    Of course, the Beatles are much more influential than Elvis is. They were so much better, and their revolution was much longer, and still influences music today.
  • Reply 25 of 33
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    Could there have even been a pale imitation of rock n roll like the Beatles without Elvis?
  • Reply 26 of 33
    Between the 2 I'd go with the Beatles but I really think the Rolling Stones early stuff was better than the Beatles, think back to Beggars Banquet and Exile on Mainstreet. "Ventilator Blues" "Rip This Joint" no contest.
  • Reply 27 of 33
    Originally Posted by trick fall View Post

    Could there have even been a pale imitation of rock n roll like the Beatles without Elvis?

    Where were the Beatles an imitation of rock'n'roll, especially when they recorded their own material and even incorporated different recordning techniques and infused various genres of music into their own - like classical, jazz, R&B, and even surf. You don't knwo what you're talking about and you sound ignorant and ill-informed.
  • Reply 28 of 33
    Originally Posted by trick fall View Post

    I hate the Beatles and I think even they themselves would vote for the King. For all the doubters just listen to the song Mystery Train. More Rock N Roll in that 2:27 then in the Beatles whole career.

    More rock'n'roll than the Beatles ever made in their whole career? Ha ha! That's one of the dumbest statements I've heard. Apparently, you haven't heard any of the Beatles' music. If you did, you would know their songs rocked as much as Elvis, even more so.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    I've never really liked the Beatles. They wrote great song lyrics and had a knack for putting together a catchy melody. I have a hard time, however, buying into the mystique that the Beatles were great artists. They were great pop artists, which is about as much as almost any rock group can hope for, but I can go find better lyrics and better melodies without looking too hard.
  • Reply 30 of 33
    2003, folks. Stay tuned for some spam about to hit the thread...

    Meanwhile, the Beatles had a far greater influence on the kind of music I like to listen to than Elvis did. And I like their music far more, as well.

    Which is my point. It's not about who "rocked" or who were musical innovators; it's about what makes you feel good. For me, personally, the beatles make me feel Obama. Elvis makes me feel McCain.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    Beatles for me.
  • Reply 32 of 33
    My vote for The Beatles. And I'm not the only one.. Any list I see on the Web, there are many Beatles albums or songs before Elvis(if he ever is on the list).

    They are great music history, and still going strong. Beethoven, Bach, Brahms and BEATLES
  • Reply 33 of 33
    Originally Posted by Dangerdog View Post

    Between the 2 I'd go with the Beatles but I really think the Rolling Stones early stuff was better than the Beatles, think back to Beggars Banquet and Exile on Mainstreet. "Ventilator Blues" "Rip This Joint" no contest.

    One day Paul McCartney called Mick Jagger: Hey, we got a song you might be interested in..

    I wanna be your man was the Rolling Stones first hit, and released before Beatles own version.
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