11anouncements at SF saysMacBidouille



  • Reply 41 of 57
    1. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    2. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    3. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    4. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    5. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    6. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    7. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    8. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    9. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    10. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    11. A plan to destroy Microsoft forever

    Wishful thinking!!
  • Reply 42 of 57
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by GardenOfEarthlyDelights:


    <a href="http://www.commsdesign.com/story/OEG20021104S0038"; target="_blank">Been there, done that.</a> The chipset is already there.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Still more on the 'imposible' Bluetooth+802.11

    <a href="http://www.intersil.com/design/prism/Blue802/index.asp"; target="_blank">http://www.intersil.com/design/prism/Blue802/index.asp</a>;

    "Unfortunately no Blue802 cards are in the market yet. We are just beginning to sample fully functional alpha boards to key customers so production shouldn't begin until late December or January."

    The above text is a re-posted email from an Intersil rep (found in the usenet newsgroups).


    [ 01-02-2003: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 43 of 57
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    @ things we can take off the list: new version of iCal and final of iSync. They are <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0301/02.updates.php"; target="_blank">here now</a>.
  • Reply 43 of 57
    Well, now we can rule out iSync and iCal updates

    <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0301/02.updates.php"; target="_blank">http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0301/02.updates.php</a>;
  • Reply 45 of 57
    Dammit! Outsider beat me to it

  • Reply 46 of 57
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    1) New wireless keyboards and mice (wheels, multi-buttons?)

    2) New towers

    3) XServe rev

    4) iMacs/eMacs rev

    5) Appleworks

    5) Web Browser app

    6) iPod rev

    7) QuickTime streams over 3G

    8) FireWire 2

    9) Airport 2

    10) New displays (17", 19" 23" and 42/54"?)

    11) Rendez vous
  • Reply 47 of 57
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Wireless keyboards and mice? Pointless particularly since Apple manages their cords so well. The solutions on the market ATM leave much to be desired -- you must plug in the mouse/keyboard transmitter, batteries, etc etc... If the keyboard/mouse were bluetooth affairs then messy external sensors could be eliminated; although, you'll still scrounge for batteries now and again.
  • Reply 48 of 57
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dylsexic Manupilator:

    <strong>I would like to add that MacBidouille also mentionned that Apple France have invited quite a lot of press people to watch the keynote in a livestream session.

    Now I don't suppose that they would do that if there's nothing to show off with...

    even in France...

    Speaking of live stream, will there be a WebSimulCast. Might save me a trip to SF!

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 49 of 57
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Implants, Matsu, Implants. The only way to go.
  • Reply 49 of 57
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    I would like to think one of them would be some mention of IBM as future all-around CPU supplier, perhaps even mentioning progress with the 970 or announcing a future XServe or even PowerMac with the 130 nm process.
  • Reply 51 of 57
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Wireless keyboards and mice? Pointless particularly since Apple manages their cords so well. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    i've always liked the keyboard and mouse from the Mystic/Trinity days from an aesthetic point of view; but i dispute the cable management thing for the mouse. that thin cable often seems to get twisted and slightly caught below the bottom front lip of the optical mouse ... its just a little too pliable and low down. It bugs me so much that when i freelance i take my own mouse. hey it's a minor niggle but ...

    here's my guesswork for the MWSF keynote

    1. imac and emac bumps/board revs

    2. new iapp ... wireless dialer and video conference/chat ... sits somewhere between ichat and adress book in the line up.

    3. more rendezvous related annoucements ... some more consumer-related (eg itunes playlist sharing) and some more pro (node-based clustering)

    4. another strategic partnership ... i'm gonna get worried if apple do half a keynote about digital lifestyle/convergence/mobility and don't mention nokia at all ... reckon they need to

    5. imovie 3 and appleworks 7 (cos you could d/l the X ready versions of the currnt iterations when 10.0 shipped ... i'm sure they'll get some improvements)

    6 something new and wowy to blindside the rather grim pro sales and development for 6 months. not sure what it'll be but i think steve will be looking for something to make people go wow four months later (like the tibook and lcd imac). apple knows that spin and presentation are good bedfellows of innovative design ... they do both well and something novel yet amazing looking. that'd keep many commentators in the wider press of their asses for being dependent on the moribund dev cycle of the g4. that'll do till the summer.

    i'd love to see revised 'books as i've got enough for a wee ibook in my pocket but i'd love to have an extra 100mhz and built in bluetooth ... but i'm not sure it'll happen yet ... i'm guessing march/april unless the economy is very different in cupertino

    as for new PMs ... nope. i remember walking around moscone last year with a big look of disappointment with the lack of pro machines. guess a lot of others may be doing the same this year. which is a shame ... but i guess the final superG4 pro tower (stopgap to the 970) will look fairly crappy when it appears, so they'll not try to eke it out for 7 months on the shelves ... they'd rather make limited revenue off the current model and only bump it when sales/expectation dictate they HAVE to

    i'd love to be proved wrong though

  • Reply 52 of 57
    123123 Posts: 278member
    [quote]Originally posted by yoyoman:

    <strong>First of all 802.11g is not 54 megs its like 20 megs something like that cuase 802.11a is 54


    Ah, because 802.11a is 54Mb, 802.11g can't be...man you are a genius!

    Both extensions (a+g) use the same kind of multiplexing (OFDM) just in different bands. Even though the 2.4GHz band is overcrowded (lower throughput in practice), 802.11g can still do 54Mb if the conditions are right.
  • Reply 53 of 57
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    just thought i should point out that the xraid WILL be one of the 11 announcements. it has been unofficially unveiled to tons of people (inlcuding myself at a free apple seminar), but now OFFICIALLY rolles out. so one of the announcements will be xRaid and/or xServe.

    i also have a hunch that .mac membership will be lowered to US$69 with purchase of new apple hardware (including iPod).

    iMovie, iTunes updates too (though iTunes will probably be pretty minor).

    iMac and eMac will get some bumps, but i just don't see a 19" available until later in the summer, if ever.

    there WILL however, be the 19" flat panel, while all other apple flat panels see appropriate price adjustment (the wide screen is almost within my grasp!!!)

    [ 01-02-2003: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 54 of 57
    1. Rendezvous iTunes.

    2. iPhoto 2.

    3. iMovie 3 (widescreen support)

    4. iDVD 3 (aforementioned widescreen support, new themes, small update)

    5. New pricing scheme for iApps. Yep.

    6. 'Announcement' of iCal update; 'Announcement' of iSync final; wheel out somebody to talk about how wonderful it is, as it syncs with all of one mobile phone...

    7. FCP 4

    8. DVD SP 4

    9. New displays; 17" 20" 23" all widescreen, all the time.

    10. eMac

    11. iMac (with, shock, built-in bluetooth. announcement of built in bluetooth coming within 6 months on all products.

    No PowerMac- updates will be too underwhelming. Xserve? Nobody at a consumer show cares.
  • Reply 55 of 57
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    It would be just like Apple to start charging for iApps instead of including them free with your grossly inflated pricetag. Fvck'em. Where exactly is the value of Mac? It's not cheaper, it's not faster, it's not more reliable than a decent PC (not a cheapie), so it's got pretty plastic and a nice functional OS/app package. OK, but now you wanna tell me the already steep premium is not enough to cover that, you've got to pay more on top of it! Hey STEVE, read my lipps, NO FVCKING WAY!!! People have excused your price and performance penalties basically on the premise that you pay for the platform and software. I sure hope you're wrong Jonathan, or Apple is fooked!
  • Reply 56 of 57
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

  • Reply 57 of 57
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    please, please, please !

    Enough with MWSF is only a consumer show, this is not true ! See by yourself.

    MWSF 1998

    Apple Cranks Up Power Macintosh G3 Performance

    Microsoft and Apple Advance Relationship

    MWSF 1999

    Apple Reinvented Power Macintosh G3 Line

    Apple Debuts Three New Studio Displays

    Apple Announces Mac OS X Server

    Apple Announces New iMacs in Five New Colors

    MWSF 2000

    Apple Unveils Mac OS X

    Apple Unveils Internet Strategy

    Apple Introduces AppleWorks 6

    MWSF 2001

    Apple Unveils One Inch Thick Titanium PowerBook G4

    Apple Delivers New Power Mac G4 with 733 MHz

    Apple Introduces iTunes

    Apple Brings DVD

    Apple?s Mac OS X to Ship on March 24

    MWSF 2002

    Apple Unveils the New iMac

    Apple Introduces iPhoto

    Apple Announces 14-inch iBook

    Apple Makes Mac OS X the Default OS on All Macs

    I can't see a pattern here.
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