Anyone replace old G4 towers with eMacs?



  • Reply 21 of 22
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    PS, even though Pscates does design work, and he says he likes the display, I wouldn't trust him, he's stared at a 15" Tangerine CRT for far too long, and even though he has an LCD now, it may have ruined him forever!

    You might be on to something here...
  • Reply 22 of 22
    ensoniqensoniq Posts: 131member
    Why does everyone bag on the poor eMac?

    The 1 GHz model with RADEON 7500 video kicks any 15" FP iMac's butt. And though the 17" FP iMac is awesome, I don't think the extra $500 is justified when every other feature matches the 1 GHz eMac w/SuperDrive.

    I have an old Sawtooth (G4 500) I considered upgrading. It would cost:

    1 - OWC 1.25 GHz G4 & GeForce4 MX Bundle: $559

    2 - Pioneer DVR-105 DVD-R/RW SuperDrive: $199

    3 - Replacement 80 GB Hard Drive 7200 RPM: $85

    If I did that, it would cost me $845 to upgrade my Sawtooth and get approximately the equivalent to the eMac SuperDrive at $1299.

    But I have a 15" Apple LCD ... so buying the eMac would give me more screen space, Airport Extreme, 133 MHz bus, and the Radeon 7500 in a brand new under warranty machine for $450 more than the upgrade would cost me.

    If I forget the SuperDrive and get a Combo Drive only for $125, the upgrade then costs $770, while the eMac is only $999 ... ($909 refurbished at Small Dog!). $140 more for the refurbished Combo eMac definitely is a smarter deal...for me at least.

    A tower is only good if you REALLY think you need the slots...or have an urgent desire to upgrade video. Otherwise, the eMac is the best price/power ratio Macintosh currently being sold with a G4 chip.

    -- Ensoniq
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