Apple Has G5 Commerical
Here is is:
I'm not sure I get it.
I mean, yes I get it (kindof) I think they're trying to say that its so fast it blew the guy away...
However, after seeing the ad a few more times, I kindof get the feeling that the guy was blown away by the 9 fans that the machine incorporates. Oh well, its nice to see Apple featuring product in their commericals again.
On a side note, anyone notice that the display is the current 23" HD cinema display? Maybe there wont be new displays after all... \
Secondly, the keyboard appears to be the new eMac keyboard. 8)
Thirdly, they strategically move the camera in such a way so that you can 't see a mouse. Could that mean something? Hmmmm... The plot thickens.
I'm not sure I get it.
I mean, yes I get it (kindof) I think they're trying to say that its so fast it blew the guy away...
However, after seeing the ad a few more times, I kindof get the feeling that the guy was blown away by the 9 fans that the machine incorporates. Oh well, its nice to see Apple featuring product in their commericals again.
On a side note, anyone notice that the display is the current 23" HD cinema display? Maybe there wont be new displays after all... \
Secondly, the keyboard appears to be the new eMac keyboard. 8)
Thirdly, they strategically move the camera in such a way so that you can 't see a mouse. Could that mean something? Hmmmm... The plot thickens.
And aren't there nine fans in the G5?
If you scroll through the video file very slowly at the end, you can see the camera and lighting crew reflecting in the bottom part of the display's frame.
Originally posted by COS
Thirdly, they strategically move the camera in such a way so that you can 't see a mouse. Could that mean something? Hmmmm... The plot thickens.
You'll also notice that there are no cords of any kind...
...including power and video cords.
I agree, the message isn't very clear. It should have ended with a trite little phrase like: "It'll blow you away."
..or: "It'll destroy your house and snap your back against an oak tree, leaving you a paralyzed, quivering lump of human flesh begging your loved ones to pull the plug and end your torment."
...You know, something catchy.
pretty obvious to me too!
althuogh I wouldn't have both stressed FASTEST and MOST POWERFUL like that....
but hey, I don't own a big company :-D
cool add
Originally posted by Cory Bauer
It caught my attention before I knew it was an Apple ad
Did the same for me, and I am notoriously hard to rouse. If something can even momentarily crack my hard shell of disinterest, it must be ok.
Originally posted by Cory Bauer
It made sense to me. I saw it for the first time on MTV tonight while watching Tom Green. It caught my attention before I knew it was an Apple ad, so it gets an A in my book
good point.
Originally posted by howyoudoin
About not seeing the mouse, if you notice when the guy hits the tree he is holding the emac mouse.
nice catch.
Well, I guess the 3rd parties will continue to stay in the keyboard/mouse business.
Originally posted by Cory Bauer
It made sense to me. I saw it for the first time on MTV tonight while watching Tom Green. It caught my attention before I knew it was an Apple ad, so it gets an A in my book
And I'm sure MTV-watchers are just the type of well-educated, money-loaded buyers Apple is hoping to attract.
Can somebody please tell me who is running Apple marketing? I just don't see the point in this ad. I half expected it to be a half-eaten poptart or something equally inane on that desk. Very first-year ad-school; not at all inventive like the AlBook or iPod commercials have been.