The Next Mode for OS X?



  • Reply 21 of 23
    drumbug1drumbug1 Posts: 155member
    The one thing no one has mentioned is that many *nix developers (esp. Linux) don't want to port their apps to Mac OS X. Many of these people are very VERY concerned with the conditions in which people can get their apps. There is often a concern with the "free-ness" of the app or the OS it runs on.

    Of course, this doesn't include everyone and many Linux users love Macs. But for some, this is a big issue.

    This is what I speak of
  • Reply 22 of 23
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Yes. RMS and his followers have been on some major crack for two decades already.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Apple's X11 does JUST THIS. And the Aqua window manager makes it look like it is a part of OS X.

    No it doesn't. Apple's X11 is just providing controls for the window, and the actions attacherd to it, like resizing, minimizing, closing and so forth. The window, its borders, drop shadow, and window controls look and behave like any other OSX app, but that's how far as Aqua go.

    X11 apps have their own set of fonts for example. They have their own menus, buttons, and other contols witch are app centric. As you can se att Apple's X11 page the apps have their own menus, own grey scheme, and their own buttons.. none of these kinds of widgets are aquafied.

    And, I might guess, never will be since such a window manager would be GPL'ed and then the aqua-interface would be on every Linux-desktop in no time.
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