Are you satisfied with the level of discussion here?



  • Reply 21 of 33
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Of course BR is the king of unintelligent and irrelevant posts that just take shots at people. So ban him.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    I think part of the problem is the people who start sensationalistic threads ( political mostly ) sometimes just to get a rise out of the opposition. They don't want to debate or discuss ( really ) they just want to air their personal and very subjective posture.

    As to should something be done about it? I'm not too keen on adding more structure than there currently is as it might hinder feedom of expression. But if the majority of AI members are tired of stupidity for stupidity's sake maybe they should adopt the " Don't feed the trolls " type stance if it becomes too much.
  • Reply 23 of 33
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Of course BR is the king of unintelligent and irrelevant posts that just take shots at people. So ban him.

    Irrelevant, perhaps. Unintelligent, no way.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    Having but recently been reconnected after being cut off in the middle o' the night I feel that I am able tae offer a unique perspective on the quality o' the cut and thrust in Apple Ootsider. I must say that tae my mind it is unstintingly guid value for money, dishing oot huge dollops o' grooviness wi' reckless generosity, but if it is felt that there is a hiccup in the fountain o' cerebral juiciness then I wid recommend the following courses o' action...

    1) AppleInsider immediately divert a proportion o' its not inconsiderable secret funds tae employ some world class arguers and debaters (eg: ex (or soon tae be ex) politicians, radicals, envoys, raconteurs and philosophers.

    2) The implementation o' select Pay-Per-Arguement threads (employing the services o' the above) in which the users pick and choose baith the quality and length o' argument desired, paying upon mutually satisfactory consummation o' the altercation.

    3) Participants in debate threads agree tae forfeit their cars, homes, spouses and macs if on the losing side, thus discouraging time-wasters and the otherwise frivolous and lunatic fringe.

    I beg tae remain your obedient servant...

    Sir Mac o' the Isles, etc, etc
  • Reply 25 of 33
    pay per argument!

    it's like that python skit:

    man 1; i came here for an argument

    man behind desk: no you didn't

    man: yes i did!

    desk man: no you didn't

    man: yes i did!

    desk man ; didn't, excuse me is this a five minute argument or did you pay for the full half hour?
  • Reply 26 of 33
    jonathanjonathan Posts: 312member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Of course BR is the king of unintelligent and irrelevant posts that just take shots at people. So ban him.

  • Reply 27 of 33
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Okay I´m beginning to meet my limits here:

    First Sir Mac o' the Isles. NEVER understand a word of his. Could we ask Apple to install Islespeak-english translator in Sherlock please?

    And then Jonathan. I know its the least cool thing to do but what does that piece of k12 equipment mean? Overhead? The request by scott is going over your head, as in you don´t want to hear stuff like that?

    Okay read Sir Mac o' the Isles post again V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W and for the first time got some of the points. He seems like a funny guy.
  • Reply 28 of 33
    no you didn't
  • Reply 29 of 33
    jonathanjonathan Posts: 312member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Okay I´m beginning to meet my limits here:

    First Sir Mac o' the Isles. NEVER understand a word of his. Could we ask Apple to install Islespeak-english translator in Sherlock please?

    And then Jonathan. I know its the least cool thing to do but what does that piece of k12 equipment mean? Overhead? The request by scott is going over your head, as in you don´t want to hear stuff like that?

    Okay read Sir Mac o' the Isles post again V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W and for the first time got some of the points. He seems like a funny guy.

    it's a projector.

    scott's projecting.
  • Reply 30 of 33
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles

    3) Participants in debate threads agree tae forfeit their cars, homes, spouses and macs if on the losing side, thus discouraging time-wasters and the otherwise frivolous and lunatic fringe.

    Seems like a good idea, but you'd have a hell of a discussion trying to figure out and get people to agree to who's on the losing end. Like, try getting groverat to admit that he's wrong, when it's obvious for all to see. It's easier to shed your skin three times and play Rachmaninov's third while you do it.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    Seems like a good idea, but you'd have a hell of a discussion trying to figure out and get people to agree to who's on the losing end. Like, try getting groverat to admit that he's wrong, when it's obvious for all to see. It's easier to shed your skin three times and play Rachmaninov's third while you do it.

    Queen's horse takes King's pawn..Checkmate...
  • Reply 32 of 33
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Jonathan

    That made me laugh out loud and almost fall.
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