F-ing ROGERS Cable, die muthas, DIE!!!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
OK, question? Is Rogers doing something to scuttle wireless networks, routers and the like?

I have a linksys (802.11b) wireless router access point with integrated 4 port switch.

Yesterday, service in my area goes out. I call Rogers, their automated message says that "your area is having service interruptions"

OK, I go to bed, go out today, do some work, and come back to the thing.

Service is still out.

A while back Rogers wanted to charge for additional IP's. I only have one IP, I put the router to the fore, plugged my trusty PC into the router and connected my Powerbook via airport. Everything worked, untill today.

Now, my PC works if I plug in to the cable modem directly, but nothing works if I run through the router. I call Rogers and wasseem the trade-school immigrant tech donky puts me through the usual questions, name, adress, yadda yadda..


"what can I help you with"

Me says, "There was a service interruption and now I can't connect to the internet."

First question he asks: "Sir, are you using a router? How many computers are you using?"

I hang up and figure I'll try my luck here first.

Do any rogers customers out there know if Rogers is actively trying to handicap home networks to extort additional fees or force you to somehow pay for additional IP's.

I have no need for additional IP's, I just want to surf from my Powerbook and PC at the same time. I thought that the whole point of the router was to let me achieve this feat?


  • Reply 1 of 22
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Do any rogers customers out there know if Rogers is actively trying to handicap home networks to extort additional fees or force you to somehow pay for additional IP's.

    I have no need for additional IP's, I just want to surf from my Powerbook and PC at the same time. I thought that the whole point of the router was to let me achieve this feat?

    Is that even possible? If it is, they're probably doing it.

    You tried resetting the router, right? Just checking.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I'm convinced they do something my router doesn't like. I reset it a number of times and it finally took after I had to unplug both it and the cable modem and reset both. This seems to happen every time there's a "service interruption" and service interruptions themselves seem to be increasing in frequency.
  • Reply 3 of 22
    This is just great, I am sure Time Warner will be next to do this. How can they do this, it really isn't fair?
  • Reply 4 of 22
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    one thing they can and will do is find the MAC address of one machine/router and limit you to that one. in which case if your PC worked when plugged in, that would mean that they had it's MAC address on their file.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Well, it works now, I just hate having to go through this song and dance every couple of days. Bastards.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I have Earthlink Cable through Time Warner, and I noticed simular problems this weekend. I have 5 computers: Two laptops, one desktop, and two PCs. I have my cable modem hooked up to an Airport base station which provides access to my laptops and G4 tower and a router attached to the spare ethernet port on the base station which connects my PCs. After resesting my modem and router and waiting thirty minutes for my modem to get a connection, things were back to normal. The only other time my service went out, my cable was gone too. I wonder what might be going on. I know Time Warner would love to charge me for having five computers. I just hope they never figure out how. Bastards!
  • Reply 7 of 22
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    one thing they can and will do is find the MAC address of one machine/router and limit you to that one. in which case if your PC worked when plugged in, that would mean that they had it's MAC address on their file.

    I have a cable modem and Comcast has always done this. But my router allows me to clone a MAC address of one of my computers or make up a bogus one.

    I am paying for a connection to the internet. If I add another computer behind my router, I am not using more bandwidth than I was. Rather, I'm using the bandwidth I paid for more efficiently.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    Does anyone know if SBC does anything like this? Their website sucks, and I can't find crap about sharing a connection.
  • Reply 9 of 22

    Do any rogers customers out there know if Rogers is actively trying to handicap home networks to extort additional fees or force you to somehow pay for additional IP's.

    They're trying to do EXACTLY THAT. I live here in Toronto and know a friend that has Rogers High Speed (I use Sympatico). The tech mule that answered the phone gave his wife a hard time when she was by herself trying to answer these idiots when the Network went down.

    Yeah, You do need to reset BOTH the router and cable modem. I use to work for Rogers Media as a Sys Admin and believe me they SUCK !!!!
  • Reply 10 of 22
    mac writemac write Posts: 289member
    I am with Telus for ADSL and they Encourage Routers. I get 5 IP's on my enhanced package (2.5mb down 800kb+ up) and the consumer package (1.5mb down 512kb+ up) gets two IP's.

    DSL in B.C. is better then Cable. sure cable is faster, but DSL is more reiable has a better upload and very rock solid uptime. Thank god they didn't kill the old school M.M.G. network during the 2001 system overload. Even though they had been threatening to kill it since September 1999 (and kciked third party ISP's off the 24/7 support and split billing in March 2000).

    Telus ADSL Rules!
  • Reply 11 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Yeah, Sympatico (the bell service) encourages home networks, even uses it as a selling point in their infomercial. They do have bandwidth and DL restrictions though. A light package for 29.99 caps DL's at 2GB and speeds at 200Kbps, I think that's actually a good option (if you don't need a lot of DL capacity). Then there's the standard package that delivers unlimited bandwidth usage but caps speeds at 1Mb downstream and 128Kb upstream, for 44.99. And finally, for 69.99, you can get Unlimited service that that extends speeds to 3Mb down and 640Kb up.

    Sympatico had toyed with bandwidth usage restrictions in their other tiers, but I guess they decided it was better not to hassle customers.

    Rogers has pissed me off enough, I think I'm going to switch to Bell, Cable HAS NOT been faster anyway, the top speed that I've seen ever seen on my cable has been 600Mbps, and I've never gotten close to that speed since Rogers took over from Shaw in my area.
  • Reply 12 of 22

    Originally posted by CubeDude

    Does anyone know if SBC does anything like this? Their website sucks, and I can't find crap about sharing a connection.

    According to their service plan, you are not *supposed* to use a router of course, but ours works quite nice. We signed up like 4 years ago or something (Sheesh! Has it really been that long?), and there was no mac address assigned to it, and so far it has stayed that way. Now, three to four years ago, I was getting upload speeds in excess of 45 k/sec. Now I am lucky to get 15. Stupid SBC. Also there have been a good number of (long) outages..... Oh yeah. And downloads max out at 150k even though we signed up for 1.5 megabits.... So it should go at least a bit faster.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    I am kinda of surprised that Time Warner in my area hasn't done anything. They don't even have a cap on the telephone pole, so that means I can plug or split my broad band line into my TV and get cable, my dad says that is unethical so we don't do that. The tech that installed the line told us all about setting a home network stuff and about the lack of a line cap.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member

    Originally posted by Jeremiah Rich

    According to their service plan, you are not *supposed* to use a router of course, but ours works quite nice. We signed up like 4 years ago or something (Sheesh! Has it really been that long?), and there was no mac address assigned to it, and so far it has stayed that way. Now, three to four years ago, I was getting upload speeds in excess of 45 k/sec. Now I am lucky to get 15. Stupid SBC. Also there have been a good number of (long) outages..... Oh yeah. And downloads max out at 150k even though we signed up for 1.5 megabits.... So it should go at least a bit faster.

    Yeah, I get the exact same problem. Too bad there isn't any other good ISP here in the Bay Area. All the ones that I've asked don't reach to my house(which they should). \

    edit: Actually, you may have the diffence between bits and bytes confused. I can't remember the conversion.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    Alright, who here wants to do some explaining for the Lord of Ignorance (me). I'm on Rogers which touts speeds of 1.5Mbps/256kbs. What exactly does this translate to in terms of actualy download/upload speeds. Assuming I'm gettig maximum speeds for both, how long should it take to download a 100 MB file and the same for upload. My ignorance on this stems from MB versus Mb...etc.

    And....besides Rogers and Sympatico are there any other good high-speed service providers in the GTA?
  • Reply 16 of 22
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Yeah, Sympatico (the bell service) encourages home networks, even uses it as a selling point in their infomercial. They do have bandwidth and DL restrictions though. A light package for 29.99 caps DL's at 2GB and speeds at 200Kbps, I think that's actually a good option (if you don't need a lot of DL capacity). Then there's the standard package that delivers unlimited bandwidth usage but caps speeds at 1Mb downstream and 128Kb upstream, for 44.99. And finally, for 69.99, you can get Unlimited service that that extends speeds to 3Mb down and 640Kb up.

    Sympatico had toyed with bandwidth usage restrictions in their other tiers, but I guess they decided it was better not to hassle customers.

    Rogers has pissed me off enough, I think I'm going to switch to Bell, Cable HAS NOT been faster anyway, the top speed that I've seen ever seen on my cable has been 600Mbps, and I've never gotten close to that speed since Rogers took over from Shaw in my area.

    Well Sympatico just got a bit better all on its own. A bit over a month ago someone told me that Sympatico was getting rid of bandwidth caps. This sounded too good to be true, but when I sent into the SelfCare site to check something about my bill I noticed that the download monitor option was gone. I had to call about a billing question, so I asked about this all and was told that, yup, bandwidth caps were going bye-bye. Then, I get a mailing yesterday (I have the standard service) telling me that, officially, bandwidth caps are gone AND they've boosted speeds to 1.5 Mbps download/320Kbps uploads.

    Sure, they might spontaneously get rid of this all at some point, but this is all a nice surpirse, especially since I signed up for a 1 year contract and got $25 for the first few months and then a cheaper rate for the rest of the term.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member

    Originally posted by Mac Write


    Telus ADSL Rules!

    Oh yeah. But their customer service stinks.

    That's why I switched to Shaw Cable
  • Reply 18 of 22
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    Alright, who here wants to do some explaining for the Lord of Ignorance (me). I'm on Rogers which touts speeds of 1.5Mbps/256kbs. What exactly does this translate to in terms of actualy download/upload speeds.

    8 Bits to a Byte. That means you get around 187K up/32K down. 100MB file will take about 8.9 minutes to download and 52 minutes to upload at your Max speed.
  • Reply 19 of 22

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Do any rogers customers out there know if Rogers is actively trying to handicap home networks to extort additional fees or force you to somehow pay for additional IP's.

    i am a rogers customer and since last nite my service has been crap. i phoned them this evening and they asked me if i was using a router and i said yes. they asked if i tested it without the router and i said yes.

    a guy is coming to check the outside lines from the house, they had no problem with the router. maybe you should call linksys tech support (?)

    good luck
  • Reply 20 of 22

    Originally posted by Ebby

    8 Bits to a Byte. That means you get around 187K up/32K down. 100MB file will take about 8.9 minutes to download and 52 minutes to upload at your Max speed.

    I routinely get 400KB/s (almost 1/2 MB per sec) from good servers like apple.ca. occasionally i have received 500 KB/s. this is consistent between win2K and jaguar.

    300KB/s is a good average number, but it does depends on where I am downloading from.

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