Good thing I bought Applecare my iBook Died AGAIN



  • Reply 21 of 24
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    Egads! Not good luck.

    Sadly, a broken piece of technology is always more apt to break again. Apple better replace it!

    I have had seven Macs, they have all worked great, albeit one died after seven years of heavy use. It seems to me, Macs work great forever or you get a bad one that is nothing but problems.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Good lord FSiB. All those stories are mine too.

    In for service after three month. Flickering horisontal lines and then a dead screen and VGA port not working. mother board replacement. Then the usual stuff (power adaptor replacement). Then horisontal line flicker again and dead screen. I have recieved the box and will sent it to Apple tomorrow.

    I´ll put a letter asking for a PB 12" upgrade and me paying the difference if they are becoming tired of repairing my book.

    One observation I did was that the only two times I have used an external screen the computer died witin a week.

    May the powers of Fran be with me and may they come quicker to me than to him.

    I got mine back and it was the keyboard of all things. Or so they say. If it would have been the logic board again I would be wanting a change.

    Good luck with your repair

  • Reply 23 of 24
    not exactly an ibook, but i had a similar experience w/ my g4 tower. I have a combo drive, and for whatever reason, about 6 months after i got it, it stopped burning cd's, kept comming up w/ a medium error, i had to bring it to an apple store and try to burn a fresh cd right in front of them to prove that it was the burner and not the disks. they replaced it, but then about a week before my 1 year warranty went out, it happened again. at this point, i considered buying apple care, but then looked at the price of apple care vs. the price of buying an external FW cdrw (the drive had no problems reading anything) and decided that it would be cheaper to get an external drive if it fails again. apple reluctantly replaced the drive the second time, but unfortunatly, it failed /again/, and now im currently w/o the ability to burn anything. really sux.
  • Reply 24 of 24
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Holy God. The net is FLOODED with reports about bad iBook screens.

    Anyone had an luck in making Apple Europe swap a computer when it goes in for repair on a regular basis?
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