UK laws are sooo F****kin stupid...



  • Reply 21 of 32
    valmadvalmad Posts: 49member

    Well you should read what the original post says.


    " This country has become crap at everything... I hate to be associated with it"

    " This I think, is just a little over the top just because he/she cannot use an iTrip. No? If you are going to complain about your country do it over something a little more important than a toy you want NOW. My point was that the statement is childish and the idea behind it lacks any depth of real thought. ( I actually admire the post, in so far as he/she can do something I can't, that is type 1000 times faster than he/she can think). I have no doubt that that law will be changed and the child will have a new toy, but not just yet. For your information there are many, many sh!t hole places in the world and that is a fact. It is neither ignorant nor racist to state this fact. It is however, quite ignorant to deny the fact. For your further information the iTrip dosn't work that well anyway and I am not from either the UK or US.


    No, I'm not an idealistic person enough to think i can change the world. But why can't i hope for better things?

    Become a little idealistic, vote, and stop hoping and take action.( hope will get you jack)
  • Reply 22 of 32
    If you would read my post, none of it was about that particular UK law. I didn't realize I would be taken this seriously when I half-heartedly stated that I would rather move to the UK, which HAS that law. Why would you think I was being serious and hate my country enough to actually do something this drastic?

    Didn't detect even an ounce of sarcasm? I guess not.

    Just because they are underdeveloped doesn't mean they are sh!tholes.

    "No, I'm not an idealistic person enough to think i can change the world. But why can't i hope for better things"...I was replying to Harald and what he said about being sick of "those people" trying to effect change. He meant idealistic indivduals in the sense of those people who sit around all day and bitch about the world's problems. That's hardly me. I still stand by what I believe that not too many individuals are capable of changing the world, but part of hoping for a better one also includes voting on my part and writing to my representatives. Don't patronize me and tell me to do those things when I do them already.

    "My point was that the statement is childish and the idea behind it lacks any depth of real thought."

    ......Oh really?'

    Who said "Maybe you could both meet up in Iraq , or some other sh!t hole where you get shot for that statement," ?
  • Reply 23 of 32
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    I was actually using the iTrip as an example of this countries stupidity.

    The fact that a man can work his entire life, paying his taxes etc and in his later years becomes I'll and the gov't won't even pay for a ****in wheelchair ramp to be put at his house...

    The fact that ****in refugee's get more money than our pensioners...

    The fact that the unemployed get more money off the state than those on minimum wage...

    The fact that we pay road tax and fuel tax, and now the gov't wants to tax us for actually using the roads that the road tax already pays for.

    The fact that the gov't lets greedy fat cats run the national lottery instead of Mr Branson's non-profit making idea.

    The fact that these fatcats make it into the news for spending 14million on a ****in painting instead of the money going to the NHS or the police force.

    *sigh* should i even bother going on. And as for your comments about using my vote, well I hereby give it to appleinsider and its members. Checkout the websites for our parties and start a poll - next election I shall vote for the winner. Will it be the Lying Labour Party, which lets face it - might as well be called the G W Bush Party? or the Cheating conservatives? or maybe something like the Monster Raving Loony party? it's not really a choice is it ?

    The fact that the iTrip can be made by a 12 year old with a maplin catalog. I know, I made one and played chubby brown over the school radio.

    Might be best to move this to AO or GD now....
  • Reply 24 of 32
    valmadvalmad Posts: 49member

    My first post was to treat like with like.
  • Reply 25 of 32
    valmadvalmad Posts: 49member
    Gargoyle, You sound very pissed off. A few interesting thoughts in your last post, some right wing ideas and some left wing ideas all mixed in together. Just buy a iTrip online, use it in the UK and what to hell. It can be your little private protest. Maybe you will get arrested for using an iTrip and all the public outcry about how stupid that is will get the law changed. And the UK, in some small way, will be a better place.

    Anyway, enough of this, time to move along and think happy thoughts.
  • Reply 26 of 32

    Originally posted by balibaliba

    We don't want american-style "hey! let's publish/broadcast crap/news that sell´s or somebody has paid for", do we? It´s just not part of our european heritage and.. well it´s not mature..

    uh-huh.... right....

  • Reply 27 of 32

    Originally posted by valmad

    Anyway, enough of this, time to move along and think happy thoughts.

    That's a good call.
  • Reply 28 of 32
    Yes, good call.

    I *was* going to get an iTrip (or whatever) but opted instead for the belkin car charger (available from the apple store) instead.

    One word review: woof!

    This little beauty not only powers and charges your iPod (which is ideal for me as I'm used to 20+ hours on my Minidisc player) it also includes a built in amp and line-out.

    This cures the #1 annoyance for me: the fact that the remote control was positioned half way between my iPod and the cassette adaptor, meaning it was constantly pulled onto the floor by tension in the wires. Now the cassette adaptor lead goes straight down to the cigarette lighter port and the control is placed convienently for access without risk of entaglement.

    Add to that the fact that the built in amp has made a significant difference to the sound quality and I think that once I get one of those phone-style holder's my life will be complete.

    Yes, I know it's got wires and you have to plug it in, but I'd still recommend it to anyone. Looks nice too.
  • Reply 29 of 32
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    I'm thinking that the reason the UK laws on radio tranmitters is that back in the 60s the UK had a bad bout of radio pirates. Radio piracy was huge, they would set up on old WWI and WWII gun platforms that happened to be just outside of UK waters and transmit, some of them would even set themselves up on boats. There was also a huge muder controversy with a big shot on one of those platforms.
  • Reply 30 of 32
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member

    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    Whoa, that sucks. I plan on getting an iPod with an iTrip before school starts. They put it on X-FM or another god-awfully shitty stations on the bus sometimes, in the classroom, too. Never listening to me to change that crap and it would be great if I could send my own pirate signal. Blow them away with some TASTE, the posers? I'd be sitting with Jon, and then he'd say: "Oh, no! This song again? This station's insitence to play this one track every minute has stained my mind with its repititious noises! It's like having a spike driven through my skull thinking about it, which I cannot avoid, as it has now tunneled its way into my subconscious! I can feel it scratch its way up the walls of my brain! GET IT OUT OF MY EARS!"

    Me, I'd be like: "Never fear, old chum! I'll soon remedy your aural distress!"

    ::tunes the iTrip to match the buses frequency. Puts on "Stay Free" by The Clash::

    With the cultural midgets in the back complaining about the music, the driver shuts it off. It was a moral victory, albeit short-lived, and I take consolation in the fact that the radio is now shut OFF? and the world is safe again!

    Yes, I realise that I could wear headphones, but it is unsettling to know what everyone else is listening to. SUCH CRAP! Why not put it to use in first aid kits, with a recording of their music used to induce vomiting? EAR POISON IS GIVEN A NEW MEANING!

    Simply a brilliant idea. I too hate the intrusive choice of music that is often foisted upon us. Last week I was on a peaceful beach, when a negro came and sat down 10 feet away and turned on his boom-box. I would happily have thrown it into the sea. Now the iTrip could have been the answer to my problems.
  • Reply 31 of 32
    What does his colour have to do with it, although by calling him a "negro" perhaps you think it has a lot ?
  • Reply 32 of 32
    Saying "person" or "guy" would've been fine.
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