The pixar demo makes sense. They seem to stand the most to gain from early adoption of the G5. In the world of CG and animated films, bleeding edge hardware is the only way to continually wow the audience more than the competition. Sure, story-lines are important, but the art of story-telling is a relatively known domain. Database work and scientific modelling stand to gain as well, but there is less of an immediate payoff for switching to a powerful but untested architecture.
It is likely to be profitable for pixar to swap desktop hardware, no matter the cost, if it makes the film 'look better'. Finding Nemo beat not only all the animated competion, but also all the live action films as well. Pixar seems to have the story-telling side of the equation down. Just throw more hardware at the problem and watch the hundreds of millions roll in.
Yes, an industry with very interesting hardware demands, demands far different than that of other computationally intensive fields.
It is likely to be profitable for pixar to swap desktop hardware, no matter the cost, if it makes the film 'look better'. Finding Nemo beat not only all the animated competion, but also all the live action films as well. Pixar seems to have the story-telling side of the equation down. Just throw more hardware at the problem and watch the hundreds of millions roll in.
Yes, an industry with very interesting hardware demands, demands far different than that of other computationally intensive fields.