Entourage with exchange support, today!

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in Mac Software edited January 2014

hmm... quite a while ahead of panther.


  • Reply 1 of 23
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Microsoft Exchange Update for Entourage X

    Microsoft today announced a Microsoft Exchange Update for Entourage X 10.1.4, which provides enhanced functionality between Entourage X for Mac and Microsoft Exchange Server, the company's enterprise server for messaging and collaboration. The MacBU also recommends that Office v. X for Mac customers download the free update for enhancements to Word X, PowerPoint X and Excel X. The free download will be available Monday, Aug. 4 at (8 a.m. PDT), according to the company


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  • Reply 2 of 23
    chopper3chopper3 Posts: 293member
    It's ****ing amazing news! finally I can lose Classic! This is a happy day indeed*

    *on the proviso that it actually works that is
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  • Reply 3 of 23
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  • Reply 4 of 23
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by Brad

    In case anyone forgot:

    Apple's Mail.app supports Exchange protocol

    But that won't be out for a couple months. And if there isn't iCal support for Exchange shared calendars then it's of limited use. But he have yet to see Apple's implimentation. Curious, what if MS would release Exchange server for OS X? Hmmm.

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  • Reply 5 of 23
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I got it installed. Seems smoother. Addresses in the GAL come up when you type their names in. I have not tested calendaring.
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  • Reply 6 of 23
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Eh, I think I'll stick with Mail.app's limited functionality. Don't care too much about the calendaring or address book access to the server.
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  • Reply 7 of 23
    chrisgchrisg Posts: 239member

    Originally posted by Brad

    In case anyone forgot:

    Apple's Mail.app supports Exchange protocol

    Yes...but. It appears that it needs the Exchange Server to be running the Web Based Outlook support. Which many places don't turn on, since it is a security risk.
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  • Reply 8 of 23
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member
    Isn't running Microsoft software a security risk in and of itself?
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  • Reply 9 of 23
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Wow, what a piece of crap!

    Once I actually got it installed (had to delete Microsoft Office X folder from Applications, then do a complete reinstall), the Exchange setup was like no other I have seen. The "wizard" is a joke. It basically searched out AD for my Exchange server, found it, then proceeded to tell me that it could not connect at this time and to contact my Exchange Administrator.

    Umm, that's me!

    Whenever I do a send/receive now, I see it churning and burning through all my folders in my cabinet, but dies soon after the crunching begins, with:

    Error: Mail could not be received at this time.

    Explanation: The server returned the following error

    Protocol Error: "Expected SPACE not found"..

    Error: 1026

    Typical Microsoft explanation...."uh, we don't know what da f**k happened so we can't give you a clue as to what went wrong or how to fix it, duhhhhhh....."

    More shit from Redmond....

    And they said Mac OS X 10.0 was released too soon!?!?!
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  • Reply 10 of 23
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    How about the updates to stuff that do not have to do with Exchange?
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  • Reply 11 of 23
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    :LOL:. I hate errors like that. If it was expecting a SPACE, why didn't it just put one in for you?
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  • Reply 12 of 23
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    How about the updates to stuff that do not have to do with Exchange?

    They appear to be few and far between - there were 55 updates in 10.1.4 and I think most of them had to do with Entourage....as nothing else appears to have changed significantly, but I have just installed it and haven't tried out everything.

    I do know this, our Mac specific depts and doctors are not going to like hearing the report I have for them.....
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  • Reply 13 of 23
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    This little tidbit from the Entourage Help Contents selection under Help would have been a nice little, oh FOR_CHRIST_SAKES_READ_THIS_FIRST_IF_YOU_WANT_TO_JU MP_THROUGH_A_MILLION_HOOPS_AND_GET_EXCHANGE_SUPPOR T_IN_THIS_PIECE_OF_CRAP_RELEASE.TXT file:


    ? If you want to specify synchronization settings while you are setting up your account, you will need to configure the account manually. First, assign all of the items you want or don?t want to synchronize to a category. For more information, see Add or remove an item from a category. Then, in the Account Setup Assistant, click Configure account manually, and select the synchronization settings you want on the Advanced tab.

    ? If you create more than one Exchange server account, all additional accounts will, by default, not synchronize contacts and Calendar items with the Exchange server. To set up additional accounts that synchronize these items, configure the account manually.

    Kind of important, dontcha think
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  • Reply 14 of 23
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    I just had to right-click the folder I want to assign as "work related" (a big, humongous DUH here - it's Exchange for Christ's sake, of course it's work related!!!) and select Categories --- Work.

    But don't forget the Microsoft way....do it one way for some things, and another way for the same function in another application. Case in point, you have to select every subfolder and assign it to a Category, not just the root folder (ie; ALL your nested Public Folders).

    Even still, after going through tens of thousands of items, there is still nothing in my calendar....and no handy bug icon, like in Safari.

    Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.......
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  • Reply 15 of 23
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    All in all the update is unimpressive. It does an OK job of regular Exchange mail (we have the preferred Exchange 2000 with SP2 server) and the email look up is a bit better. The calendar is finally able to sync with the PC version. Most of this however, can be accomplished with LDAP turned on. Still no easy GAL listing. Calendar syncing sometimes takes 2 minutes.
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  • Reply 16 of 23
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Do I HAVE to have Exchange Server 2000? a suggestion or an order?

    I still have Server 5.5 (on NT 4). I seem to be able to GET mail OK, but I can't send mail and I don't seem to be able to see the GAL either. I will keep playing with it...
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  • Reply 17 of 23
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    We are on Exchange 2000 SP3 with the latest rollup service pack and it still sucks! No calendar (I'll try and deal with that one tomorrow again) and the same stupid implementation. Hell, Mail in Panther will probably support Exchange better. Figure if it weren't for the proprietary crap MS added to LDAP, it would be no problem getting OS X and Mail to work properly with Windows/Exchange. But that is why they can charge dumb ass companies an arm and a leg for licensing when they sell proprietary crap like this!

    What a joke.
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  • Reply 18 of 23

    Originally posted by Brad

    In case anyone forgot:

    Apple's Mail.app supports Exchange protocol

    but does it support MAPI? thats what most people use with their exchange servers, and Microsoft didnt at that in...

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  • Reply 19 of 23
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    Do I HAVE to have Exchange Server 2000? a suggestion or an order?

    I still have Server 5.5 (on NT 4). I seem to be able to GET mail OK, but I can't send mail and I don't seem to be able to see the GAL either. I will keep playing with it...

    I think you need 2000 with SP2 at least. It's probably only working via IMAP the way you have it set up. In my opinion, it looks like a hack.
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  • Reply 20 of 23
    c47c47 Posts: 12member
    The new Entourage does NOT support MAPI only IMAP4, SMTP and Outlook web access (for calendering) all of which MUST be turned on at the server (unlikely in many corporate networks).

    Basically us OS X users are STILL screwed with MAPI only networks unless you still want to run Outlook 2001 in Classic (ugh).

    Oh, and if you think Mail in Panther is going to magically fix these problems, nope, same thing here, IMAP4, SMTP etc... We're still screwed.

    The only solution here folks is that either:

    1. This update is a hoax and the real update to add MAPI support is still coming (yeah right)

    2. Apple sees MS stumbled and hastily adds MAPI support to Mail in Panther (likely but not this close to release time)

    3. We go and petition Ximian.com to port Evolution and Exchange connector to Mac OS X toute-suite!

    Anyone want to start a petition?
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